IE设置的注册表项:HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\Zones

   Value    Setting------------------------------0        My Computer 我的电脑1        Local Intranet Zone 本地internet2        Trusted sites Zone 受信任的站点3        Internet Zone internet4        Restricted Sites Zone 受限制的站点
Value    Setting----------------------------------------------------------------------------------1001     ActiveX controls and plug-ins: Download signed ActiveX controls1004     ActiveX controls and plug-ins: Download unsigned ActiveX controls1200     ActiveX controls and plug-ins: Run ActiveX controls and plug-ins1201     ActiveX controls and plug-ins: Initialize and script ActiveX controls not marked as safe for scripting1206     Miscellaneous: Allow scripting of Internet Explorer Web browser control ^1207     Reserved #1208     ActiveX controls and plug-ins: Allow previously unused ActiveX controls to run without prompt ^1209     ActiveX controls and plug-ins: Allow Scriptlets120A     ActiveX controls and plug-ins:ActiveX controls and plug-ins: Override Per-Site (domain-based) ActiveX restrictions120B     ActiveX controls and plug-ins: Override Per-Site (domain-based) ActiveX restrict
ions1400     Scripting: Active scripting1402     Scripting: Scripting of Java applets1405     ActiveX controls and plug-ins: Script ActiveX controls marked as safe for scripting1406     Miscellaneous: Access data sources across domains1407     Scripting: Allow Programmatic clipboard access1408     Reserved #1409     Scripting: Enable XSS Filter1601     Miscellaneous: Submit non-encrypted form data1604     Downloads: Font download1605     Run Java #1606     Miscellaneous: Userdata persistence ^1607     Miscellaneous: Navigate sub-frames across different domains1608     Miscellaneous: Allow META REFRESH * ^1609     Miscellaneous: Display mixed content *160A     Miscellaneous: Include local directory path when uploading files to a server ^1800     Miscellaneous: Installation of desktop items1802     Miscellaneous: Drag and drop or copy and paste files1803     Downloads: File Download ^1804     Miscellaneous: Launching programs and files in an IFRAME1805     Launching programs and files in webview #1806     Miscellaneous: Launching applications and unsafe files1807     Reserved ** #1808     Reserved ** #1809     Miscellaneous: Use Pop-up Blocker ** ^180A     Reserved # 180B     Reserved #180C     Reserved #180D     Reserved #180E     Allow OpenSearch queries in Windows Explorer #180F     Allow previewing and custom thumbnails of OpenSearch query results in Windows Explorer #1A00     User Authentication: Logon1A02     Allow persistent cookies that are stored on your computer #1A03     Allow per-session cookies (not stored) #1A04     Miscellaneous: Don't prompt for client certificate selection when no certificates or only one certificate exists * ^1A05     Allow 3rd party persistent cookies *1A06     Allow 3rd party session cookies *1A10     Privacy Settings *1C00     Java permissions #1E05     Miscellaneous: Software channel permissions1F00     Reserved ** #2000     ActiveX controls and plug-ins: Binary and script behaviors2001     .NET Framework-reliant components: Run components signed with Authenticode2004     .NET Framework-reliant components: Run components not signed with Authenticode2007     .NET Framework-Reliant Components: Permissions for Components with Manifests2100     Miscellaneous: Open files based on content, not file extension ** ^2101     Miscellaneous: Web sites in less privileged web content zone can navigate into this zone **2102     Miscellaneous: Allow script initiated windows without size or position constraints ** ^2103     Scripting: Allow status bar updates via script ^2104     Miscellaneous: Allow websites to open windows without address or status bars ^2105     Scripting: Allow websites to prompt for information using scripted windows ^2200     Downloads: Automatic prompting for file downloads ** ^2201     ActiveX controls and plug-ins: Automatic prompting for ActiveX controls ** ^2300     Miscellaneous: Allow web pages to use restricted protocols for active content **2301     Miscellaneous: Use Phishing Filter ^2400     .NET Framework: XAML browser applications2401     .NET Framework: XPS documents2402     .NET Framework: Loose XAML2500     Turn on Protected Mode [Vista only setting] #2600     Enable .NET Framework setup ^2702     ActiveX controls and plug-ins: Allow ActiveX Filtering2708     Miscellaneous: Allow dragging of content between domains into the same window2709     Miscellaneous: Allow dragging of content between domains into separate windows270B     Miscellaneous: Render legacy filters270C     ActiveX Controls and plug-ins: Run Antimalware software on ActiveX controls




注册表项HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\ZoneMap\Domains下添加子项google.com,默认值即可

添加完成后在HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\ZoneMap\Domains\google.com下添加子项www

www项设置值http,类型REG_DWORD, 值为2.







REG ADD "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\ZoneMap\Domains\localhost" /V http /T reg_dword /D


reg add为添加注册表项命令,具体使用方法可网上查询。


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