
Recently one of our users asked us how to move a GoDaddy Website Builder site to WordPress. GoDaddy offers a website builder tool that allows users to create websites using simple drag and drop tools. However, many users quickly realize the limitations of using a tool like Godaddy’s website builder and want to move their website to a flexible and powerful platform like WordPress. In this article, we will show you how to move GoDaddy website builder site to WordPress.

最近,我们的一位用户问我们如何将GoDaddy网站构建器网站移至WordPress。 GoDaddy提供了一个网站构建器工具,该工具使用户可以使用简单的拖放工具来创建网站。 但是,许多用户很快意识到使用诸如Godaddy的网站构建器之类的工具的局限性,并希望将其网站迁移到灵活而强大的平台(如WordPress)。 在本文中,我们将向您展示如何将GoDaddy网站构建器网站移至WordPress。

Editor’s Note: This article has a lot of manual steps which can be time consuming depending on the size of your website. We didn’t want to write this article at first, but due to repeat requests we have written this for those who’re looking to switch from Godaddy website builder to WordPress.

编者注:本文包含许多手动步骤,这些步骤可能会很耗时,具体取决于您网站的大小。 我们不想一开始就写这篇文章,但是由于重复的要求,我们为那些希望从Godaddy网站构建者转换为WordPress的人们写了这篇文章。

步骤0:入门 (Step 0: Getting Started)

The success of your WordPress site depends on the WordPress hosting you choose. If you already have GoDaddy’s hosting service, then you can use that for your WordPress site.

WordPress网站的成功取决于您选择的WordPress托管 。 如果您已经拥有GoDaddy的托管服务 ,则可以将其用于WordPress网站。

If you want to move to a new host, then we recommend Bluehost. They are one of the largest hosting companies in the world, and they are an official WordPress hosting partner.

如果要移到新主机 ,则建议使用Bluehost 。 他们是全球最大的托管公司之一,并且是WordPress的官方托管合作伙伴。

For WPBeginner users, they’re offering 50% off and a free domain name as well.


第1步:准备从GoDaddy网站构建器迁移到WordPress (Step 1: Preparing to Move From GoDaddy Website Builder to WordPress)

WordPress has import tools for many services and tools like Blogger, Tumblr, LiveJournal, etc. But it does not have an import tool for Website Builder.

WordPress具有用于许多服务和工具的导入工具,例如Blogger , Tumblr ,LiveJournal等。但是它没有用于Website Builder的导入工具。

This is why you will need to backup your Website Builder site manually. It can be a little consuming, depending on how much content you have on your website.

这就是为什么您需要手动备份Website Builder网站的原因。 这可能会有点消耗,具体取决于您网站上的内容量。

Backing up GoDaddy Website Builder Content


If you have just a few pages, then you can backup by simply saving images and copying text into text files on your computer.


You can also visit each page on your website in your browser, and then press CTRL+S (Command+S on Mac) on your keyboard.

您也可以在浏览器中访问网站上的每个页面,然后按键盘上的CTRL + S(在Mac上为Command + S)。

This will bring up the save dialog box. Make sure that you select ‘Webpage, Complete’ in the ‘format’ or ‘save as type’ field.

这将弹出保存对话框。 确保在“格式”或“另存为类型”字段中选择“完整的网页”。

Repeat the process for all pages on your website.


Make sure that you have downloaded all your images and text. Disconnect internet on your computer and then open the files you have downloaded to double-check.

确保已下载所有图像和文本。 断开计算机上的Internet连接,然后打开已下载的文件以进行仔细检查。

Alternatively, you can use the free HTTrack tool to copy the website on your computer.


HTTrack is a website copier. You can simply enter the URL of your website, and it will make a copy of it on your computer.

HTTrack是一个网站复印机。 您只需输入网站的URL,它就会在您的计算机上复制它。

The problem is that, GoDaddy website builder and its templates store their files on different CDN servers. The name and addresses of these servers vary from one site to another.

问题在于,GoDaddy网站构建器及其模板将其文件存储在不同的CDN服务器上。 这些服务器的名称和地址因一个站点而异。

This makes it harder to download all your image files. However, if your website is mainly based on text and you don’t mind losing images, then Httrack is the fastest way to copy your website.

这使得下载所有图像文件变得更加困难。 但是,如果您的网站主要基于文本,并且您不介意丢失图像,则Httrack是复制网站的最快方法。

Once you disable website builder, you will not be able to get back to your website. Take your time to make sure that you have a backup of all your website data.

禁用网站构建器后,您将无法返回网站。 请花点时间确保您拥有所有网站数据的备份。

At this time, you’re probably wondering why isn’t there an easier way. Probably because Godaddy doesn’t want you to switch. That’s why choosing the right platform is an important decision, but we’re glad that you have made the right choice to go with WordPress.

这时,您可能想知道为什么没有一种更简单的方法。 可能是因为Godaddy不想让您切换。 这就是为什么选择正确的平台是一个重要的决定的原因,但是我们很高兴您为WordPress选择了正确的选择。

Backing up Your Link Structure


You will need to redirect people visiting old URLs of your website to the new URLs in WordPress. To do that, you need to have a list of all URLs on your website.

您将需要将访问您网站的旧URL的人重定向到WordPress中的新URL。 为此,您需要在网站上列出所有URL。

If you have just a few pages, then you can simply copy and paste the URL of each page on your site in a plain text file.


Alternately, you can use online tools to extract URLs from your site. You can use Klipper, a Google Chrome extension to save URLs in a txt file.

或者,您可以使用在线工具从您的站点中提取URL。 您可以使用Google Chrome扩展程序Klipper将URL保存为txt文件。

Don’t worry if you miss out a page. We will also show you how to automatically set up alerts for 404 errors in WordPress and redirect users in WordPress.

如果您错过了页面,请不要担心。 我们还将向您展示如何自动为WordPress中的404错误设置警报以及如何在WordPress中重定向用户。

步骤2:将Website Builder网站移至GoDaddy共享主机 (Step 2: Moving Website Builder Site to GoDaddy Shared Hosting)

This step is only for users who will be using GoDaddy’s hosting service to run their WordPress site. If you are using some other WordPress hosting provider like Bluehost, Siteground, Hostgator, etc, then skip this and jump to the next step.

此步骤仅适用于将使用GoDaddy的托管服务来运行其WordPress网站的用户。 如果您正在使用其他WordPress托管服务提供商,例如Bluehost , Siteground , Hostgator等,请跳过此步骤并跳到下一步。

Disable GoDaddy Website Builder


If you want to use GoDaddy’s hosting service for your WordPress website, then you cannot install WordPress on that domain until you deactivate Website Builder service.

如果您想为您的WordPress网站使用GoDaddy的托管服务,那么您必须先停用Website Builder服务,然后才能在该域上安装WordPress。

Simply login to your GoDaddy account and click on your username on the toolbar at top. This will display a flydown menu where you need to click on ‘Manage Website Builder’.

只需登录您的GoDaddy帐户,然后单击顶部工具栏上的用户名。 这将显示一个下拉菜单,您需要在其中单击“管理网站构建器”。

This will show your Website Builder account. You need to click on the options button next to your domain name.

这将显示您的Website Builder帐户。 您需要单击域名旁边的选项按钮。

It will bring you to the Website Builder options page. Under the overview tab, you will find a link to cancel your account. Click on it to deactivate Website Builder on your domain name.

它将带您进入网站构建器选项页面。 在概述标签下,您会找到一个取消帐户的链接。 单击它以停用您的域名上的Website Builder。

Your website builder account will now be deactivated, and your domain would become available to host your WordPress website. It will take nearly an hour before your Website Builder account is fully deactivated.

您的网站构建者帐户现在将被停用,您的域将可用于托管WordPress网站。 完全停用您的Website Builder帐户大约需要一个小时。

Adding Hosting to Your Domain


Now that your domain is free from GoDaddy website builder. You still need to add hosting service to that domain.

现在,您的域可以从GoDaddy网站构建器免费获得。 您仍然需要将托管服务添加到该域。

Click on web hosting under account manager and then click on manage button next to your account.


This will bring you to the cPanel dashboard of your hosting account. You need to scroll down to the domains section and then click on Add on domains.

这将带您进入托管帐户的cPanel仪表板。 您需要向下滚动到“域”部分,然后单击“在域上添加”。

Now you can enter your domain name. The subdomain and document root fields will be automatically filled.

现在您可以输入您的域名了。 子域和文档根字段将自动填写。

You also need to check the box to create an FTP account. Simply select a username and password for your FTP account. Finally, click on the add domain button.

您还需要选中该复选框以创建一个FTP帐户。 只需为您的FTP帐户选择一个用户名和密码。 最后,单击添加域按钮。

That’s all you have successfully freed up your domain from Website Builder and added web hosting for your domain.

这就是您成功从Website Builder释放域并为域添加Web托管的全部功能。

You can now jump to Step 4, to learn how to install WordPress and continue moving your website.


步骤3:将网域指向其他WordPress托管服务 (Step 3: Pointing Domain to Other WordPress Hosting Services)

This step is for users who have their domain registered with GoDaddy and want to use it with some other WordPress hosting provider like BlueHost or Siteground.


Log in to your GoDaddy account and click on your username on the toolbar at top. This will reveal a flydown menu where you need to click on manage my domains.

登录您的GoDaddy帐户,然后单击顶部工具栏上的用户名。 这将显示一个下拉菜单,您需要在其中单击管理我的域。

Select your domain from the list and click on the Nameservers button on the top and then select set nameservers.


This will bring up a popup where you need to click on custom and then click on the link to enter custom nameserver.


A new popup will appear with two fields. You can add your new WordPress hosts nameservers here. If your WordPress host has more than two nameservers, then you can click on the Add Nameserver button to add another line.

一个新的弹出窗口将显示两个字段。 您可以在此处添加新的WordPress主机名称服务器。 如果您的WordPress主机具有两个以上的名称服务器,则可以单击“添加名称服务器”按钮添加另一行。

Click on the OK button and then click on the save button to store your settings. Remember that DNS changes may take upto 24 hours to propagate throughout the internet. Although it usually only takes a few hours.

单击确定按钮,然后单击保存按钮以存储您的设置。 请记住,DNS更改最多可能需要24小时才能在整个Internet上传播。 尽管通常只需要几个小时。

Once your domain starts pointing to your new WordPress host, you can proceed to the next step.


步骤4:安装WordPress (Step 4: Installing WordPress)

By now your domain should be pointing to your hosting service and you are ready to install WordPress. Whether you are using GoDaddy or any other hosting service, the process is the same.

现在,您的域应该指向您的托管服务,并且您可以安装WordPress。 无论您使用的是GoDaddy还是任何其他托管服务,过程都是相同的。

WordPress is famous for its 5-minute install. Most hosting companies offer 1-click installers for new WordPress websites, which allows you to install WordPress on your website with just a few clicks.

WordPress以5分钟的安装而闻名。 大多数托管公司为新的WordPress网站提供一键式安装程序,只需单击几下,您就可以在网站上安装WordPress。

For more details, see our step by step WordPress installation tutorial for beginners.

有关更多详细信息,请参阅针对初学者的分步WordPress安装教程 。

步骤5:在WordPress中导入Website Builder内容 (Step 5: Importing Website Builder Content in WordPress)

As we mentioned earlier that you will have to manually backup your Website Builder content. It is not possible to automatically import content from Website Builder.

如前所述,您将必须手动备份您的Website Builder内容。 无法从Website Builder自动导入内容。

By default WordPress comes with two built-in content types called posts and pages. See our guide on the difference between posts and pages.

默认情况下,WordPress带有两种内置的内容类型,称为帖子和页面。 有关帖子和页面之间的区别,请参见我们的指南。

You need to create new pages or posts on your website and copy paste your GoDaddy website builder content.


Creating posts and pages in WordPress is really simple. See our detailed tutorial on how add a new post in WordPress and utilize all the features.

在WordPress中创建帖子和页面非常简单。 请参阅我们的详细教程,了解如何在WordPress中添加新帖子并利用所有功能。

步骤6:设定重新导向 (Step 6: Setting up Redirects)

If you have the list of links from old website builder site, then you can go right ahead and setup redirects.


First thing you need to do is install and activate the Simple 301 Redirects plugin. For more details, see our step by step guide on how to install a WordPress plugin.

您需要做的第一件事是安装并激活Simple 301 Redirects插件。 有关更多详细信息,请参阅有关如何安装WordPress插件的分步指南。

Upon activation, you need to visit Settings » 301 Redirects page. Enter your old URL under the ‘Request’ field and enter the new WordPress URL for that page in the ‘Destination’ field.

激活后,您需要访问设置»301重定向页面。 在“请求”字段下输入您的旧URL,然后在“目标”字段中输入该页面的新WordPress URL。

Click on save changes button to store this redirect. Repeat the process for all other URLs.

单击保存更改按钮以存储此重定向。 对所有其他URL重复该过程。

For more detailed instructions and other ways to setup redirects, take a look at our beginner’s guide to creating redirects in WordPress.

有关更详细的说明和其他设置重定向的方法,请查看我们的初学者指南,以在WordPress中创建重定向 。

步骤7:自定义您的WordPress网站 (Step 7: Customizing Your WordPress Site)

WordPress comes with thousands of beautiful themes both paid and free. Take a look at our guide on selecting the perfect theme for WordPress.

WordPress包含数千个免费和免费的精美主题。 看看我们为WordPress选择完美主题的指南。

However, most powerful feature of WordPress is its extensibility, which comes from plugins. There are thousands of WordPress plugins that allow you to do almost anything imaginable.

但是,WordPress的最强大功能是其可扩展性,它来自插件。 数以千计的WordPress插件可让您执行几乎所有可以想象的事情。

Take a look at all the plugins we are using on this site in WPBeginner’s Blueprint or see our expert pick of must have WordPress plugins for business websites

在WPBeginner的蓝图中查看我们在此站点上使用的所有插件,或查看我们的专家精选 必须具有用于商务网站的WordPress插件

We hope this article helped you move your GoDaddy Website Builder site to WordPress. You may also want to see our comparison of best drag and drop page builders for WordPress.

我们希望本文能帮助您将GoDaddy网站构建器网站移至WordPress。 您可能还想看看我们对WordPress最佳拖放页面构建器的比较。

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

如果您喜欢这篇文章,请订阅我们的YouTube频道 WordPress视频教程。 您也可以在Twitter和Facebook上找到我们。




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