
If you've already got Linux up and running on your machine and you really want to exploit its capabilities, Beginning Linux Programming is packed full of useful information that will keep you busy for weeks. In spite of its title, Beginning Linux Programming isn't oriented toward novices. It assumes that you're a competent C programmer but are simply new to the specifics of Linux. Authors Neil Matthew and Richard Stones introduce a plethora of fundamental concepts including shell programming, file access, and using curses to write full-screen, character-based programs. But that's just the start. They cover advanced topics such as processes, pipes, semaphores, and sockets - and of course, they address issues common to Internet programming such as using CGI (Common Gateway Interface). The book is a superb resource for anyone who has really wanted to put the pedal to the metal in Linux. This revised Second Edition has been completely updated, and now also covers: Programming in Perl Writing applications for the GNOME desktop Writing device drivers POSIX Threads Kernel Programming for the latest Linux Kernel and current tools and C libraries. Building on the proven success of the first


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