
Interprocess Communication(IPC,进程间通信)在QNX Neutrino从一个嵌入式实时系统向一个全面的POSIX系统转变起着至关重要的作用。IPC是将在内核中提供各种服务的进程内聚在一起的粘合剂。在QNX中,消息传递是IPC的主要形式,也提供了其他的形式,除非有特殊的说明,否则这些形式也都是基于本地消息传递而实现的。

QNX Neutrino提供以下形式的IPC:

Service: Implemented in:
Message-passing Kernel
Pules Kernel
Signals Kernel
Event Delivery External process
POSIX message queues External process
Shared memory Process manager
Pipes External process
FIFOs External process






  • 客户端线程调用MsgSend()后,如果服务器线程还没调用MsgReceive(),客户端线程状态则为SEND blocked,一旦服务器线程调用了MsgReceive(),客户端线程状态变为REPLY blocked,当服务器线程执行MsgReply()后,客户端线程状态就变成了READY

  • 如果客户端线程调用MsgSend()后,而服务器线程正阻塞在MsgReceive()上, 则客户端线程状态直接跳过SEND blocked,直接变成REPLY blocked

  • 当服务器线程失败、退出、或者消失了,客户端线程状态变成READY,此时MsgSend()会返回一个错误值。


  • 服务器线程调用MsgReceive()时,当没有线程给它发送消息,它的状态为RECEIVE blocked,当有线程发送时变为READY

  • 服务器线程调用MsgReceive()时,当已经有其他线程给它发送过消息,MsgReceive()会立马返回,而不会阻塞;

  • 服务器线程调用MsgReply()时,不会阻塞;


下面列出两种场景Receive before SendSend before Receive







– Server:

  • creates a channel (ChannelCreate())
  • waits for a message (MsgReceive())
  • performs processing
  • sends reply (MsgReply())
  • goes back for more -> waits for a message (MsgReceive())

– Client:

  • attaches to channel (ConnectAttach())
  • sends message (MsgSend())
  • processes reply


int ChannelCreate( unsigned flags );
int ChannelDestroy( int chid );
int name_open( const char * name, int flags );
int name_close( int coid );int ConnectAttach( uint32_t nd, pid_t pid, int chid, unsigned index, int flags );
int ConnectDetach( int coid );
name_attach_t * name_attach( dispatch_t * dpp, const char * path, unsigned flags );
int name_detach( name_attach_t * attach, unsigned flags );long MsgSend( int coid, const void* smsg, size_t sbytes, void* rmsg, size_t rbytes );
int MsgReceive( int chid, void * msg, size_t bytes, struct _msg_info * info );
int MsgReply( int rcvid, long status, const void* msg, size_t bytes );ssize_t MsgWrite( int rcvid, const void* msg, size_t size, size_t offset );
ssize_t MsgRead( int rcvid,  void* msg, size_t bytes,  size_t offset );


Message-passing API

Function Description
ChannelCreate() Create a channel to receive messages on.
ChannelDestroy() Destroy a channel.
ConnectAttach() Create a connection to send messages on.
ConnectDetach() Detach a connection.
name_open() Open a name to connect to a server
name_close() Close a server connection that was opened by name_open()
name_attach() Register a name in the pathname space and create a channel
name_detach() Remove a name from the namespace and destroy the channel
MsgSend() Send a message and block until reply.
MsgSendv() Send a message to a channel
MsgReceive() Wait for a message.
MsgReceivev() Wait for a message or pulse on a channel
MsgReceivePulse() Wait for a tiny, nonblocking message (pulse).
MsgReply() Reply to a message.
MsgError() Reply only with an error status. No message bytes are transferred.
MsgRead() Read additional data from a received message.
MsgReadv() Read data from a message
MsgWrite() Write additional data to a reply message.
MsgWritev() Write a reply message
MsgInfo() Obtain info on a received message.
MsgSendPulse() Send a tiny, nonblocking message (pulse).
MsgDeliverEvent() Deliver an event to a client.
MsgKeyData() Key a message to allow security checks.


#include <sys/neutrino.h>
int chid; // channel ID
main ()
{int rcvid; // receive IDchid = ChannelCreate (0 /* or flags */);/* create client thread */...while (1) {rcvid = MsgReceive (chid, &recvmsg, rbytes, NULL);// process message from client here...MsgReply (rcvid, 0, &replymsg, rbytes);}


#include <sys/neutrino.h>
extern int chid;
int coid; // connection id
int status;
client_thread() {// create the connection, typically done only oncecoid = ConnectAttach (0, 0, chid, _NTO_SIDE_CHANNEL, 0);...// at some point later we decide we want to send a messagestatus = MsgSend (coid, &sendmsg, sbytes, &replymsg, rbytes);



  • 定义公共消息头消息类型结构体
  • 所有消息都是同一个消息类型
  • 具有匹配每个消息类型的结构
  • 如果消息相关或它们使用共同的结构,请考虑使用消息类型和子类型
  • 定义匹配的回复结构体。如果合适,避免不同类型服务器的消息类型重叠


while(1) {recvid = MsgReceive( chid, &msg, sizeof(msg), NULL );switch( msg.hdr.type ) {case MSG_TYPE_1:handle_msg_type_1(rcvid, &msg);break;case MSG_TYPE_2:… }


服务器:这个服务器,准备好频道后,就从频道上接收信息。如果信息是字符串”Hello“的话,这个服务器应答一个”World“字符串。如果收到的信处是字符串“Ni Hao", 那么它会应答”Zhong Guo",其它任何消息都用MsgError()回答一个错误。

// Simple server
#include <errno.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/neutrino.h>int main()
{int chid, rcvid, status;char buf[128];if ((chid = ChannelCreate(0)) == -1) {perror("ChannelCreate");return -1;}printf("Server is ready, pid = %d, chid = %d\n", getpid(), chid);for (;;) {if ((rcvid = MsgReceive(chid, buf, sizeof(buf), NULL)) == -1) {perror("MsgReceive");return -1;}printf("Server: Received '%s'\n", buf);/* Based on what we receive, return some message */if (strcmp(buf, "Hello") == 0) {MsgReply(rcvid, 0, "World", strlen("World") + 1);} else if (strcmp(buf, "Ni Hao") == 0) {MsgReply(rcvid, 0, "Zhong Guo", strlen("Zhong Guo") + 1);} else {MsgError(rcvid, EINVAL);}}ChannelDestroy(chid);return 0;

服务器:这个服务器,准备好频道后,就从频道上接收信息。如果信息是字符串”Hello“的话,这个服务器应答一个”World“字符串。如果收到的信处是字符串“Ni Hao", 那么它会应答”Zhong Guo",其它任何消息都用MsgError()回答一个错误。

//simple client
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/neutrino.h>int main(int argc, char **argv)
{pid_t spid;int chid, coid, i;char buf[128];if (argc < 3) {fprintf(stderr, "Usage: simple_client <pid> <chid>\n");return -1;}spid = atoi(argv[1]);chid = atoi(argv[2]);if ((coid = ConnectAttach(0, spid, chid, 0, 0)) == -1) {perror("ConnectAttach");return -1;}/* sent 3 pairs of "Hello" and "Ni Hao" */for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {sprintf(buf, "Hello");printf("client: sent '%s'\n", buf);if (MsgSend(coid, buf, strlen(buf) + 1, buf, sizeof(buf)) != 0) {perror("MsgSend");return -1;}printf("client: returned '%s'\n", buf);sprintf(buf, "Ni Hao");printf("client: sent '%s'\n", buf);if (MsgSend(coid, buf, strlen(buf) + 1, buf, sizeof(buf)) != 0) {perror("MsgSend");return -1;}printf("client: returned '%s'\n", buf);}/* sent a bad message, see if we get an error */sprintf(buf, "Unknown");printf("client: sent '%s'\n", buf);if (MsgSend(coid, buf, strlen(buf) + 1, buf, sizeof(buf)) != 0) {perror("MsgSend");return -1;}ConnectDetach(coid);return 0;



$ ./simple_server
Server is ready, pid = 36409378, chid = 2
Server: Received 'Hello'
Server: Received 'Ni Hao'
Server: Received 'Hello'
Server: Received 'Ni Hao'
Server: Received 'Hello'
Server: Received 'Ni Hao'
Server: Received 'Unknown'
Server: Received ''


$ ./simple_client 36409378 2
client: sent 'Hello'
client: returned 'World'
client: sent 'Ni Hao'
client: returned 'Zhong Guo'
client: sent 'Hello'
client: returned 'World'
client: sent 'Ni Hao'
client: returned 'Zhong Guo'
client: sent 'Hello'
client: returned 'World'
client: sent 'Ni Hao'
client: returned 'Zhong Guo'
client: sent 'Unknown'
MsgSend: Invalid argument



#include <stdio.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/dispatch.h>#define ATTACH_POINT "myname"/* We specify the header as being at least a pulse */
typedef struct _pulse msg_header_t;/* Our real data comes after the header */
typedef struct _my_data {msg_header_t hdr;int data;
} my_data_t;/*** Client Side of the code ***/
int client()
{my_data_t msg;int msg_reply;int server_coid;if ((server_coid = name_open(ATTACH_POINT, 0)) == -1) {printf("client name open failed\n");return EXIT_FAILURE;}/* We would have pre-defined data to stuff here */msg.hdr.type = 0x00;msg.hdr.subtype = 0x00;msg.data = 1;/* Do whatever work you wanted with server connection */printf("client name open success, Client sending msg %d \n", msg.data);if (MsgSend(server_coid, &msg, sizeof(msg), &msg_reply, sizeof(msg_reply)) == -1) {printf("client send msg 1 error\n");    }printf("client receive msg 1 reply: %d \n", msg_reply);msg.hdr.type = 0x00;msg.hdr.subtype = 0x01;msg.data = 2;printf("client name open success, Client sending msg %d \n", msg.data);if (MsgSend(server_coid, &msg, sizeof(msg), &msg_reply, sizeof(msg_reply)) == -1) {printf("client send msg 2 error\n");    }printf("client receive msg 2 reply: %d \n", msg_reply);/* Close the connection */name_close(server_coid);return EXIT_SUCCESS;
}int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {int ret;if (argc < 2) {printf("Usage %s -s | -c \n", argv[0]);ret = EXIT_FAILURE;}else if (strcmp(argv[1], "-c") == 0) {printf("Running client ... \n");ret = client();}else {printf("Usage %s -s | -c \n", argv[0]);ret = EXIT_FAILURE;}return ret;


#include <stdio.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/dispatch.h>#define ATTACH_POINT "myname"/* We specify the header as being at least a pulse */
typedef struct _pulse msg_header_t;/* Our real data comes after the header */
typedef struct _my_data {msg_header_t hdr;int data;
} my_data_t;int msg_update_fail =3;
int msg_update_success =4;/*** Server Side of the code ***/
int server() {name_attach_t *attach;my_data_t msg;my_data_t msg_reply;msg_reply.hdr.type = 0x00;msg_reply.hdr.subtype = 0x00;// my_data_t msg_replaydata;int rcvid;/* Create a local name (/dev/name/local/...) */if ((attach = name_attach(NULL, ATTACH_POINT, 0)) == NULL) {printf("server name_attach error\n");return EXIT_FAILURE;}printf("server name_attach suceess,wait masg from client\n");/* Do your MsgReceive's here now with the chid */while (1) {rcvid = MsgReceive(attach->chid, &msg, sizeof(msg), NULL);if (rcvid == -1) {/* Error condition, exit */break;}/* A message (presumable ours) received, handle */switch(msg.data){case 1:printf("Server receive msg data %d \n", msg.data);MsgReply(rcvid, EOK, &msg_update_fail, sizeof(msg_update_fail));//MsgReply(UpdateReceiveId, EOK, &msg_update_fail, 0);break;case 2:printf("Server receive msg data %d \n", msg.data);        MsgReply(rcvid, EOK, &msg_update_success, sizeof(msg_update_success));break;default:break;}MsgReply(rcvid, EOK, 0, 0);}/* Remove the name from the space */name_detach(attach, 0);return EXIT_SUCCESS;
}int main(int argc, char **argv) {int ret;if (argc < 2) {printf("Usage %s -s | -c \n", argv[0]);ret = EXIT_FAILURE;}else if (strcmp(argv[1], "-s") == 0) {printf("Running Server ... \n");ret = server();}else {printf("Usage %s -s | -c \n", argv[0]);ret = EXIT_FAILURE;}return ret;




long MsgSendv( int coid,  const iov_t* siov, size_t sparts,  const iov_t* riov, size_t rparts );
int MsgReceivev( int chid, const iov_t * riov, size_t rparts, struct _msg_info * info );
ssize_t MsgReadv( int rcvid, const iov_t* riov, size_t rparts, size_t offset );
void SETIOV( iov_t *msg, void *addr, size_t len );
typedef struct {void *iov_base;size_t iov_len;
} iov_t;iov_t iovs [3];



write (fd, buf, size);
effectively does:hdr.nbytes = size;SETIOV (&siov[0], &header, sizeof (header));SETIOV (&siov[1], buf, size);MsgSendv (fd, siov, 2, NULL, 0);



// assume riov has been setup
MsgReceivev (chid, riov, 4, NULL);


rcvid = MsgReceive (chid, &header,sizeof (header), NULL);
SETIOV (iov [0], &cbuf [6], 4096);
SETIOV (iov [1], &cbuf [2], 4096);
SETIOV (iov [2], &cbuf [5], 4096);
MsgReadv (rcvid, iov, 3, sizeof(header));



ssize_t MsgWrite( int rcvid, const void* msg, size_t size, size_t offset );
ssize_t MsgWritev( int rcvid, const iov_t* iov, size_t parts, size_t offset );




脉冲的通信方式很特别,就像喊命令,不需要回应,执行就好了。便宜还快速,也不会发生blocking的现象。但是,这种异步性也给脉冲带来了限制。脉冲能携带的数据量有限,只有一个**8位的"code"域 (1byte)用来区分不同的脉冲,和一个32位的“value"域 (4字节)**来携带数据。脉冲最主要的用途就是用来进行“通知”(Notification)。不仅是用户程序,内核也会生成发送特殊的“系统脉冲”到用户程序,以通知某一特殊情况的发生。

int MsgSendPulse ( int coid, int priority, int code, int value );|         |8bits <---|         |32bits <-------------|

  • code 通常用于表示“脉冲类型”的有效范围是 _PULSE_CODE_MINAVAIL 到 _PULSE_CODE_MAXAVAIL。
  • priority 就像发送线程的消息优先级一样
  • 接收线程以该优先级运行
  • 发送顺序基于优先级

要跨进程边界发送脉冲,发送者必须与接收者具有相同的有效用户 ID 或者是 root 用户

脉冲的接收比较简单,如果你知道频道上不会有别的消息,只有脉冲的话,可以用MsgReceivePulse()来只接收脉冲; 如果频道既可以接收消息,也可以接收脉冲时,就直接用MsgReceive(),只要确保接收缓冲(ReveiveBuf)至少可以容下一个脉冲(sizeof struct _pulse)就可以了。 在后一种情况下,如果MsgReceive()返回的rcvid是0,就代表接收到了一个脉冲,反之,则收到了一个消息。所以,一个既接收脉冲,又接收消息的服务器,Pulses脉冲实例伪代码如下:

#include <sys/neutrino.h>struct _pulse {uint16_t                    type;uint16_t                    subtype;int8_t                      code;   // <---- 8-bit codeuint8_t                     zero[3];union sigval                value; // <--- 32-bit valueint32_t                     scoid;
};typedef union {struct _pulse pulse;// other message types you will receive
} myMessage_t;
myMessage_t msg;
while (1) {rcvid = MsgReceive (chid, &msg, sizeof(msg), NULL);if (rcvid == 0) {// it’s a pulse, look in msg.pulse… for dataprocess_pulse(&msgs, &info);} else {// it’s a regular messageprocess_message(&msgs, &info);}


...rcvid = MsgReceive (chid, &msg, sizeof(msg), NULL);if (rcvid == 0) {// it’s a pulse, look in msg.pulse… for dataswitch (msg.pulse.code) {case _PULSE_CODE_UNBLOCK:// a kernel unblock pulse...break;case MY_PULSE_CODE:// do what's needed...break;} else {process_message(&msgs, &info);}

脉冲的发送,最直接的就是MsgSendPulse()。不过,这个函数通常只在一个进程中,用在一个线程要通知另一个线程的情形。在跨进程的时候,通常不会用到这个函数,而是用到下面将要提到的 MsgDeliverEvent()。与消息传递相比,消息传递永远是在进程间进行的。也就是说,不会有一个进程向内核发送数据的情形。而脉冲就不一样,除了用户进程间可以发脉冲以外,内核也会向用户进程发送“系统脉冲”来通知某一事件的发生。

如果您有一个频道,您可能会在该频道上接收来自 MsgSend*() 调用和脉冲的消息,但在某个时间点只想接收脉冲,使用MsgReceivePulse()则很有用。

int MsgReceivePulse( int chid, void * pulse, size_t bytes, struct _msg_info * info );


  • 接收顺序仍然基于优先级,使用脉冲的优先级
  • 内核将以其接收到的脉冲的优先级运行接收线程
  • 脉冲和消息可能会混合在一起

来自线程 1 的Send Pulse比在它Send message之前先到达服务器。因为脉冲的优先级比线程本身的优先级要高。

Pulse API send receive
MsgSendPulse(coid, priority, code, value) MsgReceivePulse()
MsgDeliverEvent() MsgReceive()
  • MsgSendPulse() 只在一个进程中的通知,用与同一个进程中一个线程要通知另一个线程的情形, 其中 code 8bits; value 32bits
  • MsgDeliverEvent() 在跨进程的时候的通知
  • MsgReceivePulse() 用于频道上只有pulse的接收
  • MsgReceive() 用于频道上既接收message又接收pulse


Programming with POSIX Threads
QNC IPC---msg send receive example
QNX trying to send struct through MsgSend(), MsgReply() IPC message passing
从API开始理解QNX - 知乎 (zhihu.com)

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