这是一款效果十分炫酷的jQuery和css3鼠标滑过网格相邻图片浮动效果。插件中使用了jQuery Proximity plugin。




  • Time

    Since time, and his predestinated end



// list of thumbs

var $list = $('#pe-thumbs'),

// list's width and offset left.

// this will be used to know the position of the description container

listW = $list.width(),

listL = $list.offset().left,

// the images

$elems = $list.find('img'),

// the description containers

$descrp = $list.find('div.pe-description'),

// maxScale : maximum scale value the image will have

// minOpacity / maxOpacity : minimum (set in the CSS) and maximum values for the image's opacity

settings = {

maxScale : 1.3,

maxOpacity : 0.9,

minOpacity : Number( $elems.css('opacity') )


init = function() {

// minScale will be set in the CSS

settings.minScale = _getScaleVal() || 1;

// preload the images (thumbs)

_loadImages( function() {





// Get Value of CSS Scale through JavaScript:

// http://css-tricks.com/get-value-of-css-rotation-through-javascript/

_getScaleVal= function() {

var st = window.getComputedStyle($elems.get(0), null),

tr = st.getPropertyValue("-webkit-transform") ||

st.getPropertyValue("-moz-transform") ||

st.getPropertyValue("-ms-transform") ||

st.getPropertyValue("-o-transform") ||

st.getPropertyValue("transform") ||


if( tr !== 'none' ) {

var values = tr.split('(')[1].split(')')[0].split(','),

a = values[0],

b = values[1],

c = values[2],

d = values[3];

return Math.sqrt( a * a + b * b );



// calculates the style values for the description containers,

// based on the settings variable

_calcDescrp = function() {

$descrp.each( function(i) {

var $el = $(this),

$img = $el.prev(),

img_w = $img.width(),

img_h = $img.height(),

img_n_w = settings.maxScale * img_w,

img_n_h = settings.maxScale * img_h,

space_t = ( img_n_h - img_h ) / 2,

space_l = ( img_n_w - img_w ) / 2;

$el.data( 'space_l', space_l ).css({

height : settings.maxScale * $el.height(),

top : -space_t,

left : img_n_w - space_l




_initEvents = function() {

$elems.on('proximity.Photo', { max: 80, throttle: 10, fireOutOfBounds : true }, function(event, proximity, distance) {

var $el = $(this),

$li = $el.closest('li'),

$desc = $el.next(),

scaleVal = proximity * ( settings.maxScale - settings.minScale ) + settings.minScale,

scaleExp = 'scale(' + scaleVal + ')';

// change the z-index of the element once

// it reaches the maximum scale value

// also, show the description container

if( scaleVal === settings.maxScale ) {

$li.css( 'z-index', 1000 );

if( $desc.offset().left + $desc.width() > listL + listW ) {

$desc.css( 'left', -$desc.width() - $desc.data( 'space_l' ) );


$desc.fadeIn( 800 );


else {

$li.css( 'z-index', 1 );




'-webkit-transform' : scaleExp,

'-moz-transform' : scaleExp,

'-o-transform' : scaleExp,

'-ms-transform' : scaleExp,

'transform' : scaleExp,

'opacity' : ( proximity * ( settings.maxOpacity - settings.minOpacity ) + settings.minOpacity )




_loadImages = function( callback ) {

var loaded = 0,

total = $elems.length;

$elems.each( function(i) {

var $el = $(this);


').load( function() {


if( loaded === total )


}).attr( 'src', $el.attr('src') );



return {

init : init



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