2020224 Static test, sunny

测试时间 光照度 平均识别目标数量
11:30.0 50000 13.96
12:16.0 54500 13.2
13:15.0 47500 12.48
14:22.0 55450 12.44
14:35.0 55430 13.72
17:03.0 13990 11.0
17:38.0 9058 11.6
17:57.0 5044 12.46
18:20.0 1300 13.8
18:25.0 900 13.9
18:28.0 700 13.96
18:31.0 570 13.9
18:33.0 500 13.94
18:34.0 450 13.9
18:35.0 440 13.88
18:36.0 360 13.6
18:37.0 300 13.8
18:39.0 250 13.4
18:40.0 200 13.34
18:42.0 150 13.1
18:44.0 100 11.8
18:44.2 90 11.34
18.44.4 80 11.38
18:44.8 70 9.5
18:45.0 60 9.2
18:46.0 50 11.9
18:46.3 40 10.8
18:46.6 30 9.2
18:49.0 20 9.7
18:49.6 15 6.9
18:50.3 13 4.7
18:50.9 12 3.8
18:51.5 11 2.6
18:52.2 10 1.7
18:52.9 9 1.0
18:53.6 8 0.2
18:54.3 7 0.06
18:55.0 6 0.02

20200225 Static test, cloudy

测试时间 光照度 平均识别目标数量
15:41 10900 16.94
16:23 11000 16.98
16:30 8640 16.4
16:32 7483 16.88
16:39 6482 16.96
16:44 6026 16.08
16:55 5887 16.22
16:57 5190 15.64
17:00 4236 15.8
17:05 3153 15.78
17:08 2550 15.3
17:10 2016 15.0
17:16 1790 15.3
17:21 2755 16.16
17:24 3300 16.84
17:28 2929 14.88
17:32 2507 16.82
17:38 2484 16.56
17:47 3018 16.96
17:50 2857 16.94
17:57 2387 16.52
18:00 2012 15.86
18:04 1663 15.82
18:10 1200 16.04
18:14 967 15.64
18:18 748 14.98
18:21 623 14.8
18:24 485 14.14
18:26 399 13.08
18:29 316 13.68
18:31 251 13.36
18:33 223 12.96
18:35 200 12.88
18:37 160 12.4
18:38 144 11.96
18:39 129 11.56
18:40 107 11.02
18:41 89 11.1
18:42 72 11.08
18:43 59 12.18
18:44 45 11.22
18:45 38 11.46
18:46 31 11.26
18:47 26 10.68
18:48 21 8.84
18:49 15 6.72
18:50 11 5.6
18:51 9 2.4
18:52 7 0.56
18:53 5 0.0

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