
1、Algae Raceway Data Set(滚道数据集)


Experiments were conducted on 3 small raceways in which spirulina was inoculated. The growth and, ultimately, decline of the algae biomass was recorded along with a number of environmental parameters. Experiments were conducted by the Exobiology group at NASA Ames.


2、CFRP Composites Data Set(碳纤维复合材料数据集)


Run-to-failure experiments were run on CFRP panels with periodic measurements to capture internal damage growth under tension-tension fatigue. Monitoring data consist of lamb wave signals from a network of 16 piezoelectric (PZT) sensors and multiple triaxial strain gages. Additionally, periodic x-rays were taken to characterize internal damage as ground truth information. Three different layups were tested. Experiments were conducted at Stanford Structures and Composites Laboratory (SACL) in collaboration with the Prognostic Center of Excellence (PCoE) of NASA Ames Research Center.


Dataset is organized into three zipped folders each containing data from coupons of single layup type and includes a readme file, and a folder with reports and papers published from this dataset.


3、Milling Data Set(铣削数据集)


Experiments on a milling machine for different speeds, feeds, and depth of cut. Records the wear of the milling insert, VB. The data set was provided by the BEST lab at UC Berkeley.




4、Bearing Data Set(轴承数据集)


Experiments on bearings. The data set was provided by the Center for Intelligent Maintenance Systems (IMS), University of Cincinnati.


The set is in text format and has been rared, then zipped.

5、Battery Data Set(电池数据集)


Experiments on Li-Ion batteries. Charging and discharging at different temperatures. Records the impedance as the damage criterion. The data set was provided by the Prognostics CoE at NASA Ames.

The set is in .mat format and has been zipped.

6、Turbofan Engine Degradation Simulation Data Set(涡扇发动机退化仿真数据集)


Engine degradation simulation was carried out using C-MAPSS. Four different were sets simulated under different combinations of operational conditions and fault modes. Records several sensor channels to characterize fault evolution. The data set was provided by the Prognostics CoE at NASA Ames.

The set is in text format and has been zipped including a readme file.

7、PHM08 Challenge Data Set(PHM08 挑战赛数据集)


Data from the data challenge competition held at the 1st international conference on Prognostics and Health Management (PHM08) is being made publicly available. The dataset is similar to the one posted above (see Turbofan engine degradation simulation data set) except the true RUL values are not revealed. Users are expected to develop their algorithms using training and test sets provided in the package. The data set was provided by the Prognostics CoE at NASA Ames.
Evaluate your results on test data set using the link below.
Upload file for analysis

- Results should be formatted as a column vector of RULs in a text file.
- Evaluation of the test data is limited to only one trial per day.
- Best test score result still stands at 436.84 (but note that good performance in the test score does not guarantee good performance on the validation set - the person with the best test score ranked 22nd on the validation set).
- Best score on the validation set stands at 5636.06 (as stated in the readme file, you need to submit your RUL vector to the email indicated in the document)
- See Ramasso et al. for a comparison of approaches and leader scores.

The set is in text format and has been zipped including a readme file.

8、IGBT Accelerated Aging Sata Set(IGBT Accelerated Aging Sata Set (IGBT加速老化数据集)


Preliminary data from thermal overstress accelerated aging using the aging and characterization system. The data set contains aging data from 6 devices, one device aged with DC gate bias and the rest aged with a squared signal gate bias. Several variables are recorded and in some cases, high-speed measurements of gate voltage, collector-emitter voltage and collector current are available. The data set is provided by the Prognostics CoE at NASA Ames.

数据格式: The set is in Matlab and text format and has been compressed.

9、Trebuchet Data Set(投石机的数据集)


Trajectories of different types of balls launched from a trebuchet with varying counter weights. Flights were filmed and extraction routines calculated position of data. Both raw video data and extracted trajectories are provided. Geometry and physical properties of the trebuchet are available.

10、(FEMTO Bearing Data Set)Femto轴承数据集

**数据描述:**Experiments on bearings’ accelerated life tests provided by FEMTO-ST Institute, Besançon, France.

11、Randomized Battery Usage Data Set(随机电池使用数据集)


Batteries are continuously cycled with randomly generated current profiles. Reference charging and discharging cycles are also performed after a fixed interval of randomized usage in order to provide reference benchmarks for battery state of health.

12、Capacitor Electrical Stress Data Set(电容电应力数据集)


Capacitors were subjected to electrical stress under three voltage levels i.e 10V, 12V and 14V. Data Set contains EIS data as well as Charge/Discharge Signal data.

13、MOSFET Thermal Overstress Aging Data Set(MOSFET的热过载老化数据集)

Run-to-failure experiments on Power MOSFETs under thermal overstress.

14、Capacitor Electrical Stress Data Set - 2(电容电应力数据集- 2)


Capacitors were subjected to electrical stress at 10V. 电容器在10V承受电应力。


The set is in .mat format and has been zipped.

15、HIRF Battery Data Set(HIRF电池数据集)


Battery Data collected from the Experiments on the Edge 540 Aircraft in HIRF Chamber.


The set is in .mat format and has been zipped.


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