

  1. 引入其它可用特征信息(CF->LR)。
  2. 将现有特征进行组合(LR->POLY2->FM)。


  • 模型迭代在于找到更多的有效信息。

本文想要回顾的FFM(Field-aware Factorization Macheines)模型可以看作是FM模型的增强版,其正是沿用在FM模型的特征组合思想,并将其发扬光大,曾在多项CTR预估赛中夺魁,并且被Criteo、美团等公司深度应用在推荐系统与CTR预估等领域。








  1. FM模型中每一特征共用同一个特征隐向量,意味着每一特征与不同域特征进行组合时使用的是同一隐特征向量来学习隐向量参数,这样不够细致,存在明显的信息浪费


参考论文原文 ,“features” can be grouped into “fields” 。把这句话的主语和宾语置换一下就可以得到Fileds的定义: “fields” is grouped by "features",也即特征域由某类特征组成。


Table 1: An artificial CTR data set, where + (-) representsthe number of clicked (unclicked) impressions.
Table 2:a example of click event

在上面两个表中,Publisher(P)、Advertiser(A)和Gander(G)是三个Fileds特征域。其中Publisher特征域的中的feature有ESPN、Vogue和NBC,套用作者定义那么有:fields of Publisher is grouped by features<ESPN,Vogue,NBC>。Advertiser与Gander特征域同理。

那么对于Table 2的数据,FFM的二阶特征组合结果为:


可以看到在FFM模型中,Feature ESPN在与NIKE及Male形成特征组合ESPN,NIKE)、(ESPN,Male)时,使用了不同的潜向量

来学习参数。同理,Feature NIKE在与ESPN及Male特征组合时,也分别使用了两个不同的潜向量

而对于FM而言,Feature ESPN在与NIKE及Male特征组合时,使用的是同一个潜向量







Table 3:two CTR datasets Criteo and Avazu from Kaggle competitions




关于FFM的工程代码其实论文作者已经在github上给出C++版本,python版,或者Amazon AI的马超开源的XLearn。

本文引用Python implementation of FFM model (ctr, cvr)一文,来分析一下FFM的代码实现。

import  numpy as np
import  math
import  random
class ffm(object):def __init__(self, feature_num, fild_num, feature_dim_num, feat_fild_dic, learning_rate, regular_para, stop_threshold):#n features, m domains, each feature dimension kself.n = feature_num #特征数量self.m = fild_num #特征域数self.k = feature_dim_num #隐向量特征长度self.dic = feat_fild_dic #特征对应的域#Set hyperparameter, learning rate eta, regularization coefficient lamdaself.eta = learning_rateself.lamda = regular_paraself.threshold = stop_thresholdself.w = np.random.rand(self.n, self.m , self.k) / math.sqrt(self.k)#权重初试值self.G = np.ones(shape = (feature_num, fild_num, feature_dim_num), dtype = np.float64)def train(self, tr_l, val_l, train_y, val_y, max_echo):#这一部分计算模型的训练损失# tr_l, val_l, train_y, val_y, max_echo are# Training set, validation set, training set label, validation set label, maximum number of iterationsminloss = 0for i in range(max_echo):# Iterative training, max_echo is the maximum number of iterationsL_val = 0Logloss = 0order = range(len(train_y))# mess up the orderrandom.shuffle(order)for each_data_index in order:# Remove a recordtr_each_data = tr_l[each_data_index]# phi() is the model formulaphi = self.phi(tr_each_data)# y_i is the actual tag valuey_i = float(train_y[each_data_index])# Calculate the gradient belowg_phi = -y_i / (1 + math.exp(y_i * phi))# Begin to update the model parameters using the gradient descent methodself.sgd_para(tr_each_data, g_phi)# Next, check on the verification set, the basic process is the same as before.for each_vadata_index, each_va_y in enumerate(val_y):val_each_data = val_l[each_vadata_index]phi_v = self.phi(val_each_data)y_vai = float(each_va_y)Logloss += -(y_vai * math.log(phi_v) + (1 - y_vai) * math.log(1 - phi_v))Logloss = Logloss / len(val_y)# L_val += math.log(1+math.exp(-y_vai * phi_v))print("The %d iteration, LOGLOSS on the validation set: %f" % (i, Logloss))if minloss == 0:# minloss stores the smallest LOGLOSSminloss = Loglossif Logloss <= self.threshold:# It can also be considered that setting the threshold allows the program to jump, and personal needs can be removed.print('Less than the threshold!')breakif minloss < Logloss:# If the next iteration does not reduce LOGLOSS, break out (early stopping)print('early stopping')breakdef phi(self, tmp_dict):#这一部分计算这FFM二阶部分的对应的值#Samples are normalized here to prevent calculation overflowsum_v = sum(tmp_dict.values())#First find the index of the non-zero feature in each piece of data and put it in a listphi_tmp = 0key_list = tmp_dict.keys()for i in range(len(key_list)):#feat_index is the index of the feature, fild_index1 is the index of the domain, and value1 is the value corresponding to the featurefeat_index1 = key_list[i]fild_index1 = self.dic[feat_index1]#The purpose of dividing here by sum_v is to normalize this one (return all feature values ​​to between 0 and 1)#Of course, each feature has been normalized before (0-1)value1 = tmp_dict[feat_index1] / sum_v#Two non-zero features pairwise inner productfor j in range(i+1, len(key_list)):feat_index2 = key_list[j]fild_index2 = self.dic[feat_index2]value2 = tmp_dict[feat_index2] / sum_vw1 = self.w[feat_index1, fild_index2]w2 = self.w[feat_index2, fild_index1]#The final value is obtained by summing up multiple characteristic combinationsphi_tmp += np.dot(w1, w2) * value1 * value2return phi_tmpdef sgd_para(self, tmp_dict, g_phi):#这一部分梯度计算 ,参数的更新#学习率是用的AdaGrad算法sum_v = sum(tmp_dict.values())key_list = tmp_dict.keys()for i in range(len(key_list)):feat_index1 = key_list[i]fild_index1 = self.dic[feat_index1]value1 = tmp_dict[feat_index1] / sum_vfor j in range(i + 1, len(key_list)):feat_index2 = key_list[j]fild_index2 = self.dic[feat_index2]value2 = tmp_dict[feat_index2] / sum_vw1 = self.w[feat_index1, fild_index2]w2 = self.w[feat_index2, fild_index1]# Update g and Gg_feati_fildj = g_phi * value1 * value2 * w2 + self.lamda * w1g_featj_fildi = g_phi * value1 * value2 * w1 + self.lamda * w2self.G[feat_index1, fild_index2] += g_feati_fildj ** 2self.G[feat_index2, fild_index1] += g_featj_fildi ** 2# math.sqrt() can only accept one element, while np.sqrt() can root the entire vectorself.w[feat_index1, fild_index2] -= self.eta / np.sqrt(self.G[feat_index1, fild_index2]) * g_feati_fildjself.w[feat_index2, fild_index1] -= self.eta / np.sqrt(self.G[feat_index2, fild_index1]) * g_featj_fildi


  • FFM原文
  • https://programmersought.com/article/15904469481/
  • 美团深入FFM原理与实践



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