最近接手一个windows 下的oracle ,发现监听日志已经到了1.5G。

以前都是在aix,linux上干活 ,突然倒了windows反而不太习惯。


D:\oracle\product\102\NETWORK\log>echo >listener.log

The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process.

D:\oracle\product\102\NETWORK\log>copy /y sqlnet.log listener.log

1 file(s) copied.


Volume in drive C is System

Volume Serial Number is B8E0-1DBE

Directory of D:\oracle\product\102\NETWORK\log

09/20/2011  02:42 PM

09/20/2011  02:42 PM

09/20/2011  03:10 PM               541 listener.log

09/20/2011  03:09 PM                13 sqlnet.log

2 File(s)            554 bytes

2 Dir(s)  13,273,034,240 bytes free

D:\Liangwei>help copy

Copies one or more files to another location.

COPY [/D] [/V] [/N] [/Y | /-Y] [/Z] [/A | /B ] source [/A | /B]

[+ source [/A | /B] [+ ...]] [destination [/A | /B]]

source       Specifies the file or files to be copied.

/A           Indicates an ASCII text file.

/B           Indicates a binary file.

/D           Allow the destination file to be created decrypted

destination  Specifies the directory and/or filename for the new file(s).

/V           Verifies that new files are written correctly.

/N           Uses short filename, if available, when copying a file with a

non-8dot3 name.

/Y           Suppresses prompting to confirm you want to overwrite an

existing destination file.  覆盖文件不提示

/-Y          Causes prompting to confirm you want to overwrite an

existing destination file.  覆盖文件提示

/Z           Copies networked files in restartable mode.

The switch /Y may be preset in the COPYCMD environment variable.

This may be overridden with /-Y on the command line.  Default is

to prompt on overwrites unless COPY command is being executed from

within a batch script.

To append files, specify a single file for destination, but multiple files

for source (using wildcards or file1+file2+file3 format).

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