00. 目录


  • 00. 目录
  • 01. 概述
  • 02. 签名
  • 03. 描述
  • 04. 注意
  • 05. 参数
  • 06. 结果
  • 07. 附录

01. 概述

dev_set_shape - 定义region显示形状。

02. 签名

dev_set_shape( : : Shape : )

03. 描述

dev_set_shape定义了用于显示region的形状。 可用的形状可以用query_shape查询。



显示的形状不变。 尽管如此,可以通过dev_set_line_width的算子修改参数。 对于所有其他形状也是如此。


每个region由最小的外接圆显示。 (见smallest_circle)


每个region由最大的内接圆显示。 (见inner_circle。)




每个region由平行于坐标轴的最小的外接矩形显示。 (见smallest_rectangle1。)


每个region由最小的外接矩形显示。 (见smallest_rectangle2。)


每个region都由其凸包(convex hull)显示(见shape_trans。)



有关更多信息,请参阅算子set_shape的说明。 但是,与算子set_shape相反,此算子选定的形状也适用于之后打开的所有新图形窗口。


dev_set_shape defines the shape that is used for displaying regions. The available shapes can be queried with query_shape.

These shapes are supported:

The shape is displayed unchanged. Nevertheless modifications via parameters like dev_set_line_width can take place. This is also true for all other modes.

Each region is displayed by the smallest surrounding circle. (See smallest_circle.)

Each region is displayed by the largest included circle. (See inner_circle.)

Each region is displayed by an ellipse with the same moments and orientation (See elliptic_axis.)

Each region is displayed by the smallest surrounding rectangle parallel to the coordinate axes. (See smallest_rectangle1.)

Each region is displayed by the smallest surrounding rectangle. (See smallest_rectangle2.)

Each region is displayed by its convex hull (See shape_trans.)

Each region is displayed by the icon set with set_icon in the center of gravity.

For more information see the description of the operator set_shape. However, in contrast to that operator the selected shape is also used for all new graphics windows that are opened afterwards.

04. 注意

使用HDevelop的代码导出功能,为该算子生成的代码可能与相关的HALCON算子具有不同的行为。 有关将HDevelop图形算子导出为不同编程语言的代码的详细说明,请参阅“HDevelop User’s Guide”中的 Code Export -> General Aspects of Code Generation -> Graphics Windows一章。

05. 参数

Shape (input_control)   string → (string)
  Region output mode.
  Default value: ‘original’
  List of values: ‘convex’, ‘ellipse’, ‘icon’, ‘inner_circle’, ‘original’, ‘outer_circle’, ‘rectangle1’, ‘rectangle2’


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06. 结果

如果指定参数的值正确,则dev_set_shape返回2(H_MSG_TRUE)。 否则会引发异常并返回错误代码

07. 附录

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