
jQuery API provides different event methods to interact with the browser. jQuery event method registers an event handler when the user interacts with the web pages. We can make any manipulations on the selected element after registering the event handler. This makes the web page more dynamic.

jQuery API提供了不同的事件方法来与浏览器进行交互。 当用户与网页交互时, jQuery事件方法将注册事件处理程序。 注册事件处理程序后,我们可以对所选元素进行任何操作。 这使网页更加动态。

jQuery events functions are huge and can get triggered by any type of mouse movement or clicks, keyboard activities, hover, focus etc.


These are the various jQuery event methods provided by the API:


  1. .click(): This method fires on a mouse click..click() :单击鼠标时触发此方法。
  2. .dblclick(): This method fires on a mouse double-click..dblclick() :双击鼠标时将触发此方法。
  3. .mousedown(): This method fires when mouse button is pressed..mousedown() :按下鼠标按钮时将触发此方法。
  4. .mouseenter(): This method fires when the mouse enters the html element area..mouseenter() :当鼠标进入html元素区域时,将触发此方法。
  5. .mouseleave(): This method fires when the mouse leaves the html element area..mouseleave() :当鼠标离开html元素区域时,将触发此方法。
  6. .mousemove(): This method fires when the mouse is moved..mousemove() :移动鼠标时将触发此方法。
  7. .mouseout(): This method fires when the mouse moves out of the html element..mouseout() :当鼠标移出html元素时,将触发此方法。
  8. .mouseover(): This method fires when the mouse moves over the html element..mouseover() :当鼠标移到html元素上时,将触发此方法。
  9. .mouseup(): This method fires when the mouse button is released.mouseup() :释放鼠标按钮时将触发此方法
  10. .hover(): This method fires when the mouse enters and leaves the html elements..hover() :当鼠标进入并离开html元素时,将触发此方法。
  11. .keydown(): This method fires when a key is pressed.keydown() :按下某个键时将触发此方法
  12. .keypress(): This method fires when a key is pressed and released..keypress() :按下和释放键时将触发此方法。
  13. .keyup(): This method fires when a key is released..keyup() :释放键时将触发此方法。
  14. .blur(): This method fires when the html element loses focus..blur() :当html元素失去焦点时,此方法将触发。
  15. .change(): This method fires on change..change() :此方法在更改时触发。
  16. .focus(): This method fires when an element gets focus..focus() :当元素获得焦点时,此方法将触发。
  17. .load(): This method fires when a document is loaded.load() :加载文档时触发此方法
  18. .unload(): This method fires when documents are unloaded.unload() :卸载文档时触发此方法
  19. .error(): This method fires when there is an error..error() :发生错误时触发此方法。
  20. .resize(): This method fires when the window is resized..resize() :调整窗口大小时将触发此方法。
  21. . scroll (): This method fires when the window is scrolled. scroll() :滚动窗口时触发此方法。
  22. . select (): This method fires when a text is selected. select()选择文本时触发此方法。
  23. .submit(): This method fires when a form is submitted..submit() :提交表单时将触发此方法。

The general syntax for using jQuery event method is selector.jQueryEventMethod(). jQueryEventMethod could be any above mentioned methods. You can use these methods in your code to effectively interact with the browser. We will look into these jQuery events with examples in coming posts.

使用jQuery事件方法的常规语法是selector.jQueryEventMethod()jQueryEventMethod可以是上述任何方法。 您可以在代码中使用这些方法来有效地与浏览器进行交互。 我们将在后续文章中通过示例研究这些jQuery事件。

翻译自: https://www.journaldev.com/4940/jquery-event-methods-overview



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