




def getTime():#获取当前时间import timereturn time.ctime()def getCount():#获取访问次数countfile  = open('count.dat','a+')#以读写形式打开记录计数的文件counttext =   try:count = int(counttext)+1except:count = 1清空文件countfile.write(str(count))#重新写入新的访问量
    countfile.flush()countfile.close()return countdef myHelloWorld(request):time = getTime()count = getCount()para = {"count":count,"time":time}...

这样每次访问时都会调用 myHelloWorld函数,读取count值并+1操作




Django hit counter application that tracks the number of hits/views for chosen objects.

hit counter是用来计数model对象的访问次数的。


pip install django-hitcount

Add django-hitcount to your INSTALLED_APPS, enableSESSION_SAVE_EVERY_REQUEST:

INSTALLED_APPS = (...'hitcount'
# needed for django-hitcount to function properly


urlpatterns = patterns('',...url(r'hitcount/', include('hitcount.urls', namespace='hitcount')),

View the additional settings section for more information.

Template Magic

Django-hitcount comes packaged with a jQuery implementation that works out-of-the-box to record the Hits to an object (be it a blog post, poll, etc). To use thejQuery implementation you can either include the app’s script file (as the documentation below shows) or to copy-paste the script into your own jQuery code. Of course: you could also implement this without relying on jQuery.

在需要的模板最开始地方加入loading hitcount tags

{% load hitcount_tags %}

Recording a Hit

If you want to use the jQuery implementation in your project, you can add the Javascript file to your template like so:

{% load staticfiles %}
<script src="//"></script>
<script src="{% static 'hitcount/hitcount-jquery.js' %}"></script>

Then, on your object detail page (blog, page, poll, etc) you inject the needed javascript variables:

# use default insertion method for hitcount-jquery.js:
{% insert_hit_count_js_variables for object %}# or you can use a template variable to inject as you see fit
{% get_hit_count_js_variables for object as hitcount %}
({ hitcount.ajax_url }}
{{ }}

Displaying Hit Information

You can retrieve the number of hits for an object many different ways:

# Return total hits for an object:
{% get_hit_count for [object] %}# Get total hits for an object as a specified variable:
{% get_hit_count for [object] as [var] %}# Get total hits for an object over a certain time period:
{% get_hit_count for [object] within ["days=1,minutes=30"] %}# Get total hits for an object over a certain time period as a variable:
{% get_hit_count for [object] within ["days=1,minutes=30"] as [var] %}

[Installation and Usage]

[example project]



django-tracking keeps track of visitors to Django-powered Web sites. It also offers basic blacklisting capabilities.


pip install django-tracking

Note:会出错: no module named listeners


First of all, you must add this project to your list of INSTALLED_APPS

INSTALLED_APPS = ('django.contrib.admin','django.contrib.auth','django.contrib.contenttypes','django.contrib.sessions','django.contrib.sites',...'tracking',...

Run syncdb. This creates a few tables in your database that arenecessary for operation.

Depending on how you wish to use this application, you have a few options:

Visitor Tracking

Add tracking.middleware.VisitorTrackingMiddleware to yourMIDDLEWARE_CLASSES It must be underneath theAuthenticationMiddleware, so thatrequest.user exists.

Automatic Visitor Clean-Up

If you want to have Django automatically clean past visitor information outyour database, puttracking.middleware.VisitorCleanUpMiddleware in yourMIDDLEWARE_CLASSES.

IP Banning

Add tracking.middleware.BannedIPMiddleware to your I would recommend making this the very first item inMIDDLEWARE_CLASSES so your banned users do not have to drill through anyother middleware before Django realizes they don't belong on your site.

Visitors on Page (template tag)

Make sure that django.core.context_processors.request is somewhere in yourTEMPLATE_CONTEXT_PROCESSORS tuple. This context processor makes therequest object accessible to your templates. This application uses therequest object to determine what page the user is looking at in a templatetag.

Active Visitors Map

If you're interested in seeing where your visitors are at a given point intime, you might enjoy the active visitor map feature. Be sure you have added aline to your main URLconf, as follows:

from django.conf.urls.defaults import *urlpatterns = patterns('',....(r'^tracking/', include('tracking.urls')),....

Next, set a couple of settings in your

  • GOOGLE_MAPS_KEY: Your very own Google Maps API key

  • TRACKING_USE_GEOIP: set this to True if you want to see markers onthe map

  • GEOIP_PATH: set this to the absolute path on the filesystem of yourGeoIP.dat orGeoIPCity.dat or whatever file. It's usually somethinglike/usr/local/share/GeoIP.dat or/usr/share/GeoIP/GeoIP.dat.

  • GEOIP_CACHE_TYPE: The type of caching to use when dealing with GeoIP data:

    • 0: read database from filesystem, uses least memory.
    • 1: load database into memory, faster performance but uses morememory.
    • 2: check for updated database. If database has been updated, reloadfilehandle and/or memory cache.
    • 4: just cache the most frequently accessed index portion of thedatabase, resulting in faster lookups thanGEOIP_STANDARD, but lessmemory usage thanGEOIP_MEMORY_CACHE - useful for larger databasessuch as GeoIP Organization and GeoIP City. Note, for GeoIP Country,Region and Netspeed databases,GEOIP_INDEX_CACHE is equivalent toGEOIP_MEMORY_CACHE.default
  • DEFAULT_TRACKING_TEMPLATE: The template to use when generating thevisitor map. Defaults totracking/visitor_map.html.

When that's done, you should be able to go to /tracking/map/ on your site(replacingtracking with whatever prefix you chose to use in your URLconf,obviously). The default template relies upon jQuery for its awesomeness, butyou're free to use whatever you would like.


To display the number of active users there are in one of your templates, makesure you have{% load tracking_tags %} somewhere in your template and dosomething like this:

{% visitors_on_site as visitors %}
<p>{{ visitors }} active user{{ visitors|pluralize }}

If you also want to show how many people are looking at the same page:

{% visitors_on_page as same_page %}
<p>{{ same_page }} of {{ visitors }} active user{{ visitors|pluralize }}{{ same_page|pluralize:"is,are" }} reading this page

If you don't want particular areas of your site to be tracked, you may define alist of prefixes in using theNO_TRACKING_PREFIXES. Forexample, if you didn't want visits to the/family/ section of your website,setNO_TRACKING_PREFIXES to['/family/'].

If you don't want to count certain user-agents, such as Yahoo!'s Slurp andGoogle's Googlebot, you may add keywords to your visitor tracking in yourDjango administration interface. Look for "Untracked User-Agents" and add akeyword that distinguishes a particular user-agent. Any visitors with thekeyword in their user-agent string will not be tracked.

By default, active users include any visitors within the last 10 minutes. Ifyou would like to override that setting, just setTRACKING_TIMEOUT to howevermany minutes you want in

For automatic visitor clean-up, any records older than 24 hours are removed bydefault. If you would like to override that setting, setTRACKING_CLEANUP_TIMEOUT to however many hours you want in

[ django-tracking] from:



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