6.29 今天主要做了一些1.5中的小结和练习,果然换语言思路也要跟着变么…各种不爽啊不爽…

scanf各种忘记&,还有各种忘记return 0…


7.1 继续做习题…

#include<math.h>int main()
{int n;scanf("%d",&n);if (n % 2==1) printf("no"); else printf("yes");return 0;


#include<math.h>int main()
{int s,n;double m;scanf("%d",&n);s=95*n;if (s>=300) m=((float) s)*0.85; else m=(float) s;printf("%.2lf",m);return 0;


#include<math.h>int main()
{double a;scanf("%lf",&a);if (a<0) a=-a;printf("%.2lf",a);return 0;


#include<math.h>int main()
{int a,b,c,t;scanf("%d%d%d",&a,&b,&c);//sortif (a>b) {t=a;a=b;b=t;}if (a>c) {t=a;a=c;c=b;}if (b>c) {t=b;b=c;c=t;}//determineif (c<a+b) {if (c*c==a*a+b*b) printf("yes"); else printf("no");}else printf("not a triangle");return 0;


#include<math.h>int main()
{int y;scanf("%d",&y);if (y%4==0){if (y%400==0) printf("yes");else {if  (y%100==0) printf("no"); else printf("yes");}}else printf("no");return 0;



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