
+ echo 'No portmap or rpcbind service is running on this host. Please start portmap or rpcbind service before attempting to start the NFS Gateway role on this host.'


Centos7 安装CDH时报错:

+ make_scripts_executable
+ find /opt/cloudera-manager/cm-5.14.1/run/cloudera-scm-agent/process/193-hdfs-NFSGATEWAY -regex '.*\.\(py\|sh\)$' -exec chmod u+x '{}' ';'
+ ulimit -l
+ '[' -n '' ']'
+ '[' mkdir '!=' nfs3 ']'
+ acquire_kerberos_tgt hdfs.keytab
+ '[' -z hdfs.keytab ']'
+ '[' -n '' ']'
+ '[' validate-writable-empty-dirs = nfs3 ']'
+ '[' file-operation = nfs3 ']'
+ '[' bootstrap = nfs3 ']'
+ '[' failover = nfs3 ']'
+ '[' transition-to-active = nfs3 ']'
+ '[' initializeSharedEdits = nfs3 ']'
+ '[' initialize-znode = nfs3 ']'
+ '[' format-namenode = nfs3 ']'
+ '[' monitor-decommission = nfs3 ']'
+ '[' jnSyncWait = nfs3 ']'
+ '[' nnRpcWait = nfs3 ']'
+ '[' -safemode = '' -a get = '' ']'
+ '[' monitor-upgrade = nfs3 ']'
+ '[' finalize-upgrade = nfs3 ']'
+ '[' rolling-upgrade-prepare = nfs3 ']'
+ '[' rolling-upgrade-finalize = nfs3 ']'
+ '[' nnDnLiveWait = nfs3 ']'
+ '[' monitor-offline = nfs3 ']'
+ '[' refresh-datanode = nfs3 ']'
+ '[' mkdir = nfs3 ']'
+ '[' nfs3 = nfs3 ']'
+ connect_to_port 111
+ PORT=111
+ python -c 'import socket; import sys; s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET); s.settimeout(5.0); s.connect((sys.argv[1], int(sys.argv[2]))); s.close();' localhost 111
Traceback (most recent call last):File "<string>", line 1, in <module>File "/usr/lib64/python2.7/socket.py", line 224, in methreturn getattr(self._sock,name)(*args)
socket.error: [Errno 111] Connection refused
+ '[' 1 -ne 0 ']'
+ echo 'Cannot connect to port 111.'
+ return 1
+ '[' 1 -eq 1 ']'
+ echo 'No portmap or rpcbind service is running on this host. Please start portmap or rpcbind service before attempting to start the NFS Gateway role on this host.'
+ exit 1




yum install nfs-utils rpcbind


systemctl status rpcbind.service


systemctl start rpcbind.service


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