我的Java POJO类是

public class Task implements java.io.Serializable {

private Integer id;

private Date startDate;

private Date endDate;

private Integer priority;

private Double duration;

private Integer percentDone;

private String durationUnit;

private Integer parentId;

private String taskName;

private Integer taskindex;

private Integer depth;

public Task() {


public Task(Date startDate, Date endDate, Integer priority,

Double duration, Integer percentDone, String durationUnit,

Integer parentId, String taskName, Integer taskindex, Integer depth) {

this.startDate = startDate;

this.endDate = endDate;

this.priority = priority;

this.duration = duration;

this.percentDone = percentDone;

this.durationUnit = durationUnit;

this.parentId = parentId;

this.taskName = taskName;

this.taskindex = taskindex;

this.depth = depth;



@GeneratedValue(strategy = IDENTITY)

@Column(name = "Id", unique = true, nullable = false)

public Integer getId() {

return this.id;


public void setId(Integer id) {

this.id = id;



@Column(name = "StartDate", length = 10)

public Date getStartDate() {

return this.startDate;


public void setStartDate(Date startDate) {

this.startDate = startDate;



@Column(name = "EndDate", length = 10)

public Date getEndDate() {

return this.endDate;


public void setEndDate(Date endDate) {

this.endDate = endDate;


@Column(name = "Priority")

public Integer getPriority() {

return this.priority;


public void setPriority(Integer priority) {

this.priority = priority;


@Column(name = "Duration", precision = 22, scale = 0)

public Double getDuration() {

return this.duration;


public void setDuration(Double duration) {

this.duration = duration;


@Column(name = "PercentDone")

public Integer getPercentDone() {

return this.percentDone;


public void setPercentDone(Integer percentDone) {

this.percentDone = percentDone;


@Column(name = "DurationUnit", length = 20)

public String getDurationUnit() {

return this.durationUnit;


public void setDurationUnit(String durationUnit) {

this.durationUnit = durationUnit;


@Column(name = "parentId")

public Integer getParentId() {

return this.parentId;


public void setParentId(Integer parentId) {

this.parentId = parentId;


@Column(name = "TaskName")

public String getTaskName() {

return this.taskName;


public void setTaskName(String taskName) {

this.taskName = taskName;


@Column(name = "Taskindex")

public Integer getTaskindex() {

return this.taskindex;


public void setTaskindex(Integer taskindex) {

this.taskindex = taskindex;


@Column(name = "depth")

public Integer getDepth() {

return this.depth;


public void setDepth(Integer depth) {

this.depth = depth;


JSONUtils.getMorpherRegistry().registerMorpher(new DateMorpher(new String[] {"yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss"}));

JSONObject jsonObject = JSONObject.fromObject(data);

System.out.println("JSON OBJECT VALUE FOR PARENTID ::"+jsonObject.get("parentId"));

jsonObject.put("taskName", jsonObject.getString("Name"));

jsonObject.put("startDate", jsonObject.get("StartDate"));

jsonObject.put("endDate", jsonObject.get("EndDate"));

jsonObject.put("duration", jsonObject.getInt("Duration"));

jsonObject.put("durationUnit", jsonObject.getString("DurationUnit"));

jsonObject.put("percentDone", jsonObject.getInt("PercentDone"));

jsonObject.put("priority", jsonObject.getInt("Priority"));

jsonObject.put("parentId", jsonObject.getInt("parentId"));

jsonObject.put("taskindex", jsonObject.getInt("index"));

jsonObject.put("depth", jsonObject.getInt("depth"));












System.out.println("JSON OBJECT ::"+jsonObject);

Task newTask = (Task) JSONObject.toBean(jsonObject, Task.class);和我接收到我的服务器端的jsonObject是


"parentId": 0,

"depth": 1,

"taskName": "New Task",

"startDate": "2012-01-30T00:00:00",

"endDate": "2012-01-31T00:00:00",

"duration": 1,

"durationUnit": "d",

"percentDone": 60,

"priority": 1,

"taskindex": 5 }不知道为什么我无法将startDate分配给我的startDate POJO对象。

当我删除JSONUtils.getMorpherRegistry()。registerMorpher(new DateMorpher(new String [] {“yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss”}));


WARNING: Can't transform property 'startDate' from java.lang.String into java.util.Date. Will register a default Morpher INFO: Property 'java.util.Date.class' has no write method. SKIPPED. WARNING: Property 'java.lang.String.date' does not exist. SKIPPED. INFO: Property 'java.util.Date.day' has no write method. SKIPPED. WARNING: Property 'java.lang.String.hours' does not exist. SKIPPED. WARNING: Property 'java.lang.String.minutes' does not exist. SKIPPED. WARNING: Property 'java.lang.String.month' does not exist. SKIPPED. WARNING: Property 'java.lang.String.seconds' does not exist. SKIPPED. INFO: Property 'java.util.Date.timezoneOffset' has no write method. SKIPPED.在此之后,当我打印POJO赋值时,我将获得startDate作为2012年1月12日10:09:27 IST和endDate作为星期四2012年1月12日10:09:27 IST

那么将jsonObject分配给我的Pojo Date对象有什么问题

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