
max (Direct3D 9 HLSL)

Selects the greater of x and y.


ret max(x, y)


Name In/Out Template Type Component Type Size
x in scalar, vector, or matrix float, int any
y in same as input x float, int same dimension(s) as input x
ret return type same as input x float, int same dimension(s) as input x

Minimum Shader Version

This intrinsic function is supported in the following (or above) shader versions:

Vertex Shader Pixel Shader
vs_1_1 ps_1_4

min (Direct3D 9 HLSL)

Selects the lesser of x and y.


ret min(x, y)


Name In/Out Template Type Component Type Size
x in scalar, vector, or matrix float, int any
y in same as input x float, int same dimension(s) as input x
ret return type same as input x float, int same dimension(s) as input x

Minimum Shader Version

This intrinsic function is supported in the following (or above) shader versions:

Vertex Shader Pixel Shader
vs_1_1 ps_1_4

mul (Direct3D 9 HLSL)

Performs matrix multiplication between x and y. If x is a vector, it treated as a row vector. If y is a vector, it is treated as a column vector. The inner dimension x-columns and y-rows must be equal. The result has the dimension x-rows x y-columns.


ret mul(x, y)

There are 9 overloaded versions of this function, to handle the different cases for the types and sizes of the x and y input arguments. The following table lists these versions.

Version Name Purpose Template Type Component Type Size
  x in scalar float, int 1
  y in scalar same as input x 1
  ret out scalar same as input x 1
  x in scalar float, int 1
  y in vector float, int any
  ret out vector float, int same dimension(s) as input y
  x in scalar float, int 1
  y in matrix float, int any
  ret out matrix same as input y same dimension(s) as input y
  x in vector float, int any
  y in scalar float, int 1
  ret out vector float, int same dimension(s) as input x
  x in vector float, int any
  y in vector float, int same dimension(s) as input x
  ret out scalar float, int 1
  x in vector float, int any
  y in matrix float, int rows = same dimension(s) as input x, columns = any
  ret out vector float, int same dimension(s) as input y columns
  x in matrix float, int any
  y in scalar float, int 1
  ret out matrix float, int same dimension(s) as input x
  x in matrix float, int any
  y in vector float, int number of columns in input x
  ret out vector float, int number of rows in input x
  x in matrix float, int any
  y in matrix float, int rows = number of columns in input x
  ret out matrix float, int rows = number of rows in input x, columns = number of columns in input y

Minimum Shader Version

This intrinsic function is supported in the following (or above) shader versions:

Vertex Shader Pixel Shader
vs_1_1 ps_1_1

normalize (Direct3D 9 HLSL)

Returns the normalized vector x / length(x). If the length of x is 0, the result is indefinite.


ret normalize(x)


Name In/Out Template Type Component Type Size
x in vector float any
ret out same as input x float same dimension(s) as input x

Minimum Shader Version

This intrinsic function is supported in the following (or above) shader versions:

Vertex Shader Pixel Shader
vs_1_1 ps_2_0

pow (Direct3D 9 HLSL)

Returns xy.


ret pow(x, y)


Name In/Out Template Type Component Type Size
x in scalar, vector, or matrix float any
y in same as input x float same dimension(s) as input x
ret out same as input x float same dimension(s) as input x


Special cases:

  • If x = 0, then the result will always be 0.
  • If x < 0, there will be a compile error.

This intrinsic function is supported in the following (or above) shader versions:

Vertex Shader Pixel Shader
vs_1_1 ps_2_0

radians (Direct3D 9 HLSL)

Converts x from degrees to radians.


ret radians(x)


Name In/Out Template Type Component Type Size
x in scalar, vector, or matrix float any
ret out same as input x float same dimension(s) as input x

Minimum Shader Version

This intrinsic function is supported in the following (or above) shader versions:

Vertex Shader Pixel Shader
vs_1_1 ps_1_1

reflect (Direct3D 9 HLSL)

Returns the reflection vector v, given the entering ray direction i, and the surface normal n, as in:

v = i - 2 * dot(i, n) * n


ret reflect(i, n)


Name In/Out Template Type Component Type Size
i in vector float any
n in vector float same dimension(s) as input i
ret out vector float same dimension(s) as input i

Minimum Shader Version

This intrinsic function is supported in the following (or above) shader versions:

Vertex Shader Pixel Shader
vs_1_1 ps_1_1

refract (Direct3D 9 HLSL)

Returns the refraction vector given the entering ray direction i, the surface normal n, and the refraction index ri. If the angle between i and n is too great for a given eta, refract returns (0,0,0).


ret refract(i, n, ri)


Name In/Out Template Type Component Type Size
i in vector float any
n in vector float same dimension(s) as input i
ri in scalar float 1
refraction vector out vector float same dimension(s) as input i

Minimum Shader Version

This intrinsic function is supported in the following (or above) shader versions:

Vertex Shader Pixel Shader
vs_1_1 ps_2_0

rsqrt (Direct3D 9 HLSL)

Returns 1 / sqrt(x).


ret rsqrt(x)


Name In/Out Template Type Component Type Size
x in scalar, vector, or matrix float any
ret out same as input x float same dimension(s) as input x

Minimum Shader Version

This intrinsic function is supported in the following (or above) shader versions:

Vertex Shader Pixel Shader
vs_1_1 ps_2_0

saturate (Direct3D 9 HLSL)

Clamps x to the range [0, 1].


ret saturate(x)


Name In/Out Template Type Component Type Size
x in scalar, vector, or matrix float any
ret out same as input x float same dimension(s) as input x

Minimum Shader Version

This intrinsic function is supported in the following (or above) shader versions:

Vertex Shader Pixel Shader
vs_1_1 ps_1_1

sin (Direct3D 9 HLSL)

Returns the sine of x.


ret sin(x)


Name In/Out Template Type Component Type Size
x in scalar, vector, or matrix float any
ret out same as input x float same dimension(s) as input x

Minimum Shader Version

This intrinsic function is supported in the following (or above) shader versions:

Vertex Shader Pixel Shader
vs_1_1 ps_2_0

sincos (Direct3D 9 HLSL)

Returns the sine and cosine of x. sin(x) is stored in the output parameter s. cos(x) is stored in the output parameter c.


sincos(x, out s, out c)


Name In/Out Template Type Component Type Size
x in scalar, vector, or matrix float any
s out same as input x float same dimension(s) as input x
c out same as input x float same dimension(s) as input x

Minimum Shader Version

This intrinsic function is supported in the following (or above) shader versions:

Vertex Shader Pixel Shader
vs_1_1 ps_2_0

sqrt (Direct3D 9 HLSL)

Square root (per component).


ret sqrt(x)


Name In/Out Template Type Component Type Size
x in scalar, vector, or matrix float any
ret out same as input x float same dimension(s) as input x

Minimum Shader Version

This intrinsic function is supported in the following (or above) shader versions:

Vertex Shader Pixel Shader
vs_1_1 ps_2_0

tan (Direct3D 9 HLSL)

Returns the tangent of x.


ret tan(x)


Name In/Out Template Type Component Type Size
x in scalar, vector, or matrix float any
ret out same as input x float same dimension(s) as input x

Minimum Shader Version

This intrinsic function is supported in the following (or above) shader versions:

Vertex Shader Pixel Shader
vs_1_1 ps_2_0

transpose (Direct3D 9 HLSL)

Returns the transpose of the input matrix x. If the dimensions of the source matrix is p-rows x q-columns, the resulting matrix is q-columns x p-rows.


ret transpose(x)


Name In/Out Template Type Component Type Size
x in matrix float, int, bool any
ret out matrix float, int, bool rows = same number of columns as input x, columns = same number of rows as input x

Minimum Shader Version

This intrinsic function is supported in the following (or above) shader versions:

Vertex Shader Pixel Shader
vs_1_1 ps_1_1



floats v = float3 (0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);

v = cos(v);



float x = sin(1.0f);       // sine of 1.0f radian.

float y = sqrt(4.0f);      // square root of 4.

vector u = {1.0f, 2.0f, -3.0f, 0.0f};

vector v = {3.0f, -1.0f, 0.0f, 2.0f};

float  s = dot(u, v);      // compute dot product of u and v.

float3 i = {1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f};

float3 j = {0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f};

float3 k = cross(i, j);    // compute cross product of i and j.

matrix<float, 2, 2> M = {1.0f, 2.0f, 3.0f, 4.0f};

matrix<float, 2, 2> T = transpose(M); // compute transpose


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