一组允许软件组件与网络环境中的另一个组件交互,而不管创建组件所用语言的技术。微软倡导的ActiveX 网络化多媒体对象技术。
     允许开发人员为World Wide Web 创建交互式组件的内涵丰富的Microsoft技术术语。允许用不同语言编写的软件组件在网络环境中一起工作的一组不依赖语言的互操作技术。ActiveX的关键元素是组件对象模型(COM) 和分布组件对象模型(DCOM)。这些技术已得到开放组织的许可,已移植到许多平台上。(请参阅COM、CGI、DCOM或Java。)

Software components from Microsoft. They enable sound, Java applets and animations to be integrated in a Web page.

ActiveX is a technology developed by Microsoft. With an ActiveX-enabled browser (ie Internet Explorer only) ActiveX controls can be downloaded as part of a Web document to add functionality to the browser (similar to Java applets). In particular ActiveX enables seamless viewing of Windows files of all types, eg spreadsheets, and in combination with other technologies such as Java and scripting languages, makes possible the development of complex Web applications. Currently it runs on 32-bit Windows platforms (Windows 95 and NT) only.

A Microsoft technology used on the Internet to make interactive web pages that look and behave like computer programs, rather than static pages. ActiveX controls may be used with Microsoft's Internet Explorer browser to interact with web pages. ActiveX controls provide functions similar to Java Applets.

A loosely defined set of technologies developed by Microsoft. ActiveX is an outgrowth of two other Microsoft technologies called OLE (Object Linking and Embedding) and COM (Component Object Model). As a moniker, ActiveX can be very confusing because it applies to a whole set of COM-based technologies. Most people, however, think only of ActiveX controls, which represent a specific way of implementing ActiveX technologies.

is Microsoft's specification for reusable software components. ActiveX is based on COM, the Component Object Model. The basic idea is to define exactly how software components interact and interoperate so developers can create components that work together using the definition. ActiveX components were originally called OLE Servers and ActiveX Servers and this renaming (actually for marketing rather than technical reasons) has created a lot of confusion about what they are. A lot of languages and applications support ActiveX in some way or another and Visual Basic supports it very strongly since it's one of the cornerstones of the Win32 environment

A set of technologies that enables software components to interact with one another in a networked environment, regardless of the language in which the components were created. ActiveX is used primarily to develop interactive content for the World Wide Web, although it can be used in desktop applications and other programs.

A set of language-independent interoperability technologies that enable software components written in different languages to work together in networked environments. The core technology elements of ActiveX are COM and DCOM. These technologies are licensed to the Open Group standards organization, and are being implemented on multiple platforms.

This is a technology from Microsoft that links desktop applications to the World Wide Web. Using ActiveX tools, software developers create interactive Web content for their applications. For example, Word and Excel documents can be viewed directly in a browser if ActiveX is enabled. The downside of ActiveX is that it's almost impossible to have the latest version; Microsoft releases a new version almost every day. [Close]

What is ActiveX?

ActiveX is the name Microsoft has given to a set of strategic object-oriented program technologies and tools.

is an architecture that lets the ActiveX control program interact with other programs over a network, eg the Internet. It is an umbrella of mechanisms to bring sound bytes, animation and interactivity to Web documents.

Phrase appearing everywhere COM technology is used, eg ActiveXControl, ActiveXServer, etc.

A Microsoft® reusable component technology used in many SSL VPN solutions to provide VPN client access in a road warrior's web browser. Top

Internet & computing ActiveX is a processor-dependent programming language used to create applets to run over the world-wide web. Created and promoted by Microsoft, ActiveX is hence a rival to Sun Microsystem's platform-independent Java applet programming language.

A program used to create interactive content for World Wide Web sites. It was created by Microsoft as a competitor to Java, an extremely popular programming language from Sun Microsystems.

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Microsoft technology created to enable easier multimedia on the WWW. ActiveX controls can be used to create multimedia effects. On ActiveX Web sites, buttons can light up and sound effects can play when you click or move the pointer over things (see also Java , Javascript ). To see it, your browser must support ActiveX. --From http://www.babylon.com

ActiveX is Microsoft's framework for Windows type appplications available through a Web browser. With an ActiveX enabled browser you can embed applications in a Web page much like you would embed a Java applet (in fact, you can embed a Java Applet using ActiveX). A good example is Microsoft's Powerpoint Animation Player for ActiveX, a plug-in that allows web browsers to present powerpoint presentations over the Web with the same quality of the original presentation.

An ActiveX component is a COM component that is intended to be portable across more than one platform. Among other things, ActiveX controls can be downloaded from a web server and operate on the client computer outside of the web browser. This is in contrast to a Java applet, which can only operate within the confines of a web browser. ActiveX controls were originally called OLE controls before they were modified to work over the internet.

A programming system developed and sold by Microsoft for creating and running interactive multimedia (text, graphics, video, and sound files) on websites.

A programming utility used to create special effects on web pages to make the pages interactive. With ActiveX controls enabled, users can ask or answer questions, use push buttons, and interact in other ways with the web page.

is a programming/scripting language developed by Microsoft to produce animations and interactivity when run in web browsers. ActiveX has been blamed at times for introducing viruses to users' machines when used as a vehicle by hackers.

This Microsoft's proprietary technology is used for creation of dynamic objects for Web pages. This technology provides a wide range of features, such as saving to disk and running commands at the client (ie at the computer where the Web page is opened). Using ActiveX, virus and worms can for example modify telephone number of the dial-up. ActiveX is supported only by Microsoft Internet Explorer.

A standard for embedding into a Web page programs that enhance the capabilities of the browser. ActiveX used to be called OLE Controls or OCXs.

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In programming, the Component Object Model (COM), also known as ActiveX, is a Microsoft technology for software components. It is used to enable cross-software communication. Although it has been implemented on several platforms, it is primarily used with Microsoft Windows. Its precursor was object linking and embedding (OLE), and it is to be replaced with the Microsoft .NET framework.

问:什么是 ActiveX? [源自微软知识库]
答:ActiveX 是一术语,使开发人员可以编写名为控件的小程序。Web 页、Visual Basic 程序和其他应用程序均可以使用控件。ActiveX 控件执行一些相关任务并可用作极为复杂程序中的构造块。

开发人员可以创建自定义 ActiveX 控件。如果开发人员创建了自定义 ActiveX 控件,这些控件必须分配给每个用户。不过,Microsoft ,Sun,Mac和很多第三方软件供应商将 ActiveX 控件包含在其产品中,以便这些产品易于扩展。

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