
  • 一. 什么是定语?
  • 二. 定语的成分
  • 三.定语的位置
  • 四.定语从句
    • 1. 定语从句的构成
    • 2.定语从句的引导词
  • 五.定语从句特殊用法
    • 1) that引导定语从句时,如果充当宾语that可以省略
    • 2) 区别限制和非限制性定语从句
    • 3)如果先行词和引导词之间有介词,人不用who只能用whom,物不用that只能用which
    • 4) 区别the same...as; the same...that引导的定语从句
    • 5) as 和 which 引导的非限制性定语从句
    • 6) 定语从句中引导词which和that的区别
  • 六. 区别定语从句和同位语从句
  • 七. 定语从句的至难点
  • 八. 定语从句的考点分析
  • 九、定语从句长难句分析
    • 1. 定语从名词后开始到主语的谓语动词结束
    • 2.如果定语在主语的谓语动词后,定语就从名词后开始通常到句末结束。如果定语后有连词的话,定语不再到句末结束而是到连词之前。
    • 3.一个大定语中通常都有无数个小定语,每一个小定语都是到下一个名词后结束(固定搭配除外)。

一. 什么是定语?

只要听到…的+n. …的就是修饰这个n.的定语

二. 定语的成分

The innocent nightingale died.
The nightingale brave and innocent died.(定语较长后置)
The singing of the nightingale can make the rose bloom.
The nightingale out of the window heard the sighs of the youngster.
The singing nightingale lost his life.



  • This is a fiction about a nightingale and a rose.

  • The youngster grasping romance left the party of the prince.

  • The rejected boy looks pitiful.

  • The boy rejected looks pitiful.

  • I have something important to tell you.


1. 定语从句的构成

n. + 引导词 + 句子



  1. 人:who whom whose that一般不指人
  2. 物:that which whose
  3. 时间:that which when
  4. 地点:that which where
  5. 原因:that which why


  • I will never forget the day ____ I met you.


  • I will never forget the day ____ we spent.

  • You had better have some reason __ you are late.

  • You had better have some reason __ sounds perfect.

1. 先行词
2. 引导词在从句中充当的成分。


  1. 代词(主语、宾语): who whom that which
  2. 副词(在从句中不能充当任何主干成分):where when why
  3. 形容词(在从句中修饰离他最近的名词):whose 引导词 人/物,从句不缺少成分


  • The rose that / which the nightingale exchanged with his life was discarded.

  • Buildings whose roofs are round look beautiful.

  • It has been validated by numerous facts that glories belong to those with dreams.

  • Wearing my own shoes proves not only convenient but also ensures a point that the feelings of others can be ignored.


  • The point of the issue seems who should be responsible for the decline of ethics.


  • He whose appearance looks indecent proves noble in his mind.


  • It seems indispensable that those who spare no efforts to realize their dreams never feel pitiful although glories failed to be achieved.
    spare no efforts 全力以赴
    try one’s best 尽力而为


  • Students who fail to concentrate in class but wish to pass examinations smoothly tend to find that the consequence proves less impressive.


1) that引导定语从句时,如果充当宾语that可以省略

I enjoy the book that my mother bought for me.

2) 区别限制和非限制性定语从句


限定 I love Liu who is beautiful. 我喜欢美丽的Liu。(暗含不美丽就不喜欢了)
非限定 I love Liu, who is beautiful. 我喜欢Liu,她很美丽


He is the man who we should learn from.
He is the man from whom we should learn.

I will never forget the day when I met you.
I will never forget the day on which i met you.

4) 区别the same…as; the same…that引导的定语从句


He is the same man as I love. 他就像我爱的男人。 as 翻译 像
He is the same man that I love. 他就是我爱的男人。 that 翻译 是

5) as 和 which 引导的非限制性定语从句


He enjoys talking with young ladies, which drives me mad.
As drives me mad, he enjoys talking with young ladies.

6) 定语从句中引导词which和that的区别

六. 区别定语从句和同位语从句

I have a dream that sounds funny.(定语从句)
I have a dream that I will become a rich lady.(同位语从句)

  • 相同点:都是先行词+引导词+句子
  • 不同点:
    1. 看从句本身的意思,定语从句是对前面名词的修饰;而同位语从句是对前面名词意思的解释。
    2. 看引导词that是否在从句中充当了成分。如果充当成分就是定语从句,如果没充当成分就是同位语从句。
    3. 定语从句的先行词可以是所有的名词,而同位语从句的先行词只能是抽象名词。
    4. 定语从句引导词8个,同位语从句引导词一般都是that。

七. 定语从句的至难点


  1. 定语从句的先行词就是离它最近的那个名词。
  2. 定语从句的先行词是它前面并列的几个名词。
  3. 定语从句的先行词是它前面的一个从句。
  4. 定语从句的先行词是它前面的整个句子。
  5. 定语从句的先行词和引导词被一坨东西隔开了。

八. 定语从句的考点分析

  1. 只要在作文中见到名词都可以有意识的加一个定语成分把句子拉长。
  • Pets can reduce loneliness.

  • Pets which look cute as well as healthy can reduce loneliness of senior citizens without any children who can take care of them.

  • Reading books can add knowledge.

  • Reading books which keep beneficial to our physcial and mental health can add knowledge of all children and adults.

which look adj. as well as …
pets such as …
books such as…


  • 意合 - 形合

  • 句子结构

  • 逻辑关系词的使用

  • 主动 - 被动
    In the past decades, a variety of actions were adopted by the authorities to prevent disasters.

  • 短句 - 长句
    Wuzhen is a water town in ZJ province. It locates near the river fomr BJ to HZ.

      合成方法:- 1. 非谓语动词 Wuzhen is a water town in ZJ province, locateing near the river fomr BJ to HZ.- 2. 加连词Wuzhen is a water town in ZJ province and locates near the river fomr BJ to HZ.- 3. 从句Wuzhen which locates near the river from BJ to HZ is a water town in ZJ province.

When I played basketball yesterday I came across a woman whose daughter was running on the playground.

Doors will be decorated by couplets whose topics are involved in health, wealth and good luck.


n + 定、同、插、状、谓

1. 定语从名词后开始到主语的谓语动词结束

Creating a “European identify” (that respects the different cultures and traditions /which go to make up the connecting fabric /of the Old Continent) is no easy task and demands a strategic choice.


In Europe, as elsewhere, multi-media groups have been increasingly successful groups (which bring togenter television, radio, newspapers, magazines and publishing houses /that work in relation to one another.)


Some of these causes are completely reasonable results (of social needs). Others are reasonable consequences (of particular advances /in science /being to some extent self-accelerating).

I love my mother /from BJ /which the capital of China /which…

“In short”, a leader of the new school contends, “the scientific revolution, as we call it, was largely the improvement and invention and use (of a series of instruments /that expanded the reach /of sciencs /in innumerable directions).”
improvement and invention and use 三个名词被修饰

Astrophysicists working with ground-based detectors at the South Pole and balloon-borne instruments are closing in on such structures, and may report their findings soon.

After six moths (of arguing) and final 16 hours (of hot parliamentary debates), Australia’s Northern Territory became the first legal authority (in the world /to allow doctors to take the lives /of incurably ill patients /who wish to die.
to allow… 修饰authority,被in the world 隔开

Whether to use tests, other kinds of information, or both in a particular situation depends, therefore, upon the evidence form experience /concerning comparative validity /and upon such factors as costs and availability.
in a particular situation 状语(因为做定语翻译很恶心)



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