apple 关闭双重认证

A recent poll in The Register asked who is more closed, Microsoft or Apple? A whopping 55% of respondents thought that dubious honor belongs to Apple (21% said Microsoft, and 24% said they were both equals in the matter).

《 The Register》最近进行的一项民意调查询问微软或苹果公司谁更封闭? 高达55%的受访者认为可疑的荣誉属于苹果公司(21%的人表示微软,而24%的人称他们在这件事上都是平等的)。

Even though Apple’s current operating system is built on top of an open source UNIX base, and even though their web browser is built on the open source WebKit rendering engine, Apple has notoriously always been close. The most popular reason people perceived Apple as more closed than Microsoft in the Register’s poll was the end-to-end proprietary nature of their product line.

即使Apple当前的操作系统基于开放源UNIX平台构建,并且即使其Web浏览器基于开放源WebKit渲染引擎构建,Apple也一直臭名昭著。 在Register的民意测验中,人们认为Apple比Microsoft更封闭的原因是他们产品线的端到端专有性。

“Whether it’s OS X being wedded to the Mac, the iPod being dependent on the iTunes service, or iPhone software distribution being controlled via the Apple Store, there is a strong perception that openness is not always the biggest priority for Apple,” explains Dale Vile.

“无论是将OS X绑定到Mac,还是将iPod依赖于iTunes服务,还是通过Apple Store来控制iPhone软件发行,人们都强烈认为,开放性并不总是Apple的头等大事,” Dale解释说。恶毒。

It is certainly true that Apple likes to retain complete control over their products. By only allowing OS X to run on hardware they create, for example, Apple not only controls the pricing of their products but they also limit the possibility of hardware incompatibility issues that degrade user experience. And if there’s one driving force behind all Apple products it is maintaining a high quality user experience.

苹果确实喜欢保留对其产品的完全控制权。 例如,通过仅允许OS X在他们创建的硬件上运行,Apple不仅控制其产品的定价,而且还限制了导致用户体验下降的硬件不兼容问题的可能性。 而且,如果所有Apple产品背后都有一个驱动力,它就可以保持高质量的用户体验。

This time around, the real battle for control of our computing lives might be taking place on the mobile platform and on the web. It’s less about Windows vs. Linux vs. OS X, and more about iPhone vs. Blackberry vs. Android vs. Windows Mobile. And as Farhad Manjoo wonders, “Hasn’t Steve Jobs learned anything in the last 30 years?”

这次,控制我们的计算机生活的真正战斗可能发生在移动平台和网络上。 与Windows,Linux,OS X无关,而与iPhone,Blackberry,Android和Windows Mobile有关。 正如法哈德·曼乔 ( Farhad Manjoo)所想 ,“史蒂夫·乔布斯(Steve Jobs)在过去30年中没有学到任何东西吗?”

“Watching Google and Apple carve out space in the mobile business, one can hardly avoid thinking that history is repeating itself. In the 1970s and ’80s, Apple created the first great personal computers. But because Apple closed its platform, it was IBM, Dell, HP, and especially Microsoft that reaped the benefits of Apple’s innovations,” wrote Manjoo recently in an article on “The Mac’s operating system ran only on Mac computers; Windows ran on lots of lots of different companies’ hardware. This made non-Apple computers both cheaper than Apple’s machines—competition between hardware manufacturers pushed down prices—and more useful, as third-party developers flocked to write must-have programs for Windows. Apple seems to be following a similar restrictive strategy with the iPhone.”

“看着Google和Apple开拓移动业务的空间,人们几乎无法避免以为历史在重演。 在1970年代和80年代,苹果公司创造了第一批出色的个人计算机。 但是因为苹果关闭了平台,所以IBM,戴尔,惠普,尤其是微软从苹果的创新中受益匪浅。” Manjoo最近在Slate.com上的一篇文章中写道。 “ Mac的操作系统仅在Mac计算机上运行; Windows在许多不同公司的硬件上运行。 由于第三方开发人员蜂拥而至,为Windows编写必备程序,这使得非Apple的计算机既比Apple的计算机便宜,又使硬件制造商之间的竞争降低了价格,并且更加有用。 苹果似乎对iPhone采取了类似的限制性策略。”

Manjoo theorizes that perhaps Jobs thinks that this time around people are more keen on user experience and minimization of headaches than they are concerned with openness. “An open platform is much more technically complex than a closed one,” says Manjoo, noting that open platforms have more technical problems because they have to play nice with a wider variety of technology, and that they attract unsavory developers (i.e., makers of viruses and spyware), all of which hurts end user experience.

Manjoo认为,也许乔布斯认为这次人们比对开放性的关注更热衷于用户体验和头痛的减少。 Manjoo说:“开放平台比封闭平台在技术上要复杂得多。”他指出,开放平台存在更多技术问题,因为它们必须与更广泛的技术配合使用,而且它们吸引了不讨人喜欢的开发人员(例如,病毒和间谍软件),所有这些都会损害最终用户的体验。

However, as we noted in August, closed platforms often put developers at odds with the platform providers, which can ultimately drive developers toward alternatives. Applications are the life’s blood of any platform. So if closed platforms end up protecting user experience at the expense of maintaining a wide variety of helpful applications, then openness will eventually win.

但是,正如我们在8月所指出的那样 ,封闭的平台通常会使开发人员与平台提供者产生分歧,最终可能会促使开发人员转向替代方案。 应用程序是任何平台的生命。 因此,如果封闭的平台最终以维护各种有用的应用程序为代价来保护用户体验,那么开放最终将赢得胜利。

If the Register’s poll is any indication of general sentiment, Jobs might have made another miscalculation and could pay for it in the long term. And, as CNET points out, Apple is starting to take some very Microsoft-like action against rivals to protect its monopolies. That’s a dangerous road for Apple to take and one that could shift public perception of the company, which is anecdotally very positive right now.

如果登记册的民意测验显示出总体情绪,则乔布斯可能又做出了错误的估算,并且可以长期支付。 而且,正如CNET所指出的那样 ,苹果公司开始采取类似于微软的行动对付竞争对手,以保护其垄断地位。 对于苹果公司而言,这是一条危险的道路,并且可能会改变公众对该公司的看法,这在目前看来是非常积极的。


apple 关闭双重认证

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