阅读《数学之美》,作者提到Alfred Spector(先后担任IBM,Google主管研究的副总裁),本想查下此人个人网站日后跟踪,结果意外又不惊讶的发现,此人在2015.10被Two Sigma挖走了。

Opalesque Industry Update - Two Sigma, a technology-driven investment manager with approximately $28 billion in assets under management, today announced that Dr. Alfred Spector has joined the company as Chief Technology Officer and Head of the Engineering Organization, effective immediately. In this role, Dr. Spector will lead the technology strategy across the company, with a focus on driving innovation to optimize Two Sigma’s investment platform and overall capabilities.

“Alfred’s unique skills and experience in the areas of engineering, research, and strategy are ideally suited to our company at this stage in our development,” said David Siegel, Co-Chairman of Two Sigma. “We are confident that he will help us continue to innovate for the benefit of our investors.”

Dr. Spector joins Two Sigma from Google, where he spent nearly eight years as Vice President of Research and Special Initiatives, a group that delivered a range of successful technologies, including, machine learning, speech recognition, and translation. He was also responsible for Google’s open-source initiatives, university-relations programs, and various other technology initiatives.

“Technology has had exceptional and growing impact in nearly every sector over the last twenty years. When it comes to investment management, Two Sigma has an unmatched ability to apply technology for beneficial innovation. I am excited to work with such a talented team of professionals to help advance the use of technology to discover value in the world’s data and much more,” said Dr. Spector.

Prior to Google, Dr. Spector held various senior-level positions at IBM, including Vice President of Strategy and Technology (CTO) for IBM Software and Vice President of Services and Software research across the company. He previously founded and served as CEO of Transarc Corporation, a pioneer in distributed transaction processing and wide-area file systems, and he was an associate professor of computer science at Carnegie Mellon University. Dr. Spector received a Bachelor’s Degree in Applied Mathematics from Harvard University and a Ph.D. in Computer Science from Stanford University. He is an active member of the National Academy of Engineering and the American Academy of Arts and Sciences.


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