1.You never know what you're missing out on if you don't read the memos.

2.I need you to take a dictation for me.
3.This should go out as an intra-office memorandum to all employees by this afternoon.
4.You know how things get piled up on my desk when I am busy. I know sometimes I do misplace things,but I always read all the memos that go around.
5.All office communications are restricted to email correspondence and official memos.
6.The use of Instant Message programs by employees during working hours is strictly prohibited.
7.Any employees who persists in using Instant messaging will fist receive a warning and be placed on probation.
8.At second offense, the employee will face termination.
9.Any questions regarding this new policy may be directed to department heads.
10.Please get this memo typed up and distributed to all employees before 4 pm.
11.I'm usually too busy to take a bunch of coffee breaks and gossip by the water cooler.


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