

What Is ATI CrossFireX™

ATI CrossFireX™ is the ultimate multi-GPU performance gaming platform. Enabling game-dominating power, ATI CrossFireX technology enables two or more discrete graphics processors to work together to improve system performance. For The Ultimate Visual Experience™, be sure to select ATI CrossFireX ready motherboards for AMD and Intel® processors and multiple ATI Radeon™ HD graphics cards.

ATI CrossFireX technology allows you to expand your system’s graphics capabilities. It allows you the ability to scale your system’s graphics horsepower as you need it, supporting up to four ATI Radeon™ HD graphics cards, making this the most scalable gaming platform ever.

Extreme High-Definition Gaming

Arm yourself with up to four ATI Radeon HD graphics cards to move faster, aim quicker, and see more clearly than all who stand between you and victory. With an ATI CrossFireX gaming rig, you can breakthrough traditional graphics limitations to achieve higher performance and The Ultimate Visual Experience™.

Products featuring ATI CrossFireX technology offer a range of solutions for a whole new gaming experience. Whether you’re an up-and-comer or a pro-tournament master, ATI CrossFireX raises the bar for competitive performance and visual thrills.

What Are The Benefits Of ATI CrossFireX?

With an ATI CrossFireX gaming rig, you can breakthrough the traditional graphics limitation allowing you to higher performance as well as visual experience.

Does ATI CrossFireX Only Benefit The High-End Cards?

No. ATI CrossFireX technology brings a whole new level of gaming experience throughout our products line-up. Whether you have an entry level or top end solution, ATI CrossFireX will raise the bar in bringing the ultimate performance and visual experience.

ATI Hybrid CrossFireX™ Technology1

Based on ATI CrossFireX™ multi-GPU technology, ATI Hybrid CrossFireX™ takes your gaming experience to the next level boosting PC performance. ATI Hybrid CrossFireX™ is one of the technology features included under the ATI Hybrid Graphics technology umbrella brand. It brings multi-GPU performance capabilities by enabling an AMD 780 integrated graphics processor and a discrete graphics processor to operate simultaneously with combined output to a single display for blisteringly-fast frame rates. Unleash the graphics performance that you’ve been waiting for on a mainstream Windows Vista® PC!

How Does ATI Hybrid CrossFireX™ Work?

ATI Hybrid Graphics technology enables a discrete graphics processor and an integrated graphics processor to render simultaneously in ATI Hybrid CrossFireX™ mode, in Windows Vista® to help provide a significant performance boost to AMD-based systems.

What Does An ATI Hybrid CrossFireX™ System Include?

An ATI Hybrid CrossFireX™ system includes an ATI Radeon™ HD 2400 Series2, ATI Radeon™ HD 3400 Series or ATI Mobility Radeon™ HD 3400 Series graphics processor and a motherboard based on an AMD 780 integrated chipset, all operating in a Windows Vista® environment.

How Is ATI CrossFireX™ Different From ATI Hybrid CrossFireX™?

ATI CrossFireX™ enables two or more discrete graphics processors to work together to improve system performance in both Windows® XP and Windows Vista®. ATI Hybrid CrossFireX™ specifically refers to the ability to boost system performance by allowing a discrete graphics processor and an integrated graphics processor to work simultaneously in a Windows Vista® environment.

1. ATI Hybrid CrossFireX™ Technology is only supported with Windows Vista® operating system, and is not available with Windows® XP operating system.

2. ATI Radeon™ HD 2400 supports only ATI Hybrid CrossFireX™ technology and ATI SurroundView™ technology.


What is NVIDIA SLI Technology?
NVIDIA® SLI™ technology is a revolutionary platform innovation that allows you to intelligently scale graphics performance by combining multiple NVIDIA graphics solutions in a single system with an NVIDIA nForce® SLI media and communications processor (MCP).

NVIDIA® Hybrid SLI® Technology

Based on NVIDIA’s industry-leading SLI technology, Hybrid SLI delivers multi-GPU (graphics processing unit) benefits when an NVIDIA motherboard GPU is combined with NVIDIA discrete GPU.




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