
–by leiyong 2022-4-27



docker run -d --name influxdb-server1 \
-e INFLUXDB_USER=my_user \
-e INFLUXDB_DB=my_database \
--net="bridge" \
-p 8086:8086/tcp \
-p 8088:8088/tcp \
docker run -d --name influxdb-server2 \
-e INFLUXDB_USER=my_user \
-e INFLUXDB_DB=my_database \
--net="bridge" \
-p 8090:8086/tcp \
-p 8092:8088/tcp \



SyncFlux 是一个带有 HTTP API 接口的开源 InfluxDB 数据同步和复制工具,主要目标是手工从HA influxDB 1.X 集群中恢复丢失的数据


nano /mylocal/conf/syncflux.toml

# -*- toml -*-# -------GENERAL SECTION ---------
# syncflux could work in several ways,
# not all General config parameters works on all modes.
#  modes
#  "hamonitor" => enables syncflux as a daemon to sync
#                2 Influx 1.X OSS db and sync data between them
#                when needed (does active monitoring )
#  "copy" => executes syncflux as a new process to copy data
#            between master and slave databases
#  "replicashema" => executes syncflux as a new process to create
#             the database/s and all its related retention policies
#  "fullcopy" => does database/rp replication and after does a data copy[General]
# ------------------------
# logdir ( only valid on hamonitor action)
#  the directory where to place logs
#  will place the main log "
#  logdir = "./log"# ------------------------
# loglevel ( valid only for hamonitor actions )
#  set the log level , valid values are:
#  fatal,error,warn,info,debug,trace
# on copy/fullcopy actions  loglevel is mapped with
#  (nothing) = Warning
#  -v = Info
#  -vv =  debug
#  -vvv = traceloglevel = "debug"# -----------------------------
# sync-mode (only valid on hamonitor action)
#  NOTE: rigth now only  "onlyslave" (one way sync ) is valied
#  (planned sync in two ways in the future)sync-mode = "onlyslave"# ---------------------------
# master-db choose one of the configured InfluxDB as a SlaveDB
# this parameter will be override by the command line -master parametermaster-db = "influxdb01"# ---------------------------
# slave-db choose one of the configured InfluxDB as a SlaveDB
# this parameter will be override by the command line -slave parameterslave-db = "influxdb02"# ------------------------------
# check-interval
# the inteval for health cheking for both master and slave databasescheck-interval = "10s"# ------------------------------
# min-sync-interval
# the inteval in which HA monitor will check both are ok and change
# the state of the cluster if not, making all needed recovery actionsmin-sync-interval = "20s"# ---------------------------------------------
# initial-replication
# tells syncflux if needed some type of replication
# on slave database from master database on initialize
# (only valid on hamonitor action)
# none:  no replication
# schema: database and retention policies will be recreated on the slave database
# data: data for all retention policies will be replicated
#      be carefull: this full data copy could take hours,days.
# both:  will replicate first the schema and them the full data initial-replication = "none"#
# monitor-retry-durtion
# syncflux only can begin work when master and slave database are both up,
# if some of them is down synflux will retry infinitely each monitor-retry-duration to work.monitor-retry-interval = "1m"#
# data-chuck-duration
# duration for each small, read  from master -> write to slave, chuck of data
# smaller chunks of data will use less memory on the syncflux process
# and also less resources on both master and slave databases
# greater chunks of data will improve sync speed data-chuck-duration = "5m"#
#  max-retention-interval
# for infinite ( or bigger ) retention policies full replication should begin somewhere in the time
# this parameter set the max retention.max-retention-interval = "8760h" # 1 year#
#  rw-max-retries
#  If any of the read ( from master) or write ( to slave ) querys fails ,
#  the query will be repeated at leas rw-max-retriesrw-max-retries = 5#  If any of the read ( from master) or write ( to slave ) querys fails ,
#  the query will be repeated at leas rw-max-retries and we can force a pause from at least rw-retry-delayrw-retry-delay = "10s"# Num paralel  workers querying and writting at time on both databases (master & slave)
# num-workers = 4# syncflux splits  all chunk data  to write into multiple writes of max-points-on-single-write
# enables limitation on HTTP BODY REQUEST, avoiding errors like "Request Entity Too Large"max-points-on-single-write = 20000# ---- HTTP API SECTION (Only valid on hamonitor action)
# Enables an HTTP API endpoint to check the cluster health[http]name = "example-http-influxdb"bind-addr = ""admin-user = "admin"admin-passwd = "admin"cookie-id = "mysupercokie"# ---- INFLUXDB  SECTION
# Sets a list of available DB's that can be used
# as master or slaves db's on any of the posible actions[[influxdb]]release = "1x"name = "influxdb01"
#配置集群地址、管理员名称和账号location = ""admin-user = "my_admin"admin-passwd = "my_password"timeout = "10s"tls-insecure-skip-verify = truetls-ca = ""tls-cert = ""tls-key = ""[[influxdb]]release = "1x"name = "influxdb02"
#配置集群地址、管理员名称和账号location = ""admin-user = "my_admin"admin-passwd = "my_password"timeout = "10s"tls-insecure-skip-verify = truetls-ca = ""tls-cert = ""tls-key = ""


docker run -d --restart always --name=syncflux_instance00 -p 4090:4090 -v /mylocal/conf:/opt/syncflux/conf -v /mylocal/log:/opt/syncflux/log tonimoreno/syncflux





nano /mylocal/influxdb-srelay.conf


## InfluxDB Single instances Config
################################ InfluxDB Backend InfluxDB01
[[influxdb]]name = "myinfluxdb01"location = ""timeout = "10s"# InfluxDB Backend InfluxDB02
[[influxdb]]name = "myinfluxdb02"location = ""timeout = "10s"#################################
## InfluxDB Cluster Configs as a set
## of influxdb Single Instances
################################# # Cluster for linux Metrics
[[influxcluster]]# name = cluster id for route configs and logsname  = "ha_cluster"# members = array of influxdb backendsmembers = ["myinfluxdb01","myinfluxdb02"]# where to write logs for all  operations in the clusterlog-file = "ha_cluster.log"# log level could be# "panic","fatal","Error","warn","info","debug"log-level = "info"# mode = of query and send data# * HA : #       input write data will be sent to all members#       queries will be sent  on the active node with #       data if query-router-endpoint-api config exist, else the first# * Single:#       input write data will be sent on the first member ( should be only one)#     query will be sent on  the only first member (should be only one)# * LB:  // NOT IMPLEMENTED YET //type = "HA"# query-router-endpoint-api: #  List of API url which give us the name of the influxdb backend available with all available data (when recovery process)#   use any available sync tool as in https://github.com/toni-moreno/syncflux if needed ##syncflux的配置地址query-router-endpoint-api = ["http://localhost:4090/api/queryactive","http://localhost:4090/api/queryactive"]# HTTP Server
[[http]]name = "ha-relay"bind-addr = ""log-file = "http_harelay_9096.log"log-level = "info"access-log = "ha_access.log"rate-limit = 1000000burst-limit = 2000000## Define endpoints base config## endpoints can have read and write properties## Example: /query endpoint## There are 2 routes that must do a read query  against a cluster## It expects that each HTTP request tries each route. If it fits the filter it will be enrouted## All requests that doesn't pass through  the filter tries the next route## IQL /query Endpoint#[[http.endpoint]]uri=["/query"]# type#  * RD = http for query db#  * WR = http for send data to the dbtype="RD"# source_format # Supported formats# * ILP = influxdb-line-protocol# * prom-write = prometheus write format# * IQL = Influx Query Languagesource_format="IQL"## READ request - linux_METRICS[[http.endpoint.route]]name="any_read"# level:#   * http => all following rules will work only with http params#   * data => any of the following rules will need data inspectionlevel="http" # http or data# true => will use the endpoint log as this route log# false => will use its own log file ,  if not set the name <logdir>/http_route_<route_name>.loglog-inherit = false#log-file = "query_route_linux_metrics.log"log-level = "info"## Filter only the request with db param = linux_metrics[[http.endpoint.route.filter]]name="pass_all"#------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# Key for filter usage could be only at http level parameters (header/query)#  Header based#  -------------#    * authorization: Authorization Header #    * remote-address: Remote Address Header#    * referer: Referer Header#    * user-agent: User-Agent Header#  Query Based #  -------------#   (https://docs.influxdata.com/influxdb/v1.7/guides/querying_data/)#   (https://docs.influxdata.com/influxdb/v1.7/tools/api/#write-http-endpoint)#    * db [r/w]: InfluxDB to read / Write#    * q [r]: InfluxQL query#    * epoch [r]: precision on read queries#    * precision [w] : precision on write queries#    * chunked [r]: (see referenced doc)#    * chunksize[r]: (see referenced doc)#    * pretty[r]:(see referenced doc)#    * u [r/w]: read/write user#    * p [r/w]: read/write password#    * rp[w]: retention policy#    * consistency[w]: (see referenced doc)#  Computed#    * username: computed from authorization header or u parameters# Key for Rule Usage (not this level) could be also data level parameters#   * measurement: match the measurement name#   * tag: match the tag value with tag key in key_aux#   * field: match the field value with field key in key_aux (always as string!!!! at this level)# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------key="db" #availabe http paramsmatch=".*"## Rule to route to cluster_linux[[http.endpoint.route.rule]]name="route_all"# Action Route#     * route:#       If key value (usually http level key) match with match parameter, The complete #       request will be sent to the cluster configured in to_cluster param#       Next rule step will have untouched data available for any other process#   * route_db_from_data (enable multitenancy)#       Will rename de db parameter depending for each point in data depending on#       the matching with one point parameter , by example one tag, enable write data#       to several databases (split data) from the same source.#       with this rule 1 HTTP request will become N HTTP request to our backends#       HTTP response will be logged without feedback with the original request#       Next rule step will have untouched data available for any other process#   * rename_http#   * rename_data#   * drop_data#   * break"action="route"# See key="db"match=".*"to_cluster="ha_cluster"[[http.endpoint]]uri=["/write"]source_format="ILP"type = "WR"## WRITE request - windows[[http.endpoint.route]]name="any_write"level="http"[[http.endpoint.route.filter]]name="pass_all"key="db"match=".*"## Send to PMEREASP15 cluster[[http.endpoint.route.rule]]name="route_all"action="route"key="db"match=".*"to_cluster="ha_cluster"


docker run -d --restart always -p 9096:9096 --volume /mylocal/influxdb-srelay.conf:/etc/influxdb-srelay/influxdb-srelay.conf     -v /mylocal/conf:/opt/influxdb-srelay/conf -v /mylocal/log:/opt/influxdb-srelay/log         tonimoreno/influxdb-srelay:latest





curl -l http://localhost:9096/status/ha_cluster


curl -i -XPOST 'http://localhost:9096/write?u=my_admin&p=my_password&db=my_database' --data-binary 'cpu_load_short,host=server02 value=0.67
cpu_load_short,host=server02,region=us-west value=0.55 1422568543702900257
cpu_load_short,direction=in,host=server01,region=us-west value=2.0 1422568543702900257'


curl -G "http://localhost:9096/query?u=my_admin&p=my_password&db=my_database" --data-urlencode "q=select * from cpu_load_short"


curl https://s3.amazonaws.com/noaa.water-database/NOAA_data.txt -o NOAA_data.txt

docker cp NOAA_data.txt ead4c271ebd5:/

docker exec -it ead4c271ebd5 /bin/bash

influx -host ‘localhost’ -port ‘8086’ -username ‘my_admin’ -password ‘my_password’ -import -path=NOAA_data.txt -precision=ns


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