题目链接:Problem - 1574C - Codeforces

Recently, Petya learned about a new game "Slay the Dragon". As the name suggests, the player will have to fight with dragons. To defeat a dragon, you have to kill it and defend your castle. To do this, the player has a squad of nn heroes, the strength of the ii-th hero is equal to aiai.

According to the rules of the game, exactly one hero should go kill the dragon, all the others will defend the castle. If the dragon's defense is equal to xx, then you have to send a hero with a strength of at least xx to kill it. If the dragon's attack power is yy, then the total strength of the heroes defending the castle should be at least yy.

The player can increase the strength of any hero by 1 for one gold coin. This operation can be done any number of times.

There are mm dragons in the game, the i-th of them has defense equal to xixi and attack power equal to yiyi. Petya was wondering what is the minimum number of coins he needs to spend to defeat the ii-th dragon.

Note that the task is solved independently for each dragon (improvements are not saved).


The first line contains a single integer n (2≤n≤2⋅10^5) — number of heroes.

The second line contains nn integers a1,a2,…,an(1≤ai≤10^12), where aiai is the strength of the i-th hero.

The third line contains a single integer mm (1≤m≤2⋅10^5) — the number of dragons.

The next mm lines contain two integers each, xixi and yiyi (1≤xi≤10^12;1≤yi≤10^18) — defense and attack power of the ii-th dragon.


Print mm lines, i-th of which contains a single integer — the minimum number of coins that should be spent to defeat the i-th dragon.




3 6 2 3
3 12
7 9
4 14
1 10
8 7





To defeat the first dragon, you can increase the strength of the third hero by 1, then the strength of the heroes will be equal to [3,6,3,3]. To kill the dragon, you can choose the first hero.

To defeat the second dragon, you can increase the forces of the second and third heroes by 1, then the strength of the heroes will be equal to [3,7,3,3] To kill the dragon, you can choose a second hero.

To defeat the third dragon, you can increase the strength of all the heroes by 1, then the strength of the heroes will be equal to [4,7,3,4]. To kill the dragon, you can choose a fourth hero.

To defeat the fourth dragon, you don't need to improve the heroes and choose a third hero to kill the dragon.

To defeat the fifth dragon, you can increase the strength of the second hero by 2, then the strength of the heroes will be equal to [3,8,2,3]. To kill the dragon, you can choose a second hero.





如果不是第一个就考虑他,或者他前面那个去攻击, 取最小值,如果是第一个就是他去攻击




lower_bound(a+1,a+n+1,x);(a + 1)是数组的头部, a+n+1是数组的尾部,x是查找的数字,lower_bound的作用是在数组a中从a[1]开始到a[n]按照cmp函数来比较进行二分查找第一个大于等于x的数的位置,如果有第一个大于等于x的数则返回该数的地址,否则返回a[n+1]的地址。



upper_bound(a+1,a+n+1,x);(a + 1)是数组的头部, a+n+1是数组的尾部,x是查找的数字,



using namespace std;long long arr[200005];int main(){ios::sync_with_stdio(false);int n, m;cin >> n;long long a, b;long long sum = 0;for(int i = 0; i < n; i++){cin >> arr[i];sum += arr[i];}long long ans = 0;sort(arr, arr + n);cin >> m;long long cnt = 0;for(int i = 0; i < m; i++){cnt = 0;long long cnt1 = 0;cin >> a >> b;ans = lower_bound(arr, arr + n, a) - arr;if(ans == n){ans--;}if(ans == 0){long long a1 = arr[ans];long long sum1 = sum - a1;if(a1 < a){cnt += (a - arr[ans]);}if(sum1 < b){cnt += (b - sum1);}cout << cnt << "\n";}else{long long a1 = arr[ans];long long a2 = arr[ans - 1];long long sum1 = sum - a1;long long sum2 = sum - a2;if(a1 < a){cnt += (a - arr[ans]);}if(sum1 < b){cnt += (b - sum1);}if(a2 < a){cnt1 += (a - a2);}if(sum2 < b){cnt1 += (b - sum2);}cout << min(cnt, cnt1) << "\n";}}return 0;

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