
Abstract: Hall current sensor is a kind of sensor that relies on electromagnetic characteristics to detect current.It can indirectly measure the current of the current-carrying conductor by measuring the Hall electric potential, making non-contact measurement of current possible.Hall current sensors mainly include open-loop and closed-loop types, which have the advantages of short response time, high operating frequency, strong overload capacity, and high isolation.It is suitable for measuring complex electric quantity of various frequencies and various waveforms.It is widely used in variable frequency speed regulation devices, inverter devices, UPS power supplies, photovoltaic power generation, communication rooms, CNC machine tools, microcomputer monitoring systems, grid monitoring systems and various fields that require isolation and detection of current.


Key words: Hall current sensor;application

1.项目概述: Project Overview


The Indian company's business covers pumps, charging piles, solar energy, etc. The Hall current sensor they purchased is mainly installed PLC.Originally, customers need 0-20 mA output, but at 0 mA, it is not possible to distinguish whether it is true 0 mA or no signal output.In the end, the customer thought that 4-20 mA output is more reasonable, so we use our AHKC series Hall current sensor with 4-20 mA output.

2.AHKC系列霍尔传感器介绍 AHKC Series Hall current sensor

霍尔传感器,适用于交流、直流、脉冲等复杂信号的隔离转换,通过霍尔效应原理使变换后的信号能够直接被AD 、DSP、PLC、二次仪表等各种采集装置直接采集和接受,体积小,寿命长,安装方便,响应时间快,电流测量范围宽精度高,过载能力强,线性好,抗干扰能力强等优点。

Hall sensor is suitable for the isolation and conversion of complex signals such as AC, DC and pulse. Through the Hall effect principle, the converted signal can be directly collected and accepted by various acquisition devices such as ad, DSP, PLC and secondary instrument. It has the advantages of small volume, long service life, convenient installation, fast response time, wide current measurement range, high precision, strong overload capacity and good linearity, It has the advantages of strong anti-interference ability.

3.型号说明Model description

4.安装图片Installation picture



The Hall current sensor can convert the primary DC current signal in the system into a standard DC±5V or 4-20mA output, which plays a role in monitoring and electrical isolation.It can be used with multi-loop monitoring instruments or other electrical measuring instruments. It is widely used in industrial automation, uninterruptible power supply, charging pile and other fields.

参考文献 Bibliography

1.Solutions For Enterprise Micro-grid System 2020.02

安科瑞 缪阳扬


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