


if __name__ == "__main__":main()


def main():renpy_base = path_to_renpy_base()# Add paths.if os.path.exists(renpy_base + "/module"):sys.path.append(renpy_base + "/module")sys.path.append(renpy_base)# This is looked for by the mac launcher.if os.path.exists(renpy_base + "/renpy.zip"):sys.path.append(renpy_base + "/renpy.zip")# Ignore warnings that happen.warnings.simplefilter("ignore", DeprecationWarning)# Start Ren'Py proper.try:import renpy.bootstrapexcept ImportError:print >>sys.stderr, "Could not import renpy.bootstrap. Please ensure you decompressed Ren'Py"print >>sys.stderr, "correctly, preserving the directory structure."raiseif android:renpy.linux = Falserenpy.android = Truerenpy.bootstrap.bootstrap(renpy_base)

前面依然是设置路径导入package,最关键的还是在最后一行,调用了 bootstrap下面的bootstrap()函数,并传入了renpy的根目录。



又调用了 main的main(),继续跳转。


    # Load the script.renpy.game.exception_info = 'While loading the script.'renpy.game.script = renpy.script.Script()# Set up error handling.renpy.exports.load_module("_errorhandling")renpy.style.build_styles() # @UndefinedVariablerenpy.display.screen.prepare_screens()# Load all .rpy files.renpy.game.script.load_script() # sets renpy.game.script.

把一个 Script对象赋给了renpy.game.scritp,然后调用 load_script函数。


    This class represents a Ren'Py script, which is parsed out of acollection of script files. Once parsing and initial analysis iscomplete, this object can be serialized out and loaded back in,so it shouldn't change at all after that has happened.


def __init__(self):"""Loads the script by parsing all of the given files, and thenwalking the various ASTs to initialize this Script object."""# Set us up as renpy.game.script, so things can use us while# we're loading.renpy.game.script = selfif os.path.exists(renpy.config.renpy_base + "/lock.txt"):self.key = file(renpy.config.renpy_base + "/lock.txt", "rb").read()else:self.key = Noneself.namemap = { }self.all_stmts = [ ]self.all_pycode = [ ]# A list of statements that haven't been analyzed.self.need_analysis = [ ]self.record_pycode = True# Bytecode caches.self.bytecode_oldcache = { }self.bytecode_newcache = { }self.bytecode_dirty = Falseself.translator = renpy.translation.ScriptTranslator()self.init_bytecode()self.scan_script_files()self.translator.chain_translates()self.serial = 0





    def init_bytecode(self):"""Init/Loads the bytecode cache."""# Load the oldcache.try:version, cache = loads(renpy.loader.load("bytecode.rpyb").read().decode("zlib"))if version == BYTECODE_VERSION:self.bytecode_oldcache = cacheexcept:pass



    def scan_script_files(self):"""Scan the directories for script files."""# A list of all files in the search directories.dirlist = renpy.loader.listdirfiles()# A list of directory, filename w/o extension pairs. This is# what we will load immediately.self.script_files = [ ]# Similar, but for modules:self.module_files = [ ]for dir, fn in dirlist: #@ReservedAssignmentif fn.endswith(".rpy"):if dir is None:continuefn = fn[:-4]target = self.script_fileselif fn.endswith(".rpyc"):fn = fn[:-5]target = self.script_fileselif fn.endswith(".rpym"):if dir is None:continuefn = fn[:-5]target = self.module_fileselif fn.endswith(".rpymc"):fn = fn[:-6]target = self.module_fileselse:continueif (fn, dir) not in target:target.append((fn, dir))


def listdirfiles(common=True):"""Returns a list of directory, file tuples known to the system. Ifthe file is in an archive, the directory is None."""rv = [ ]seen = set()if common:list_apks = apkselse:list_apks = game_apksfor apk in list_apks:for f in apk.list():# Strip off the "x-" in front of each filename, which is there# to ensure that aapt actually includes every file.f = "/".join(i[2:] for i in f.split("/"))if f not in seen:rv.append((None, f))seen.add(f)for i in renpy.config.searchpath:if (not common) and (renpy.config.commondir) and (i == renpy.config.commondir):continuei = os.path.join(renpy.config.basedir, i)for j in walkdir(i):if j not in seen:rv.append((i, j))seen.add(j)for _prefix, index in archives:for j in index.iterkeys():if j not in seen:rv.append((None, j))seen.add(j)return rv




    # Load all .rpy files.renpy.game.script.load_script() # sets renpy.game.script.


    def load_script(self):script_files = self.script_files# Sort script files by filename.script_files.sort()initcode = [ ]for fn, dir in script_files: #@ReservedAssignmentself.load_appropriate_file(".rpyc", ".rpy", dir, fn, initcode)# Make the sort stable.initcode = [ (prio, index, code) for index, (prio, code) inenumerate(initcode) ]initcode.sort()self.initcode = [ (prio, code) for prio, index, code in initcode ]


    def load_appropriate_file(self, compiled, source, dir, fn, initcode): #@ReservedAssignment# This can only be a .rpyc file, since we're loading it# from an archive.if dir is None:rpyfn = fn + sourcelastfn = fn + compileddata, stmts = self.load_file(dir, fn + compiled)if data is None:raise Exception("Could not load from archive %s." % (lastfn,))else:# Otherwise, we're loading from disk. So we need to decide if# we want to load the rpy or the rpyc file.rpyfn = dir + "/" + fn + sourcerpycfn = dir + "/" + fn + compiledrenpy.loader.add_auto(rpyfn)if os.path.exists(rpyfn) and os.path.exists(rpycfn):# Use the source file here since it'll be loaded if it exists.lastfn = rpyfnrpydigest = md5.md5(file(rpyfn, "rU").read()).digest()data, stmts = None, Nonetry:f = file(rpycfn, "rb")f.seek(-md5.digest_size, 2)rpycdigest = f.read(md5.digest_size)f.close()if rpydigest == rpycdigest and \not (renpy.game.args.command == "compile" or renpy.game.args.compile): #@UndefinedVariabledata, stmts = self.load_file(dir, fn + compiled)if data is None:print "Could not load " + rpycfnexcept:passif data is None:data, stmts = self.load_file(dir, fn + source)elif os.path.exists(rpycfn):lastfn = rpycfndata, stmts = self.load_file(dir, fn + compiled)elif os.path.exists(rpyfn):lastfn = rpyfndata, stmts = self.load_file(dir, fn + source)if data is None:raise Exception("Could not load file %s." % lastfn)# Check the key.if self.key is None:self.key = data['key']elif self.key != data['key']:raise Exception( fn + " does not share a key with at least one .rpyc file. To fix, delete all .rpyc files, or rerun Ren'Py with the --lock option.")self.finish_load(stmts, initcode, filename=rpyfn)


    def load_file(self, dir, fn): #@ReservedAssignmentif fn.endswith(".rpy") or fn.endswith(".rpym"):if not dir:raise Exception("Cannot load rpy/rpym file %s from inside an archive." % fn)fullfn = dir + "/" + fnstmts = renpy.parser.parse(fullfn)data = { }data['version'] = script_versiondata['key'] = self.key or 'unlocked'if stmts is None:return data, [ ]# See if we have a corresponding .rpyc file. If so, then# we want to try to upgrade our .rpy file with it.try:self.record_pycode = Falseold_data, old_stmts = self.load_file(dir, fn + "c")self.merge_names(old_stmts, stmts)del old_datadel old_stmtsexcept:passfinally:self.record_pycode = Trueself.assign_names(stmts, fullfn)try:rpydigest = md5.md5(file(fullfn, "rU").read()).digest()f = file(dir + "/" + fn + "c", "wb")f.write(dumps((data, stmts), 2).encode('zlib'))f.write(rpydigest)f.close()except:passelif fn.endswith(".rpyc") or fn.endswith(".rpymc"):f = renpy.loader.load(fn)try:data, stmts = loads(f.read().decode('zlib'))except:return None, Noneif not isinstance(data, dict):return None, Noneif self.key and data.get('key', 'unlocked') != self.key:return None, Noneif data['version'] != script_version:return None, Nonef.close()else:return None, Nonereturn data, stmts




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