1 《绝地求生》玩家排名预测

---- 你能预测《绝地求生》玩家战斗结束后的排名吗?

2 项目背景

2.1 项目简介

绝地求生(Player unknown’s Battlegrounds),俗称吃鸡,是一款战术竞技型射击类沙盒游戏。 这款游戏是一款大逃杀类型的游戏,每一局游戏将有最多100名玩家参与,他们将被投放在绝地岛(battlegrounds)上,在游戏的开始时所有人都一无所有。玩家需要在岛上收集各种资源,在不断缩小的安全区域内对抗其他玩家,让自己生存到最后。


2.2 项目涉及知识点



2.3 数据集介绍

本项目中,将为您提供大量匿名的《绝地求生》游戏统计数据。 其格式为每行包含一个玩家的游戏后统计数据,列为数据的特征值。 数据来自所有类型的比赛:单排,双排,四排;不保证每场比赛有100名人员,每组最多4名成员。


train_V2.csv - 训练集

test_V2.csv - 测试集


数据集中字段解释:Id [用户id]
Player’s Id
groupId [所处小队id]
ID to identify a group within a match. If the same group of players plays in different matches, they will have a different groupId each time.
matchId [该场比赛id]
ID to identify match. There are no matches that are in both the training and testing set.
assists [助攻数]
Number of enemy players this player damaged that were killed by teammates.
boosts [使用能量,道具数量]
Number of boost items used.
damageDealt [总伤害]
Total damage dealt. Note: Self inflicted damage is subtracted.
DBNOs [击倒敌人数量]
Number of enemy players knocked.
headshotKills [爆头数]
Number of enemy players killed with headshots.
heals [使用治疗药品数量]
Number of healing items used.
killPlace [本厂比赛杀敌排行]
Ranking in match of number of enemy players killed.
killPoints [Elo杀敌排名]
Kills-based external ranking of player. (Think of this as an Elo ranking where only kills matter.) If there is a value other than -1 in rankPoints, then any 0 in killPoints should be treated as a “None”.
kills [杀敌数]
Number of enemy players killed.
killStreaks [连续杀敌数]
Max number of enemy players killed in a short amount of time.
longestKill [最远杀敌距离]
Longest distance between player and player killed at time of death. This may be misleading, as downing a player and driving away may lead to a large longestKill stat.
matchDuration [比赛时长]
Duration of match in seconds.
matchType [比赛类型(小组人数)]
String identifying the game mode that the data comes from. The standard modes are “solo”, “duo”, “squad”, “solo-fpp”, “duo-fpp”, and “squad-fpp”; other modes are from events or custom matches.
maxPlace [本局最差名次]
Worst placement we have data for in the match. This may not match with numGroups, as sometimes the data skips over placements.
numGroups [小组数量]
Number of groups we have data for in the match.
rankPoints [Elo排名]
Elo-like ranking of player. This ranking is inconsistent and is being deprecated in the API’s next version, so use with caution. Value of -1 takes place of “None”.
revives [救活队员的次数]
Number of times this player revived teammates.
rideDistance [驾车距离]
Total distance traveled in vehicles measured in meters.
roadKills [驾车杀敌数]
Number of kills while in a vehicle.
swimDistance [游泳距离]
Total distance traveled by swimming measured in meters.
teamKills [杀死队友的次数]
Number of times this player killed a teammate.
vehicleDestroys [毁坏机动车的数量]
Number of vehicles destroyed.
walkDistance [步行距离]
Total distance traveled on foot measured in meters.
weaponsAcquired [收集武器的数量]
Number of weapons picked up.
winPoints [胜率Elo排名]
Win-based external ranking of player. (Think of this as an Elo ranking where only winning matters.) If there is a value other than -1 in rankPoints, then any 0 in winPoints should be treated as a “None”.
winPlacePerc [百分比排名]
The target of prediction. This is a percentile winning placement, where 1 corresponds to 1st place, and 0 corresponds to last place in the match. It is calculated off of maxPlace, not numGroups, so it is possible to have missing chunks in a match.

3 项目评估方式

3.1 评估方式



3.2 MAE(Maean Absolute Error)介绍



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