Harry Guinness

If you’re buying a used camera or lens, it’s a good idea to give it a thorough going over to make sure everything works before handing over your cold, hard cash. Here’s what to check for.

如果您要购买用过的相机或镜头,最好先进行彻底检查,以确保一切正常,然后再交付冷硬现金。 这是要检查的内容。

检查相机是否正常 (Checking That a Camera Works)

For all their technical complexity, there’s not a huge amount that can go wrong with a digital camera: if it works, it works; if it doesn’t work, it doesn’t work. There’s not much middle ground. With that said, here’s what to do to check a camera out.

尽管技术复杂,但数码相机并不会出错。 如果它不起作用,那就不起作用。 没有太多的中间立场。 话虽如此,这是签出相机的操作。

视觉上看 (Look it Over Visually)

The first step is to look the camera over thoroughly. Are there any cracks, dents, breaks, or bad scuffs? You should expect a little wear and tear on a used camera, but nothing too bad.

第一步是彻底看摄像机。 是否有裂纹,凹痕,断裂或磨损不良? 您应该期望二手相机会有些磨损,但没有什么太差的。

Open the battery and SD card hatches. Do they open smoothly? Do the battery and memory card go in and out smoothly? What about the pins? Are they clean and undamaged?

打开电池和SD卡舱口。 它们打开顺利吗? 电池和存储卡可以顺利进出吗? 那别针呢? 它们干净无损吗?

Have a look at the lens mount and in particular the contacts that send information to a lens. Are they in good condition? Attach a lens to the camera. Does it go on smoothly? Is there any play between the camera and lens or does it have a nice, tight fit? Does the camera show a warning?

看一下镜头座,尤其是将信息发送到镜头的触点。 他们状况良好吗? 将镜头安装到相机。 顺利进行吗? 相机和镜头之间有什么间隙吗?或者它是否紧密贴合? 相机是否显示警告?

What about the hot shoe or built-in flash? Do they work? Do they look damaged?

那热靴或内置闪光灯又如何呢? 做他们的工作? 它们看起来损坏了吗?

Push all the buttons and turn all the dials. Is anything stuck or catching? When you adjust things, does the camera do what it’s supposed to?

按下所有按钮并转动所有转盘。 有卡住或卡住的东西吗? 当您进行调整时,相机会执行应有的功能吗?

Have a look at the tripod plate. Is it damaged?

看看三脚架板。 它损坏了吗?

Check the diopter. Does it adjust properly?

检查屈光度 。 调整是否正确?

It shouldn’t take you more than a few minutes to work your way over a camera, poking and prodding and making sure everything looks right and does what it’s meant to. As I said at the top, if a digital camera is broken, it tends to be really broken.

在相机上进行操作,戳戳和刺探并确保一切看起来正确并按照其意图进行操作,不应该花费您几分钟以上的时间。 就像我在顶部说的那样,如果数码相机坏了,则它实际上真的很坏。

检查快门,反光镜和连拍模式 (Check the Shutter, Mirror, and Burst Mode)

With the externals looked over, it’s now time to pay proper attention to the internals. Remove any lens that’s attached to the camera and look at the mirror. Is there any apparent damage?

在检查了外部因素之后,现在应该适当注意内部因素了。 取下相机附带的所有镜头,然后照镜子。 是否有明显的损坏?

Select a shutter speed of about 1/3rd of a second. Is the mirror action smooth? Does the shutter action look good? It will move fast, so it’s hard to tell, but if there’s a problem you might see or hear it.

选择约1/3秒的快门速度。 镜子动作是否流畅? 快门动作看起来不错吗? 它会快速移动,因此很难分辨,但是如果有问题,您可能会看到或听到。

Select the maximum shutter speed, put the camera in burst mode, and hold down the shutter. Is the shutter action smooth and continuous? Do you hear anything weird or catching? The camera should happily shoot until you fill the buffer.

选择最大快门速度,将相机置于连拍模式,然后按住快门。 快门动作平稳连续吗? 您听到任何奇怪或抓到的声音吗? 相机应该快乐地拍摄,直到您填满缓冲区 。

检查镜头控制 (Check the Lens Controls)

Attach a lens that you own and trust to the camera. Select a few different shutter speeds and apertures and take a few shots. Do they look as you’d expect? Does the lens seem to respond to the controls or are you getting an error?

将您拥有并信任的镜头安装到相机上。 选择一些不同的快门速度和光圈并拍摄一些照片。 它们看起来是否如您所愿? 镜头似乎对控件有React还是出现错误?

Select the narrowest aperture, look down the barrel of the lens, and hold the depth of field preview button. Did the aperture blades close smoothly? Is the aperture symmetrical? When you release the button, do the blades open without catching?

选择最窄的光圈,向下看镜筒,然后按住景深预览按钮 。 光圈叶片关闭是否平稳? 光圈对称吗? 松开按钮时,刀片是否打开而没有卡住?

检查自动对焦 (Check the Autofocus)

Manually select an autofocus point, select a wide aperture, focus on something, and take a picture. Inspect the image to check that the point you focussed on is actually in focus. Repeat the process a few times and make sure the autofocus changes smoothly between them.

手动选择一个自动对焦点,选择一个大光圈,聚焦在某物上并拍照。 检查图像以检查您聚焦的点是否真正对准焦点。 重复该过程几次,并确保自动对焦在它们之间平稳地变化。

检查传感器和LCD (Check the Sensor and LCD)

If the camera has Live View, turn it on and make sure the screen looks good. Take a totally overexposed image and a totally underexposed image: they should be pure white and pure black. Inspect them on the back of the camera looking for any stuck pixels on either the screen or the sensor.

如果相机具有实时取景,请将其打开并确保屏幕看起来不错。 拍摄完全曝光过度的图像和完全曝光不足的图像:它们应该是纯白色和纯黑色。 在相机背面检查它们,以查找屏幕或传感器上是否有残留的像素 。

Transfer the images to a computer and give them another quick look over. Does everything look as it should?

将图像传输到计算机,然后再快速浏览一下。 一切看起来都应该吗?

检查快门计数 (Check the Shutter Count)

Camera shutters fail over time. They’re normally rated for between 100,000 and 300,000 actuations, depending on whether it’s an entry-level or professional camera—you can find out from the manufacturer’s website. If you’re buying a used camera where everything else looks good, the most likely future problem is that the shutter will fail from use.

相机快门随着时间的流逝而失效。 根据入门级或专业级相机的不同,通常对它们的致动额定值为100,000至300,000,您可以从制造商的网站上找到它们。 如果您购买的二手相机看起来其他都不错,那么将来最可能出现的问题是快门将因使用而失效。

Use your laptop to check the camera’s shutter count. If it’s less than 50,000 or so, then the camera probably has lots of life left in it. As that number gets higher, the more likely it is to need a shutter replacement in the future. Compare whatever the number is to the shutter’s rating and then decide how much you’re prepared to pay.

使用笔记本电脑检查相机的快门计数 。 如果少于50,000,则说明相机可能还有很多寿命。 随着数量的增加,将来更有可能需要更换快门。 将数字与百叶窗的等级进行比较,然后确定您准备支付多少。

检查镜头是否有效 (Checking That a Lens Works)

Like cameras, there’s not a whole lot that can go wrong with a lens that doesn’t leave it very obviously broken. Here’s how to check one over.

像相机一样,镜头不会出现很多问题,不会使它明显损坏。 这是检查一项的方法。

视觉上看 (Look it Over Visually)

Look the lens over visually. Make sure the glass isn’t badly cracked or scuffed. Look through the lens and make sure there’s no dust or fungus caught between the elements. Have a look at the filter ring, too. Do the threads all look okay?

目视镜头。 确保玻璃没有严重破裂或划伤。 透过镜头看,确保元件之间没有灰尘或真菌。 也可以看看滤镜环。 线程看起来都还好吗?

What about the lens mount? Do the contacts look good? Does it mount solidly to your camera with no play between the two? Are there any errors?

镜头座呢? 联系人看起来好吗? 它是否牢固地安装在您的相机上,而两者之间没有任何间隙? 有没有错误?

If it’s a zoom lens, does it zoom smoothly? Do all the switches and dials work without catching?

如果是变焦镜头,变焦是否平稳? 所有开关和转盘都能正常工作吗?

检查重点 (Check the Focus)

Attach the lens to your camera, select an autofocus point, and take a photo. Check the image to see that where you focussed is actually in focus. Repeat the process with different focus points, apertures, and subjects.

将镜头安装到相机上,选择自动对焦点,然后拍照。 检查图像以查看您真正聚焦的位置。 使用不同的焦点,光圈和主题重复该过程。

Put the camera in manual focus mode and look through the viewfinder. Focus manually on a few different subjects and take a photo. Do they look as they should? Did the lens focus adjust smoothly?

将相机置于手动对焦模式并浏览取景器。 手动聚焦于几个不同的主题并拍照。 他们看起来像他们应该的吗? 镜头聚焦调整是否平稳?

检查光圈控制 (Check the Aperture Controls)

Set your camera to the lens’ minimum aperture, look through the lens, and press the depth of field preview button. Do the aperture blades move smoothly? Is the aperture symmetrical?

将相机设置为镜头的最小光圈,直视镜头,然后按景深预览按钮。 光圈叶片移动是否平稳? 光圈对称吗?

检查图像稳定(如果有) (Check the Image Stabilization (If It Has It))

If the lens has image stabilization, turn it on and take a few test shots at slow shutter speeds. Does it seem to be working? Put the camera in live view, and hold the lens next to your ear. Can you hear the IS motor working as you move about?

如果镜头具有防抖功能,请将其打开并以慢快门速度进行一些测试。 看来可行吗? 将相机置于实时取景中,并将镜头握在耳朵旁边。 您能在走动时听到IS电动机工作的声音吗?

Buying used camera gear is pretty safe, especially if you buy it from a reputable source. Cameras and lenses tend not to break a little: they are either in good shape, or they’re paperweights.

购买二手相机装备非常安全,尤其是从信誉良好的来源购买时。 相机和镜头往往不会折断一点:它们的形状很好,或者是镇纸。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/401280/how-to-check-everything-works-with-a-camera-or-lens/


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