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日期:09 12月 2018



出版日期:8月 2007

修改日期:09 12月 2018





Computer simulation is a discipline of designing a model of an actual or theoretical physical system,executing experiments on the computer,analyzing the simulated outputs,and optimizing the system.It is a powerful tool that is often applied to the design and analysis and optimization of complex systems.

This book aims to give a fundamental knowledge about the system concepts,system modeling methodology,and computer simulation technology.The main contents of the book are about the technology and application of the Witness simulation software of the Lanner Groups.The ACD (Activity Cycle Diagram) based system analysis and modeling,and the computerized modeling with the Witness’ Elements,Rules,Actions,etc.,are discussed.Some examples have presented and explained in order to make the contents more understandable.

This manuscript is firstly prepared in 2005.After two years’ teaching in the Industrial Engineering classes of Zhejiang University,several thorough modifications have been made and this is the third version.

This book is hoped useful for the Chinese universities to have a bilingual course about the System Modeling and Simulation,and also useful for the users of the Witness software.


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[32]Zhang Weijun,Theodor Freiheit,huashu Yang.Dynamic Scheduling inFlexible Assembly System based on Timed petri Nets Model.Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing,No.21,2005,pages 550-558Acknowledgements

The author will express his sincerely thanks to Mr.Ying Qishen who is a senior professor of the College of Foreign Language,Zhejiang University,for his careful reading,checking and correcting of the manuscripts.

Thanks will also be given to my students of the Industrial Engineering classes,for their works preparing some of the examples in the book.

Thanks will be expressed to the Lanner Group for their provisions of the Witness 2006 under the Co-operation Agreement on “Logistic Simulation Lab” with Zhejiang University on the purposes of students’ educations and trainings,and also to my colleague professor Tang Renzhong for his helpful works.



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