



checkout 工作目录

从SVN服务器上checkout最新版本的项目文件,使用CMD首先导向到路径,c:\statsvn,然后运行命令:svn co,这样项目的最新版本就load到c:\statsvn的目录下面;


导出SVN日志文件svn.log,使用命令:svn log  -v --xml C:\statsvn\bookAir > C:\statsvn\bookAir\svn.log;


运行StatSVN统计数据,命令:java -jar statsvn.jar C:\statsvn\bookAir\svn.log C:\statsvn\bookAir,当前CMD的工作路径还是c:\statsvn;


java -jar statsvn.jar C:\statsvn\bookAir\svn.log C:\statsvn\bookAir -include **/*.java:**/*.jsp:**/*.js:**/*.css:**/*.xml

-exclude **/js/jquery-1.6.2.min.js





svn log -v --xml -r {2016-12-19}:{2016-10-09} > svn.log
java -jar statsvn.jar svn.log ./ -charset gbk -output-dir ./report

svn log -v --xml -r {2010-12-01}:{2011-01-01} > svn.log java -jar statsvn.jar svn.log ./ -output-dir ./report





----- .svn


----- statSVN.bat


----- statsvn.jar

(2)运行  statSVN.bat, 在d:/source_rep目录下生成是 svn.log文件和report目录



----- .svn


----- statSVN.bat


----- statsvn.jar


----- svn.log


----- report


---- index.html

(3){2010-12-01}:{2011-01-01} 显示了要统计代码的时间段。


Report Period:

2010-12-02 to2010-12-31

参数中使用的均是开区间。(注:试了下按照日期倒置利用上面的脚本显示代码量时正确的,如svn log -v --xml -r {2016-05-20}:{2016-04-10} > svn.log )  而用前置则统计的不准确,不知道为什么

Author Lines of Code
honghailiang 8292 (49.6%)

(4) 使用IE浏览器,打开report/index.html,就可以查看统计代码开发情况了。








例如:用svn co http://xxxxxxxxxxx:xxxxx/svn/xxxx 下载代码后,会生成一个目录xxx其中包含了工程代码,如果直接在xxx下执行statSVN.bat(statsvn.jar中用到了svn diff命令)文件或者执行svn diff命令,会报如下错误


而在下一级目录,比如src目录下执行statSVN.bat文件或者svn diff命令,就不会报错,报告中会包含修改代码的行数(同样不知道为什么)。

六、satasvn.jar选项   http://wiki.statsvn.org/User%20Manual.ashx    http://www.statsvn.org/

A list of all options understood by StatSVN follows.

General Options

-output-dir <directory>

Specify an output directory. The reports will be generated in this directory. The directory will be created if it doesn't exist.

-include <include-pattern-list>
-exclude <exclude-pattern-list>

Specify filters to exclude files from the analysis. A file will be ignored if it doesn't match any of the patterns ininclude-pattern-list, or if it matches any pattern inexclude-pattern-list.

The patterns are lists of Apache Ant-style wildcard patterns, seperated by colons or semicolons. The wildcards are:

  • '?' matches a single character
  • '*' matches zero or more characters
  • '**' matches zero or more directories

For example, src/**/*.java matches all java files in thesrc directory or its subdirectories. Note that*.java only matches java files in the root directory, because '*' does not match subdirectories.

One more example:

-include "**/*.c:**/*.h" -exclude "legacy/**"

This matches all .c and .h files anywhere in the directory tree except those in thelegacy directory and its subdirectories.

For more information on Ant's wildcard syntax, see thePatternset section of the Ant manual.

If not specified, all files will be included and no files will be excluded.

Note: Unix users must put the patterns in quotes, or the shell will interfere with the wildcards.

-cache-dir <directory>

Specify a cache directory for information retrieved from the Subversion server (e.g. line counts). The data will be saved in this directory. The directory will be created if it doesn't exist. By default, the current user directory is used.

-username <subversion_username>

Specify a username to use when connecting to the Subversion server.

-password <subversion_username>

Specify a password to use when connecting to the Subversion server.

-tags <tags-regularexpression>

Includes information about Subverison tags into the reports. Only tags matching the regular expression are included. To includeall tags, add-tags '.*' to the command line.

Note: Unix users must put the expression in quotes, or the shell will interfere with the wildcards.

Note: Tags are determined by looking at your repository's /tags directory. To be able to use this feature, you must generate the log file from the root of your repository, so that the log contains information from both the /tags and the /trunk. The checked out version does not have to contain the tags directory.

-tags-dir <directory>

Specifies the root directory from which the tags regular expression is evaluated. The default -tags-dir is/tags/

-no-developer <login-name>

Excludes a Subversion account name from all developer reports. This is useful to reduce noise from administrative and other non-developer accounts. Multiple accounts can be excluded by adding the option to the command line once for each account.

Report Options


Generate Maven XDoc instead of HTML. This allows Maven and Maven 2 to integrate the reports when it generates the projects Maven site. Reports could be placed, for example, intosrc/site/statsvn.


Generate XML instead of HTML.

-css <stylesheet>

Optional (default varies for html or xdoc). Specify aCascading Style Sheet for the report. This can be a HTTP URL or a local file. A URL will simply be linked in every page of the report. A local file will be copied into the report directory.

-notes <notes-file>

The contents of the specified file will be included at the top of the report's index page. The file should contain a valid block-level HTML fragment, for example:

<p>These are development statistics for the<a href="http://www.statsvn.org">StatSVN</a>project, created by StatSVN itself.
<p><strong>Note:</strong>This report was generated by an unreleaseddevelopment version of StatSVN. It mightcontain features not yet found in theofficial release.

-title <title>

Specifies a display title to be used in the reports. The name of the Subversion module will be used as default if no title is specified.

-config-file <path to properties file>

Allows one to replace the source control username with more information such as real name, website, email and avatar icon. Seethis file for an example.

-charset <charSet>

Specifies the charset to use in HTML or XDOC output. ISO-8859-1 will be used as default if no charset is specified.


if present, exclude the Twitter "Tweet This" buttons from the output.

Options for Integration with External Tools


Specify the URL of a root of a Bugzilla installation. Will replace 'Bug ###' in commit logs with a link to the appropriate bug. (New in StatSVN)

-chora <chora-url>

Specify the URL of a Chora installation for the module. This must be the URL of the page for the module's root directory. StatSVN will create links to Chora for directories, files and revisions.

-viewvc <viewvc-url>

Specify the URL of a ViewVC installation for the module. This must be the URL of the page for the module's root directory. StatSVN will create links to ViewVC for directories, files and revisions.

-mantis <mantis-url>

Specify the root URL of a Mantis bug tracker installation. In commit messages, this will turn “Bug ####” into a link to the appropriate bug.

-trac <trac-url>

Specify the root URL of a Trac installation. In commit messages, this will turn “Bug ####” into a link to the appropriate bug.

Miscellaneous Options


Output lots of additional progress information.


Output additional progress information.


Output the version of StatSVN.


Will output the repository content on console and stop

-concurrency-threshold <millisec>

Switch to concurrent svn diff if the first call takes more than the threshold (in milliseconds) (default: 4000)

-threads <int>

How many threads for svn diff (default: 25)


Anonymizes committer names.


java -jar statsvn.jar -verbose -title jUCMNav -exclude **/src/urncore/**;**/src/grl/**;**/src/ucm/**;**/src/urn/**;**/src/seg/jUCMNav/model/ucm/** \-output-dir ./stats c:\eclipse\workspace\seg.jUCMNav\svn.log c:\eclipse\workspace\seg.jUCMNav


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  10. SVN代码统计工具——statsvn

    ###1.介绍 StatSVN是一个Java写的开源代码统计程序,能够从Subversion版本库中取得信息,然后生成描述项目开发的各种表格和图表.比如:代码行数的时间线:针对每个开发者的代码行数:开 ...


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