
深度学习(Deep Learning)

什么是生成对抗网络(GAN)?(What are Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs)?)

Designed by Ian Goodfellow and his colleagues in 2014, GANs consist of two neural networks that are trained together in a zero-sum game where one player’s loss is the gain of another.

GAN由Ian Goodfellow和他的同事在2014年设计,由两个神经网络组成,它们在零和游戏中一起训练,其中一个玩家的损失是另一个玩家的损失。

To understand GANs we need to be familiar with generative models and discriminative models.


Generative models try to output new data points using the distribution from the training set. These models generate new data instances. These models capture joint probability p(X, Y)

生成模型尝试使用训练集中的分布来输出新的数据点。 这些模型生成新的数据实例。 这些模型捕获联合概率p(X,Y)

Types of Generative models1. Explicit density models2. Implicit density models

生成模型的类型1.显式密度模型2。 隐式密度模型

Explicit density models define an explicit density function while implicit density models define a stochastic procedure that can directly generate data.


If you are interested in reading more about generative models, check out this popular GitHub repository below.


On the other hand, Discriminative models capture conditional probabilities p(X/Y) and they differentiate different data instances.

另一方面,判别模型捕获条件概率p(X / Y),并区分不同的数据实例。

Image from Source: Google Developers. Licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.图片来源:Google Developers。 根据知识共享署名4.0许可获得许可。

Generative models solve difficult tasks. The level of attention detail is more compared to that in discriminative models. Simply speaking generative models do more work. Generative models try to approximate the real data distribution as closely as possible.

生成模型可以解决难题。 与区分模型相比,关注细节的级别更高。 简而言之,生成模型可以做更多的工作。 生成模型试图尽可能接近实际数据的分布。

In the figure above we can see that the discriminative model tries to separate 0’s and 1’s data space. Whereas the generative models closely approximate the 0’s and 1’s data space.

在上图中,我们可以看到判别模型试图将0和1的数据空间分开。 生成模型非常接近0和1的数据空间。

Now that you know the basic definitions of generative and discriminative models, let us learn about GANs.


鉴别器和生成器网络-GAN游戏 (The Discriminator & Generator networks — The GAN Game)

Photo by JESHOOTS.COM on Unsplash

Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) are generative models. They generate whole images in parallel. GANs consist of 2 networks: Discriminator & Generator networks

生成对抗网络(GAN)是生成模型。 它们并行生成整个图像。 GAN包含2个网络:鉴别器和生成器网络

Image from Source: Google Developers. Licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.图片来源:Google Developers。 根据知识共享署名4.0许可获得许可。

GANs use a differentiable function. This is usually a neural network. We call it the generator network. This generator network takes random inputs. These inputs are noise. This noise is given to a differentiable function that transforms and reshapes the same into a recognizable structure. This could be an image and the same is highly dependent on the noise at the input of the differentiable function.

GAN使用可微函数。 这通常是一个神经网络。 我们称其为发电机网络。 该发电机网络采用随机输入。 这些输入是噪声。 将此噪声提供给微分函数,该函数将其转换并重塑为可识别的结构。 这可能是图像,并且高度依赖于微分函数输入端的噪声。

For various noise inputs, we can generate many images. However, the generator network immediately doesn't start giving out realistic images. We need to train it.

对于各种噪声输入,我们可以生成许多图像。 但是,生成器网络不会立即开始发出逼真的图像。 我们需要训练它。

How do we train this generator network? Probably the same way as any other network? Actually no!

我们如何训练发电机网络? 可能与其他任何网络相同? 其实不行!

Generator networks see many images and try to output something similar to the same probability distribution. How is that done?


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