
  • 一、什么是eBPF lost events
  • 二、tracing the code
    • Section 1 - BPF.open_perf_buffer
    • Section 2 - BPF.perf_buffer_poll
    • Section 3 - perf_submit
    • Section 4 - Tracking the ring buffer's `have_lost` indicator
  • 三、Lost events in gobpf
  • 四、Appendix
    • Appendix 1 - from BPF.open_perf_buffer to perf_reader_new
    • Appendix 2 - from bpf_perf_event_output to perf_event_output


  • http://blog.itaysk.com/2020/04/20/ebpf-lost-events


一、什么是eBPF lost events


  • bpf_trace_printk(),利用/sys/kernel/debug/tracing/trace_pipe这个debug文件
  • BPF_PERF_OUTPUT,基于perf子系统原有的数据传递方式

不过官方还是推荐第二种方式,主要原因在于第一种的限制较多:3 args max, 1 %s only, and trace_pipe is globally shared

所以我们需要先了解一下perf这个先于bpf诞生的分析工具提供的ring buffer机制(bpf也是利用了此机制)

Ring buffer:

ring buffer是一个连续的内存区域,生产者和消费者能够同时在其中读写,ring的原因在于即使环形缓冲区满了,写入方还是可以继续从首部写入即使覆盖了原本的数据

由此也不难知晓lost event的意义:当消费者来不及消费旧事件时,新的事件已经被写入者追赶上写入而导致事件未被消费就被覆盖或者说lost event

二、tracing the code

追踪bcc中的perf ring buffer的整个过程来更好的理解


  1. Initialize buffer using the BPF.open_perf_buffer method
  2. Start receiving events using BPF.perf_buffer_poll method

Section 1 - BPF.open_perf_buffer

  1. The user program is opening a perf buffer using the BPF.open_perf_buffermethod which receives a lost_cb callback (function pointer): (source)


    def open_perf_buffer(self, callback, page_cnt=8, lost_cb=None)
  2. BPF.open_perf_buffer ends up creating a “reader” using the perf_reader_new C function. “reader” is a bcc construct that facilitates reading from a buffer. Appendix 1 walks through this code path.

    BPF.open_perf_buffer会创建一个reader用于读取ring buffer

  3. perf_reader_new C function is saving the callback in the newly created reader: (source)


    reader->lost_cb = lost_cb;

所以在一开始我们就需要将回调函数传递,随后会保存在创建的reader中(用于读取ring buffer)

Section 2 - BPF.perf_buffer_poll

  1. The user program is calling BPF.perf_buffer_poll method to start receiving events. This is using bcc’s C function perf_reader_poll to read from the previously created “reader”: (source)


    lib.perf_reader_poll(len(readers), readers, timeout)
  2. perf_reader_poll is invoking the read function on every reader: (source) 在每个reader上调用read

  1. perf_reader_event_read is reading an event. If it’s type is PERF_RECORD_LOST , it will call our lost events callback: (source)


    if (e->type == PERF_RECORD_LOST) { ... reader->lost_cb(reader->cb_cookie, lost); ...

所以,当从ring bufffer中读出的事件类型是PERF_RECORD_LOST就会调用我们预先设置的回调函数,但是我们没有submit这个类型的事件,它是怎么发生的呢?

Section 3 - perf_submit

To submit events from our eBPF © program, we are instructed to initialize a “table” using the BPF_PERF_OUTPUT macro, and then call the perf_submit bcc C helper function.


  1. The user eBPF program is using BPF_PERF_OUTPUT to define a struct. The created struct holds a pointer to the perf_submit function: (source:)

  2. The user eBPF program calls table.perf_submit() to submit an event

  3. bpf_perf_event_output ends up calling perf_event_output function from the perf subsystem. Appendix 2 walks through this code path.

    table.perf_submit最终会调用perf子系统的perf_event_output函数,向ring buffer写入

  4. perf_event_output calls perf_output_begin function before it actually submits an event. (source)

  5. perf_output_begin kernel function is the one that creates the “lost events”: (source)

    struct { struct perf_event_header header; u64 id; u64 lost; } lost_event;

perf_output_begin最终在实际提交event之前会检查和创建lost event :

if (unlikely(have_lost)) { … lost_event.header.type = PERF_RECORD_LOST; … }

What is this have_lost indicator? Let’s dig (final stretch, bear with me)


Section 4 - Tracking the ring buffer’s have_lost indicator

If we look at the perf_output_begin function from the kernel’s perf ring buffer implementation:

  1. have_lost variable is holding the ring buffer’s lost field: (source) have_lost 变量保存了环形缓冲区的 lost 字段:

    have_lost = local_read(&rb->lost);
  2. There’s a check if there’s enough space in the ring buffer (and also the buffer is configured to not overwrite), then we go to fail: (source)

    if (!rb->overwrite && unlikely(CIRC_SPACE(head, tail, perf_data_size(rb)) < size))goto fail;

    会检查如果ring buffer已经满了或者被配置超越某个大小,那么就直接失败

  3. Under fail, rb->lost is being incremented: (source) 在fail的实现中就是标记lost发生了,+1

    fail: local_inc(&rb->lost);

不难想象,发生lost event的原因就是写入时已满/达到最大容量修改flag,然后读取方进行了判断,如果是lost event类型,那么就会执行对应的callback函数


三、Lost events in gobpf

如何在gobpf中使用lost event?作者已经在提交了issue:https://github.com/iovisor/gobpf/pull/235. (已合并)


  1. change callbackData struct to contain a lost channel in addition to the main channel:


    callbackDataIndex := registerCallback(&callbackData{receiverChan,lostChan,})
  2. change the signature of the InitPerfMap user facing function making it also accept a channel for lost events:

    func InitPerfMap(table *Table, receiverChan chan []byte, lostChan chan uint64) (*PerfMap, error) {...}
  3. in the call to the lower level bcc C function bpf_open_perf_buffer, pass the registered lost callback:

    reader, err := C.bpf_open_perf_buffer((C.perf_reader_raw_cb)(unsafe.Pointer(C.rawCallback)),(C.perf_reader_lost_cb)(unsafe.Pointer(C.lostCallback)),unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(callbackDataIndex)),-1, cpuC, pageCntC)



Appendix 1 - from BPF.open_perf_buffer to perf_reader_new

  1. BPF.open_perf_buffer method is calling into bcc’s C function lib.bpf_open_perf_buffer (source)
  2. bpf_open_perf_buffer function is creating a reader using perf_reader_new function (source)

Appendix 2 - from bpf_perf_event_output to perf_event_output

  1. table.perf_submit() function is converted to bpf_perf_event_output() (source)
  2. bpf_perf_event_output is implemented by BPF_FUNC_perf_event_output (source)
  3. BPF_FUNC_perf_event_output is an eBPF helper: (source)
  4. BPF_FUNC_perf_event_output is creating the bpf_perf_event_output prototype: bpf_perf_event_output_proto: (source)
  5. bpf_perf_event_output_proto is pointing to the bpf_perf_event_output function (source)
  6. bpf_perf_event_output function is calling the perf_event_output function [(source)](


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