Push Tags:
如果你选择All,不属于当前选择分支的tag也会提交到远程仓库;如果你选择Current Branch,那么就只会提交当前分支的Tag。
一般提交代码时,是不用勾选Push Tags的。

Update Project:

Update Type



结果等同于执行git pull(git fetch + git merge)



结果等同于执行git pull --rebase(git fetch + git rebase)

Branch Default



此选项用于选择应用分支的默认命令,default branch在.git/config配置文件中指定

Clean working tree before update
(1)、using stash:在更新前先清除stash


2.如果代码未开发完,此时还不想提交。可以执行Git->Repository-Stash Changes(此操作会将你的本地变更保存起来)起一个名字,然后执行pull操作。
此时更新操作会成功,然后执行Git->Repository-Unstash Changes,选择刚刚Stash Changes起的名字,此时会提示代码有冲突。会弹出Merge窗口,执行Merge操作即可。

注意:执行此操作后Merge后的文件只是在本地,需要执行Git Commit&Push来提交到远程仓库。

idea Push Tags选All还是Current Branch?相关推荐

  1. fatal: The current branch dev has no upstream branch. To push the current branch and set the remote

    fatal: The current branch dev has no upstream branch. To push the current branch and set the remote ...

  2. git push错误(fatal: The upstream branch of your current branch does not match)解决方案

    有时候通过git push命令时会提示不成功,错误提示如下: localhost:lean-server alioo$ git push fatal: The upstream branch of y ...

  3. hint: Updates were rejected because the tip of your current branch is behind(git push线上与本地版本冲突问题)

    Git本地代码推送到线上出现的问题 错误信息为: error: failed to push some refs to 'http://**:**/**/**.git' hint: Updates w ...

  4. git push 出现 The current branch dev has no upstream branch.的问题

    git push 出现 The current branch dev has no upstream branch.的问题 原因:本地分支没有和远程分支关联,导致无法push 解决方法:git pus ...

  5. fatal: The current branch xiao has no upstream branch. To push the current branch and set the remote

    场景: 使用git 的时候,git push 然后提示我以下错误 $ git pushfatal: The current branch xiao has no upstream branch.To ...

  6. 报错 fatal: The current branch html has no upstream branch. To push the current branch and set the

    场景: 远程上有已存在的项目的后端代码,想要把这个项目的前端代码推送上去. 做的步骤: 1.git status 2. git add . 注意add和.之间有空格 3.git commit - m ...

  7. 【git报错】The current branch dev has no upstream branch. To push the current branch and set the remote

    发现问题 本地新建了一个dev分支,然后把dev分支下的代码push到远程仓库中,使用git push,但是报错了,如下: fatal: The current branch dev has no u ...

  8. git 本地新建分支上传报错The current branch dev has no upstream branch.To push the current branch and setremote

    项目本地初始化后,commit执行完毕,然后执行git push,报如下错误: $ git push fatal: The current branch dev has no upstream bra ...

  9. idea集成git-push报错push of current branch was rejected remote changes need to be merged before pushing

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  10. git pull出现There is no tracking information for the current branch

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