

  1. 作用域:形参的作用域为整个函数体;而普通(非静态)局部变量和静态局部变量的作用域为:从定义处到包含该变量定义的块的结束处。
  2. 初始化:形参由调用函数时所传递的实参初始化;而普通(非静态)局部变量和静态局部变量通常用初始化式进行初始化,且均在程序执行流程第一次经过该对象的定义语句时惊醒初始化。静态局部变量的初始化在整个程序执行过程中只进行一次。
  3. 生命周期:形参和普通(非静态)局部变量均属于自动变量,在每次调用函数时创建,并在函数结束时撤销;静态局部变量的生命期跨越了函数的多次调用,它在创建后直到程序结束时才撤销。
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;//用于辅助求阶乘的函数
int fac(int x)      //x为形参
{static result = 1;    //result 为静态局部变量result *= x;return result;
}int main()
{int upLimt;        //upLimt为普通局部变量cout << "Enter value of upper limit:" << endl;cin >> upLimt;//依次输出1……upLimt之间所有整数的阶乘for(int i = 1; i <= upLimt; ++i)cout << i << "! = " << fac(i) << endl;return 0;

7.5. Local Objects
7.5. 局部对象
In C++, names have scope, and objects have lifetimes. To understand how functions operate, it is important to understand both of these concepts. The scope of a name is the part of the program's text in which that name is known. The lifetime of an object is the time during the program's execution that the object exists.

在 C++ 语言中,每个名字都有作用域,而每个对象都有生命期。要弄清楚函数是怎么运行的,理解这两个概念十分重要。名字的作用域指的是知道该名字的程序文本区。对象的生命期则是在程序执行过程中对象存在的时间。

The names of parameters and variables defined within a function are in the scope of the function: The names are visible only within the function body. As usual, a variable's name can be used from the point at which it is declared or defined until the end of the enclosing scope.


7.5.1. Automatic Objects
7.5.1. 自动对象
By default, the lifetime of a local variable is limited to the duration of a single execution of the function. Objects that exist only while a function is executing are known as automatic objects. Automatic objects are created and destroyed on each call to a function.


The automatic object corresponding to a local variable is created when the function control path passes through the variable's definition. If the definition contains an initializer, then the object is given an initial value each time the object is created. Uninitialized local variables of built-in type have undefined values. When the function terminates, the automatic objects are destroyed.


Parameters are automatic objects. The storage in which the parameters reside is created when the function is called and is freed when the function terminates.


Automatic objects, including parameters, are destroyed at the end of the block in which they were defined. Parameters are defined in the function's block and so are destroyed when the function terminates. When a function exits, its local storage is deallocated. After the function exits, the values of its automatic objects and parameters are no longer accessible.


7.5.2. Static Local Objects
7.5.2. 静态局部对象
It is can be useful to have a variable that is in the scope of a function but whose lifetime persists across calls to the function. Such objects are defined as static.

一个变量如果位于函数的作用域内,但生命期跨越了这个函数的多次调用,这种变量往往很有用。则应该将这样的对象定义为 static(静态的)。

A static local object is guaranteed to be initialized no later than the first time that program execution passes through the object's definition. Once it is created, it is not destroyed until the program terminates; local statics are not destroyed when the function ends. Local statics continue to exist and hold their value across calls to the function. As a trivial example, consider a function that counts how often it is called:

static 局部对象确保不迟于在程序执行流程第一次经过该对象的定义语句时进行初始化。这种对象一旦被创建,在程序结束前都不会撤销。当定义静态局部对象的函数结束时,静态局部对象不会撤销。在该函数被多次调用的过程中,静态局部对象会持续存在并保持它的值。考虑下面的小例子,这个函数计算了自己被调用的次数:

size_t count_calls()
static size_t ctr = 0; // value will persist across calls
return ++ctr;
int main()
for (size_t i = 0; i != 10; ++i)
cout << count_calls() << endl;
return 0;

This program will print the numbers from 1 through 10 inclusive.

这个程序会依次输出 1 到 10(包含 10)的整数。

Before count_calls is called for the first time, ctr is created and given an initial value of 0. Each call increments ctr and returns its current value. Whenever count_calls is executed, the variable ctr already exists and has whatever value was in the variable the last time the function exited. Thus, on the second invocation, the value is 1, on the third it is 2, and soon.

在第一次调用函数 count_calls 之前,ctr 就已创建并赋予初值 0。每次函数调用都使加 1,并且返回其当前值。在执行函数 count_calls 时,变量 ctr 就已经存在并且保留上次调用该函数时的值。因此,第二次调用时,ctr 的值为 1,第三次为 2,依此类推。


  1. 自动局部变量 与 静态局部变量 的区别与用途

    转自http://hi.baidu.com/jxq61/item/78353bec06149c0f570f1d8f 一 局部变量: 在函数体内声明的变量, 称为 局部变量. 二 自动局部变量与静态局部 ...

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  3. 静态全局变量、全局变量、普通局部变量、静态局部变量四者之间的区别

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  4. static局部变量(静态局部变量的用法)

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  5. 局部变量和静态局部变量

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  6. 局部变量,静态局部变量,全局变量,静态全局变量在内存中的存放区别(转)...

    我们先来看内存中的几大区:  内存到底分几个区? 下面有几种网上的理解,我整理一下: 一: 1.栈区(stack)- 由编译器自动分配释放 ,存放函数的参数值,局部变量的值等.其操作方式类似于数据结构 ...

  7. c语言静态变量与局部变量,C语言 全局变量、静态全局变量、局部变量、静态局部变量...

    //test.c #include extern int global_var; void test_global_var() { global_var++; printf("global_ ...

  8. 静态局部变量(static)用法

    有时希望函数中的局部变量的值在函数调用结束后不消失而保留原值,即其占用的存储单元不释放,在下一次该函数调用时,该变量保留上一次函数调用结束时的值.这时就应该指定该局部变量为静态局部变量(static ...

  9. c 全局变量多线程调用_c语言局部变量 静态局部变量 全局变量与静态全局变量...

    基本概念: 作用域:起作用的区域,也就是可以工作的范围. 代码块:所谓代码块,就是用{}括起来的一段代码. 数据段:数据段存的是数,像全局变量就是存在数据段的 代码段:存的是程序代码,一般是只读的. ...

  10. C语言局部变量、全局变量、静态局部变量、静态全局变量

    建立三个文件,文件名分别为main.c \ head1.c \  head2.c main.c #include<stdio.h> #include<stdlib.h> #in ...


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