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Amazon Kindle offers a great library of eBooks that you can read on your Kindle device. But sometimes, the book you want isn’t available on the Kindle Store. Here’s how you can transfer any eBook to your Kindle using Calibre.

Amazon Kindle提供了一个很棒的电子书库,您可以在Kindle设备上阅读。 但有时,您想要的书在Kindle Store中不可用。 这是使用Calibre将任何电子书传输到Kindle的方法。

如何在计算机上设置口径 (How to Set Up Calibre on Your Computer)

We’ll be using the free and open-source eBook management app Calibre. It’s available on Windows, Mac, and Linux. The app is filled with pro-level features but is also easy to use if you want to do something simple like manage your eBook library or transfer eBooks between devices.

我们将使用免费的开源电子书管理应用程序Caliber 。 在Windows,Mac和Linux上可用。 该应用程序具有专业级别的功能,但是如果您想做一些简单的事情(例如管理电子书库或在设备之间传输电子书),它也易于使用。

The best part about Calibre is that it takes care of converting formats. You don’t need to worry about downloading files in the MOBI format (which is Amazon Kindle’s default eBook format). Even if you have eBooks in the open ePub format, Calibre will convert the eBook for you before transferring it to your Kindle (as long as you’re using a DRM-free eBook).

关于Calibre最好的部分是它负责转换格式。 您无需担心会以MOBI格式(这是Amazon Kindle的默认eBook格式)下载文件。 即使您拥有开放ePub格式的电子书,Caliber也会在将电子书传输到Kindle之前为您进行转换(只要您使用的是无DRM的电子书)。

Go to Calibre’s website to download the app. After you’ve installed it, the Calibre Welcome Wizard will guide you through the setup process.

转到Calibre的网站下载该应用程序。 安装后,“机芯欢迎向导”将引导您完成设置过程。

The first step is to choose a location for your Calibre Library. You can go with the default location or click the “Change” button to choose a different folder. If you plan manage your entire eBook library using Calibre, we recommend you use a Dropbox or iCloud Drive folder to store your Calibre Library. Once you’ve chosen your preferred location, click the “Next” button.

第一步是为Calibre Library选择位置。 您可以使用默认位置,也可以单击“更改”按钮以选择其他文件夹。 如果您计划使用Calibre管理整个电子书库,建议您使用Dropbox或iCloud Drive文件夹来存储Caliber Library。 选择首选位置后,请点击“下一步”按钮。

From the next screen, choose your Kindle model and then click the “Next” button.


On the next screen, Calibre will ask if you want to set up wireless email delivery for eBooks. If you have a Kindle email address set up, enter the details and then click the “Next” button. This is an optional step because we won’t be using the email method for transferring eBooks.

在下一个屏幕上,Caliber将询问您是否要为电子书设置无线电子邮件传递。 如果您设置了Kindle电子邮件地址,请输入详细信息,然后单击“下一步”按钮。 这是可选步骤,因为我们不会使用电子邮件方法来传输电子书。

Now, you have completed the Calibre setup. Click the “Finish” button to launch the Calibre app.

现在,您已完成口径设置。 单击“完成”按钮以启动Caliber应用程序。

如何使用口径将书籍传输到Kindle (How to Transfer Books to Kindle Using Calibre)

Now that you’ve opened the Calibre eBook management interface, it’s time to add your downloaded books. You can use both MOBI and ePub format eBooks.

现在,您已经打开了Calibre eBook管理界面,现在该添加您下载的图书了。 您可以同时使用MOBI和ePub格式的电子书。

To add eBooks to Calibre, simply drag the eBook into the Calibre window.


In a second or two, Calibre will import the eBook and fetch related metadata, book details, and the cover art.


Connect your Kindle to your computer using a USB cable. Once your Kindle is recognized by Calibre, you’ll see a new “On Device” column next to the book title column.

使用USB电缆将Kindle连接到计算机。 Calibre识别Kindle后,您会在书名列旁边看到一个新的“在设备上”列。

Let’s now transfer eBooks to the Kindle’s memory. Select a book (or multiple books) and then right-click the selected eBook(s). From the menu, click the “Send to Device” button and then choose the “Send to Main Memory” option.

现在,让我们将电子书传输到Kindle的内存中。 选择一本书(或多本书),然后右键单击所选的电子书。 从菜单中,单击“发送到设备”按钮,然后选择“发送到主内存”选项。

If you’ve selected a MOBI eBook, the transfer will finish in just a second or two. If you’ve selected an ePub eBook, Calibre will ask if you want to convert the book before transferring. Here, click the “Yes” button.

如果您选择了MOBI电子书,则传输将在一两秒钟内完成。 如果您选择了ePub电子书,那么Caliber会在传输之前询问您是否要转换该书。 在这里,单击“是”按钮。

Calibre will first convert the eBook and then transfer it. This will take a bit longer, depending on the size of the eBook.

口径将首先转换电子书,然后再进行传输。 这将花费更长的时间,具体取决于电子书的大小。

You can click the “Jobs” button in the bottom-right corner to monitor the progress.


From here, you can see a history of all the imports, conversions, and transfers across all of your devices.


Once you’ve transferred all of the eBooks you want on your Kindle, it’s time to safely eject the device. You can do this right from Calibre.

将所需的所有电子书转移到Kindle之后,就可以安全地弹出设备了。 您可以直接从Calibre执行此操作。

From the top toolbar, click the drop-down icon next to the “Device” button and select the “Eject This Device” option.


You can now unplug the Kindle device from your computer and start reading the book you transferred.


You can do a lot more with Kindle outside the Amazon ecosystem. For example, you can search through and back up all of your highlights and notes from your Kindle device without using any third-party software.

您可以在亚马逊生态系统之外使用Kindle做更多的事情。 例如,您可以在不使用任何第三方软件的情况下,通过Kindle设备搜索并备份所有突出显示和注释。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/539829/how-to-transfer-any-ebook-to-kindle-using-calibre/



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