

视频例句1:-If you want me to help you with your midterms, come by my lab. I'll text you the address. -Yes, yes, that would be great. Tomorrow? -It's a date. No, no, no. It's not a date! No, no, no. It's a date like an appointment. No. A date like an appointment!

视频例句2:You brought a date?

视频例句3:I have a date with Edward Cullen.

视频例句4:Did you really think that one botched date was gonna make me hate you forever?

视频例句5:I'm so sick of dating.

视频例句6:Are you asking me out on a date?

视频例句7:Actually, I'm Kara's date.

视频例句8:Looking for a date?

视频例句9:I was running ridiculously late for a date and my sister showed up with Mary.

date最为人熟知的意思是“日期、日子”,比如date of birth出生日期,What is your date of birth?你生日是哪天?比如What's the date (today)?/What date is it?/What's today's date?今天是几号?Today's date is May 7.今天是5月7号。


❶ A junior school student is not gonna tell parents he or her has a date with his or her deskmate, but an elementary school student will do.初中生不会告诉父母自己在和同桌约会,但是小学生却会。(have a date with sb,和某人约会、和某人谈恋爱)

❷ He asked her out on a date.他把她约了出去。(ask sb out on a date,约某人、(以情侣约会的性质)邀约某人)

电影视频例句3(I have a date with Edward Cullen.我在和Edward Cullen谈恋爱)、视频例句4(Did you really think that one botched date was gonna make me hate you forever?你真的以为一次搞砸的约会就会让我讨厌你一辈子吗?)视频例句6(Are you asking me out on a date?你是在约我吗?)、视频例句9( I was running ridiculously late for a date and my sister showed up with Mary.我有个约会快要迟到了,然后我姐姐就带着Mary出现了。)中date的意思,都是“约会”

在视频例句1中出现的句子It's a date,乍一看会让人以为这是在说“这是个约会”,但是It's a date除了这个字面直译含义,还有一个非正式用法,用来表示会面时间很合适、没问题、就这么定了。❸ -I can't make it at seven o'clock. How about 9.30?我7点不行,9点半怎么样?-Sure, it's a date.当然可以,没问题/很好/就这么定了。知道了It's a date的非正式用法,我们再来看视频1中男、女主角的反应,也就不难理解男主角这“莫名其妙”的尴尬了(原视频翻译没有把一语双关翻译出来,所以显得男主角的突然尴尬有点莫名其妙):男孩主动表示可以给女孩辅导功课,女孩说:Tomorrow?那就明天?男孩很自然地回应:It's a date.这时间合适/没问题/就这么定了。但他又立马想到It's a date也可以表示“这是约会”,怕心仪的女孩误会自己嘴上占她便宜,于是连忙解释:It's not a date.这不是约会。然而他又又想到:It's not a date也可以表示“这时间不合适”呀,万一女孩以为自己明天不想见她怎么办?所以无奈的他,最后甚至给自己嘴里说的date下了个定义:It's a date like an appointment.这是约会,但这是像普普通通约见面的那种约会……blind date,(由他人安排的)陌生男女间的约会、相亲。❹ My mum was busy arranging for me to go on blind dates while I was busy working hard at the age of 27.我27岁忙着努力打拼,而我妈却忙着给我相亲。❺ Have you ever been on a blind date? The answer of an overage unmarried youth hardly goes “no”.你相过亲吗?大龄未婚青年的答案鲜少会是“没有”。在美式英语中,名词date还可以表示“约会对象”。视频例句2(You brought a date?你带了个约会对象来?)、视频例句7(I'm Kara's date.我是Kara的约会对象。)和视频例句8(Looking for a date?在找约会的伴吗?)中date的意思,都是“约会对象”。而视频例句5,I'm so sick of dating.我厌倦了约会。这里的“date”是动词,表示“约会、谈恋爱”,这种用法主要出现于美式英语之中。date作动词,及物、不及物皆可,用作及物性动词时,直接在date后面加约会的对象即可。❻ I wanted to date you, but I didn't have the guts to ask you out on a date.我想约你,但却没有开口的勇气。❼ They dated for ten years before they got married. However, they got a divorce soon.他们爱情长跑了10年才结婚,然而没多久就离了。今天的口语就分享到这里,如果你喜欢这篇文章,请分享给身边有需要的朋友哦,谢谢


开party的“开”字,英语怎么表达才最地道?“死忠粉”“铁杆粉”的最走心表达,收好了!Thank you for having me可没有“感谢拥有我”的意思哦~“神不知鬼不觉”的英语表达居然就这么简单?!你还傻傻分不清on earth和on the earth吗?

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