
pip install pillow
from PIL import Image
import numpy as npa = np.array(Image.open('test.jpg'))
b = [255,255,255] - a
im = Image.fromarray(b.astype('uint8'))

Parse Redis dump.rdb

pip install rdbtools
> rdb --command json /var/redis/6379/dump.rdb[{
"lizards":["Bush anole","Jackson's chameleon","Komodo dragon","Ground agama","Bearded dragon"],
"armadillo":["chacoan naked-tailed","giant","Andean hairy","nine-banded","pink fairy"],
"aroma":{"pungent":"vinegar","putrid":"rotten eggs","floral":"roses"}}]


pip install youtube-dl #直接安装youtube-dl
pip install -U youtube-dl #安装youtube-dl并更新
youtube-dl "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-wNyEUrxzFU"


pip3 install asciinemaasciinema rec
asciinema play https://asciinema.org/a/132560
<script type="text/javascript" src="https://asciinema.org/a/132560.js"
id="asciicast-132560" async></script>


pip install pdir2
>>> import pdir,requests
>>> pdir(requests)
module attribute:__cached__, __file__, __loader__, __name__, __package__, __path__, __spec__
other:__author__, __build__, __builtins__, __copyright__, __license__, __title__,
__version__, _internal_utils, adapters, api, auth, certs, codes, compat, cookies
, exceptions, hooks, logging, models, packages, pyopenssl, sessions, status_code
s, structures, utils, warnings
special attribute:__doc__
class:NullHandler: This handler does nothing. It's intended to be used to avoid th
ePreparedRequest: The fully mutable :class:`PreparedRequest <PreparedRequest>
` object,Request: A user-created :class:`Request <Request>` object.Response: The :class:`Response <Response>` object, which contains aSession: A Requests session.
exception:ConnectTimeout: The request timed out while trying to connect to the remote
server.ConnectionError: A Connection error occurred.DependencyWarning: Warned when an attempt is made to import a module with mi
ssing optionalFileModeWarning: A file was opened in text mode, but Requests determined itsbinary length.HTTPError: An HTTP error occurred.ReadTimeout: The server did not send any data in the allotted amount of time
.RequestException: There was an ambiguous exception that occurred while handl
ing yourTimeout: The request timed out.TooManyRedirects: Too many redirects.URLRequired: A valid URL is required to make a request.
function:delete: Sends a DELETE request.get: Sends a GET request.head: Sends a HEAD request.options: Sends a OPTIONS request.patch: Sends a PATCH request.post: Sends a POST request.put: Sends a PUT request.request: Constructs and sends a :class:`Request <Request>`.session: Returns a :class:`Session` for context-management.

Python 玩转网易云音乐

#https://github.com/ziwenxie/netease-dl pip install netease-dl
pip install ncmbot
import ncmbot
bot = ncmbot.login(phone='xxx', password='yyy')
bot.content # bot.json()


pip install getsub

Python 财经数据接口包

pip install tushare
import tushare as ts
ts.get_today_all()代码,名称,涨跌幅,现价,开盘价,最高价,最低价,最日收盘价,成交量,换手率code    name     changepercent  trade   open   high    low  settlement \
0     002738  中矿资源         10.023  19.32  19.32  19.32  19.32       17.56
1     300410  正业科技         10.022  25.03  25.03  25.03  25.03       22.75
2     002736  国信证券         10.013  16.37  16.37  16.37  16.37       14.88
3     300412  迦南科技         10.010  31.54  31.54  31.54  31.54       28.67
4     300411  金盾股份         10.007  29.68  29.68  29.68  29.68       26.98
5     603636  南威软件         10.006  38.15  38.15  38.15  38.15       34.68
6     002664  信质电机         10.004  30.68  29.00  30.68  28.30       27.89
7     300367  东方网力         10.004  86.76  78.00  86.76  77.87       78.87
8     601299  中国北车         10.000  11.44  11.44  11.44  11.29       10.40
9     601880   大连港         10.000   5.72   5.34   5.72   5.22        5.20
10    000856  冀东装备         10.000   8.91   8.18   8.91   8.18        8.10  


# 安装pip
curl -s https://bootstrap.pypa.io/get-pip.py | python3# 安装docker
apt-get update && apt-get install docker.io# 启动docker服务
service docker start# 安装compose
pip install docker-compose
# 拉取项目
git clone git@github.com:phith0n/vulhub.git
cd vulhub# 进入某一个漏洞/环境的目录
cd nginx_php5_mysql# 自动化编译环境
docker-compose build# 启动整个环境
docker-compose up -d
docker-compose down


pip install -r requirements.txt 安装依赖
python manage.py build_cache 获取离线数据,建立本地缓存
#项目自带了一个终端中的查询工具作为例子,运行: python manage.py cli
>>> from beijing_bus import BeijingBus
>>> lines = BeijingBus.get_all_lines()
>>> lines
[<Line: 运通122(农业展览馆-华纺易城公交场站)>, <Line: 运通101(广顺南大街北口-蓝龙家园)>, ...]
>>> lines = BeijingBus.search_lines('847')
>>> lines
[<Line: 847(马甸桥西-雷庄村)>, <Line: 847(雷庄村-马甸桥西)>]
>>> line = lines[0]
>>> print line.id, line.name
541 847(马甸桥西-雷庄村)
>>> line.stations
[<Station 马甸桥西>, <Station 马甸桥东>, <Station 安华桥西>, ...]
>>> station = line.stations[0]
>>> print station.name, station.lat, station.lon
马甸桥西 39.967721 116.372921
>>> line.get_realtime_data(1) # 参数为站点的序号,从1开始
[{'id': 公交车id,'lat': 公交车的位置,'lon': 公交车位置,'next_station_name': 下一站的名字,'next_station_num': 下一站的序号,'next_station_distance': 离下一站的距离,'next_station_arriving_time': 预计到达下一站的时间,'station_distance': 离本站的距离,'station_arriving_time': 预计到达本站的时间,},...


git clone https://github.com/grangier/python-goose.git
cd python-goose
pip install -r requirements.txt
python setup.py install>>> from goose import Goose
>>> from goose.text import StopWordsChinese
>>> url  = 'http://www.bbc.co.uk/zhongwen/simp/chinese_news/2012/12/121210_hongkong_politics.shtml'
>>> g = Goose({'stopwords_class': StopWordsChinese})
>>> article = g.extract(url=url)
>>> print article.cleaned_text[:150]

Python 艺术二维码生成器

pip  install  MyQR
myqr https://github.com
myqr https://github.com -v 10 -l Q


pip install fake-useragent
from fake_useragent import UserAgent
ua = UserAgent()ua.ie
# Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; MSIE 9.0; Windows NT 9.0; en-US);
# Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MSIE 10.0; Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_7_3; Trident/6.0)'
ua['Internet Explorer']
# Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 6.1; Trident/4.0; GTB7.4; InfoPath.2; SV1; .NET CLR 3.3.69573; WOW64; en-US)
# Opera/9.80 (X11; Linux i686; U; ru) Presto/2.8.131 Version/11.11
# Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1) AppleWebKit/537.2 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/22.0.1216.0 Safari/537.2'

美化 curl

pip install httpstat
httpstat httpbin.org/get

python shell

pip install sh
from sh import ifconfig
print ifconfig("eth0")


pip install -U textblob#英文文本的情感分析
pip install snownlp#中文文本的情感分析
from snownlp import SnowNLP
text = "I am happy today. I feel sad today."
from textblob import TextBlob
blob = TextBlob(text)
TextBlob("I am happy today. I feel sad today.")
Sentiment(polarity=0.15000000000000002, subjectivity=1.0)s = SnowNLP(u'这个东西真心很赞')s.words         # [u'这个', u'东西', u'真心',#  u'很', u'赞']s.tags          # [(u'这个', u'r'), (u'东西', u'n'),#  (u'真心', u'd'), (u'很', u'd'),#  (u'赞', u'Vg')]s.sentiments    # 0.9769663402895832 positive的概率s.pinyin        # [u'zhe', u'ge', u'dong', u'xi',#  u'zhen', u'xin', u'hen', u'zan']s = SnowNLP(u'「繁體字」「繁體中文」的叫法在臺灣亦很常見。')s.han           # u'「繁体字」「繁体中文」的叫法# 在台湾亦很常见。'


pip install -U getproxy
➜ ~ getproxy --help
Usage: getproxy [OPTIONS]Options:
--in-proxy TEXT Input proxy file
--out-proxy TEXT Output proxy file
--help Show this message and exit.
  • --in-proxy 可选参数,待验证的 proxies 列表文件
  • --out-proxy 可选参数,输出已验证的 proxies 列表文件,如果为空,则直接输出到终端

--in-proxy 文件格式和 --out-proxy 文件格式一致

zhihu api

pip install git+git://github.com/lzjun567/zhihu-api --upgrade
from zhihu import Zhihu
zhihu = Zhihu()
zhihu.user(user_slug="xiaoxiaodouzi"){'avatar_url_template': 'https://pic1.zhimg.com/v2-ca13758626bd7367febde704c66249ec_{size}.jpg','badge': [],'name': '我是小号','headline': '程序员','gender': -1,'user_type': 'people','is_advertiser': False,'avatar_url': 'https://pic1.zhimg.com/v2-ca13758626bd7367febde704c66249ec_is.jpg','url': 'http://www.zhihu.com/api/v4/people/1da75b85900e00adb072e91c56fd9149', 'type': 'people','url_token': 'xiaoxiaodouzi','id': '1da75b85900e00adb072e91c56fd9149','is_org': False}

Python 密码泄露查询模块

pip install leakPasswd
import leakPasswd

解析 nginx 访问日志并格式化输出

pip install ngxtop
$ ngxtop
running for 411 seconds, 64332 records processed: 156.60 req/secSummary:
|   count |   avg_bytes_sent |   2xx |   3xx |   4xx |   5xx |
|   64332 |         2775.251 | 61262 |  2994 |    71 |     5 |Detailed:
| request_path                             |   count |   avg_bytes_sent |   2xx |   3xx |   4xx |   5xx |
| /abc/xyz/xxxx                            |   20946 |          434.693 | 20935 |     0 |    11 |     0 |
| /xxxxx.json                              |    5633 |         1483.723 |  5633 |     0 |     0 |     0 |
| /xxxxx/xxx/xxxxxxxxxxxxx                 |    3629 |         6835.499 |  3626 |     0 |     3 |     0 |
| /xxxxx/xxx/xxxxxxxx                      |    3627 |        15971.885 |  3623 |     0 |     4 |     0 |
| /xxxxx/xxx/xxxxxxx                       |    3624 |         7830.236 |  3621 |     0 |     3 |     0 |
| /static/js/minified/utils.min.js         |    3031 |         1781.155 |  2104 |   927 |     0 |     0 |
| /static/js/minified/xxxxxxx.min.v1.js    |    2889 |         2210.235 |  2068 |   821 |     0 |     0 |
| /static/tracking/js/xxxxxxxx.js          |    2594 |         1325.681 |  1927 |   667 |     0 |     0 |
| /xxxxx/xxx.html                          |    2521 |          573.597 |  2520 |     0 |     1 |     0 |
| /xxxxx/xxxx.json                         |    1840 |          800.542 |  1839 |     0 |     1 |     0 |


pip install iqueryUsage:iquery (-c|彩票)iquery (-m|电影)iquery -p <city>iquery -l song [singer]iquery -p <city> <hospital>iquery <city> <show> [<days>]iquery [-dgktz] <from> <to> <date>Arguments:from             出发站to               到达站date             查询日期city             查询城市show             演出的类型days             查询近(几)天内的演出, 若省略, 默认15city             城市名,加在-p后查询该城市所有莆田医院hospital         医院名,加在city后检查该医院是否是莆田系Options:-h, --help       显示该帮助菜单.-dgktz           动车,高铁,快速,特快,直达-m               热映电影查询-p               莆田系医院查询-l               歌词查询-c               彩票查询Show:演唱会 音乐会 音乐剧 歌舞剧 儿童剧 话剧歌剧 比赛 舞蹈 戏曲 相声 杂技 马戏 魔术


pip install magic-wormhole
Sender:% wormhole send README.md
Sending 7924 byte file named 'README.md'
On the other computer, please run: wormhole receive
Wormhole code is: 7-crossover-clockworkSending (<-
100%|=========================| 7.92K/7.92K [00:00<00:00, 6.02MB/s]
File sent.. waiting for confirmation
Confirmation received. Transfer complete.
Receiver:% wormhole receive
Enter receive wormhole code: 7-crossover-clockwork
Receiving file (7924 bytes) into: README.md
ok? (y/n): y
Receiving (->tcp:
100%|===========================| 7.92K/7.92K [00:00<00:00, 120KB/s]
Received file written to README.md

Python 数据可视化

pip install pyecharts
from pyecharts import Barbar = Bar("我的第一个图表", "这里是副标题")
bar.add("服装", ["衬衫", "羊毛衫", "雪纺衫", "裤子", "高跟鞋", "袜子"], [5, 20, 36, 10, 75, 90])
bar.render()#在根目录下生成一个 render.html 的文件,用浏览器打开
from pyecharts import WordCloudwordlist = ['Sam', 'Club','Macys', 'Amy Schumer', 'Jurassic World', 'Charter','Communications','Chick Fil A', 'Planet Fitness', 'Pitch Perfect', 'Express', 'Home', 'Johnny Depp','Lena Dunham', 'Lewis', 'Hamilton','KXAN', 'Mary Ellen Mark', 'Farrah','Abraham','Rita Ora', 'Serena Williams', 'NCAA', ' baseball',' tournament','Point Break']#对应于wordlist中每个元素的词频
freq = [10000, 6181, 6000, 4386, 4055, 2467, 2244, 1898, 1484, 1112,1112,1112, 965, 847, 847, 555, 555,555,550, 462, 366, 360, 282, 273, 265]#设置图标尺寸大小
wordcloud = WordCloud(width=1000, height=620)wordcloud.add(name="", attr=wordlist, shape='circle', value=freq, word_size_range=[20, 100])#notebook上渲染出词云图
#wordcloud.render(path='词云图.html')freq = [7000, 6181, 6000, 4386, 4055, 2467, 2244, 1898, 1484, 1112,1112,1112, 965, 847, 847, 555, 555,555,550, 462, 366, 360,299, 10000, 7000]wordcloud = WordCloud(width=1000, height=620)wordcloud.add(name="", attr=wordlist, shape='star', value=freq, word_size_range=[20, 100])wordcloud


pip install wechatsogou
from wechatsogou import *
wechats = WechatSogouApi()
name = '南京航空航天大学'
wechat_infos = wechats.search_gzh_info(name)


pip install tenacity
from tenacity import retry, stop_after_attempt
def extract(url):info_json = requests.get(url).content.decode()info_dict = json.loads(info_json)data = info_dict['data']save(data)


pip install qqwry-py3
from qqwry import QQwry
q = QQwry()
q.load_file('qqwry.dat', loadindex=False)
result = q.lookup('') 

导出 python 库列表

#pip freeze 导出当前环境中所有的 python 库列表
$ pip install pipreqs
$ pipreqs /home/project/location
Successfully saved requirements file in /home/project/location/requirements.txt

Google Chrome Dev Protocol

pip install -U pychrome
google-chrome --remote-debugging-port=9222
# create a browser instance
browser = pychrome.Browser(url="")# list all tabs (default has a blank tab)
tabs = browser.list_tab()if not tabs:tab = browser.new_tab()
else:tab = tabs[0]# register callback if you want
def request_will_be_sent(**kwargs):print("loading: %s" % kwargs.get('request').get('url'))tab.Network.requestWillBeSent = request_will_be_sent# call method
# call method with timeout
tab.Page.navigate(url="https://github.com/fate0/pychrome", _timeout=5)# 6. wait for loading
tab.wait(5)# 7. stop tab (stop handle events and stop recv message from chrome)
tab.stop()# 8. close tab


pip install fuzzywuzzy
>>> from fuzzywuzzy import fuzz
>>> from fuzzywuzzy import process
>>> fuzz.ratio("this is a test", "this is a test!")97>>> choices = ["Atlanta Falcons", "New York Jets", "New York Giants", "Dallas Cowboys"]
>>> process.extract("new york jets", choices, limit=2)[('New York Jets', 100), ('New York Giants', 78)]
>>> process.extractOne("cowboys", choices)("Dallas Cowboys", 90)


from pygorithm.sorting import bubble_sort
myList = [12, 4, 3, 5, 13, 1, 17, 19, 15]
sortedList = bubble_sort.sort(myList)
[1, 3, 4, 5, 12, 13, 15, 17, 19]


pip install torrench --upgrade
$ torrench "ubuntu desktop 16.04"    ## Search Linuxtracker for Ubuntu Desktop 16.04 distro ISO
$ torrench "fedora workstation"    ## Search for Fedora Workstation distro ISO
$ torrench -d "opensuse" ## Search distrowatch for opensuse ISO
$ torrench -d "solus" ## Search distrowatch for solus ISO


pip install ngender
$ ng 赵本山 宋丹丹
name: 赵本山 => gender: male, probability: 0.9836229687547046
name: 宋丹丹 => gender: female, probability: 0.9759486128949907
>>> import ngender
>>> ngender.guess('赵本山')
('male', 0.9836229687547046)


pip install pywxclient
pip install git+https://github.com/justdoit0823/pywxclient
>>> from pywxclient.core import Session, SyncClient>>> s1 = Session()>>> c1 = SyncClient(s1)>>> c1.get_authorize_url()  # Open the url in web browser>>> c1.authorize()  # Continue authorize when returning False>>> c1.login()>>> c1.sync_check()>>> msgs = c1.sync_message()  # Here are your wechat messages>>> c1.flush_sync_key()


$ pip install numpy
$ pip install scipy
$ pip install image_match
from image_match.goldberg import ImageSignature
gis = ImageSignature()
a = gis.generate_signature('https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/e/ec/Mona_Lisa,_by_Leonardo_da_Vinci,_from_C2RMF_retouched.jpg/687px-Mona_Lisa,_by_Leonardo_da_Vinci,_from_C2RMF_retouched.jpg')
b = gis.generate_signature('https://pixabay.com/static/uploads/photo/2012/11/28/08/56/mona-lisa-67506_960_720.jpg')
gis.normalized_distance(a, b)



pip install mimesis
>>> import mimesis
>>> person = mimesis.Personal(locale='en')>>> person.full_name(gender='female')
'Antonetta Garrison'>>> person.occupation()
'Backend Developer'


from moviepy.editor import *video = VideoFileClip("myHolidays.mp4").subclip(50,60)# Make the text. Many more options are available.
txt_clip = ( TextClip("My Holidays 2013",fontsize=70,color='white').set_position('center').set_duration(10) )result = CompositeVideoClip([video, txt_clip]) # Overlay text on video
result.write_videofile("myHolidays_edited.webm",fps=25) # Many options...


pip install wechat-explorer
wexp list_chatrooms ../Documents user_id
wexp list_friends ../Documents user_id
wexp get_chatroom_stats ../Documents user_id chatroom_id@chatroom 2015-08-01 2015-09-01
wexp export_chatroom_records ../Documents user_id chatroom_id@chatroom 2015-10-01 2015-10-07 ../
wexp get_friend_label_stats ../Documents user_id
wkhtmltopdf --dpi 300 records.html records.pdf


pip install icrawler
from icrawler.builtin import BaiduImageCrawler, BingImageCrawler, GoogleImageCrawlergoogle_crawler = GoogleImageCrawler(parser_threads=2, downloader_threads=4,storage={'root_dir': 'your_image_dir'})
google_crawler.crawl(keyword='sunny', offset=0, max_num=1000,date_min=None, date_max=None,min_size=(200,200), max_size=None)
bing_crawler = BingImageCrawler(downloader_threads=4,storage={'root_dir': 'your_image_dir'})
bing_crawler.crawl(keyword='sunny', offset=0, max_num=1000,min_size=None, max_size=None)
baidu_crawler = BaiduImageCrawler(storage={'root_dir': 'your_image_dir'})
baidu_crawler.crawl(keyword='sunny', offset=0, max_num=1000,min_size=None, max_size=None)
from icrawler.builtin import GreedyImageCrawlerstorage= {'root_dir': '/'}
greedy_crawler = GreedyImageCrawler(storage=storage)
greedy_crawler.crawl(domains='http://qq.com', max_num=6)

Python 剪贴板

pip install pyperclip
from pyperclip import copy, paste copy('2333') # 向剪贴板写入 2333 paste() # 值为剪贴板中的内容 


import face_recognition
image = face_recognition.load_image_file("your_file.jpg")
face_locations = face_recognition.face_locations(image)


>>> from splinter.browser import Browser>>> xx = Browser(driver_name="chrome")>>> xx.visit("http://www.zhihu.com/")


pip3 install datasette
datasette serve path/to/database.db

numpy 接口直接工作在 CUDA

>>> import cupy as cp
>>> x = cp.arange(6).reshape(2, 3).astype('f')
>>> x
array([[ 0.,  1.,  2.],[ 3.,  4.,  5.]], dtype=float32)
>>> x.sum(axis=1)
array([  3.,  12.], dtype=float32)


pip install maybe
maybe rm -r ostechnix/
maybe has prevented rm -r ostechnix/ from performing 5 file system operations:delete /home/sk/inboxer-0.4.0-x86_64.AppImagedelete /home/sk/Docker.pdfdelete /home/sk/Idhayathai Oru Nodi.mp3delete /home/sk/dThmLbB334_1398236878432.jpgdelete /home/sk/ostechnix
Do you want to rerun rm -r ostechnix/ and permit these operations? [y/N] y


pip install ng
$ ng iplocal_ip:
$ ng wp
$ ng wp flyfish_5gflyfish_5g:hitflyfish123456


$ pip install qu
$ qu up /somewhere/1.png
$ qu up /somewhere/1.png 2.png

get .gitignore

$ pip install gy
$ gy generate python java lisp


pip install PyGithub
from github import Githubg = Github("xxxxx", "passwd")
my_forks = []
for repo in g.get_user().get_repos():if repo.fork:my_forks.append(repo)


pip install lazyspider
from lazyspider.lazyheaders import LazyHeaders# 注意!字符串要包裹在 三引号 或 双引号 里
curl = "curl 'https://pypi.python.org/pypi' -H 'cookie: .....balabala...."lh = LazyHeaders(curl)headers = lh.getHeaders()
cookies = lh.getCookies()print('*' * 40)
print('Headers: {}'.format(headers))
print('*' * 40)
print('Cookies: {}'.format(cookies))
print('*' * 40)import requests
r = requests.get('https://pypi.python.org/pypi',headers=headers, cookies=cookies)


pip install -U synonyms
>>> synonyms.display("飞机")
'飞机'近义词:1. 架飞机:0.8373992. 客机:0.7646093. 直升机:0.7621164. 民航机:0.7505195. 航机:0.7501166. 起飞:0.7357367. 战机:0.7349758. 飞行中:0.7326499. 航空器:0.72394510. 运输机:0.720578


那些有趣/用的 Python 库相关推荐

  1. 那些有趣/用的Python库

    图片处理 pip install pillow from PIL import Image import numpy as np a = np.array(Image.open('test.jpg') ...

  2. 那些有趣/有用的 Python 库

    图片处理 pip install pillow from PIL import Image import numpy as np a = np.array(Image.open('test.jpg') ...

  3. 那些有趣/用的 Python 库 1

    来源:苏生不惑    编辑:Python开发者 segmentfault.com/a/1190000010103386 图片处理 1pip install pillow2from PIL import ...

  4. 这5个有趣的Python库带你花式编码!

    图源:unsplash Python是如今最流行的编程语言之一,这点也给它本身带来很多好处,其中之一就是,为了方便进行程序开发,它拥有了大量优秀的库,如Pandas.Numpy.Matplotlib. ...

  5. python有趣的代码-趣味至上主义:这5个有趣的Python库带你花式编码

    本文转载自公众号"读芯术"(ID:AI_Discovery) Python是如今最流行的编程语言之一,这点也给它本身带来很多好处,其中之一就是,为了方便进行程序开发,它拥有了大量优 ...

  6. 学Python太枯燥?不多BB这几个有趣的python 库让你爱上python

    随着每个 Python 版本的发布,都会添加新模块,并引入新的更好的做事方式,虽然我们都习惯了使用好的旧 Python 库和某些做事方式,但现在也时候升级并利用新的和改进的模块及其特性了. 今天给大家 ...

  7. 10个优秀的Python库,实用且有趣

    为什么这么多人选择学习python?首先,python是一门全场景编程语言,对于初学编程的人而言,选择一门全场景编程语言是非常不错的选择;其次,python语言简单易学,对初学者十分友好,即便没有任何 ...

  8. 那些有趣 Python 库

    转载出处 苏生不惑 图片处理 pip install pillow from PIL import Image import numpy as npa = np.array(Image.open('t ...

  9. 独家 | Bamboolib:你所见过的最有用的Python库之一(附链接)

    作者:Ismael Araujo 翻译:王可汗 校对:欧阳锦本文约3200字,建议阅读5分钟 本文介绍了Python数据分析的一个利器--Bamboolib,它无需编码技能,能够自动生成pandas代 ...

  10. 必备 | 人工智能和数据科学的七大 Python 库

    来源:新智元 本文约3100字,建议阅读10+分钟. 本文汇总了2018年针对数据科学家/AI的最佳库.repos.包和工具. [ 导读 ]作者根据每周发布总结的系列文章,汇总了2018年针对数据科学 ...


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