
I’m currently living in the US and taking up Master of Science in Computer Science at City University of Seattle. I’m an international student holding an F1-visa (student visa), which means i’m restricted to mostly studying at school and can’t get easily internships with the vast opportunities we have here in Seattle. Still, i have been making the most of my stay by being proactive in Seattle Tech Community by joining meetups, talks, and hackathons. Also, i'm busy trying to materialize my vision of building a learning and sharing community in my school.

我目前居住在美国,并在西雅图城市大学获得计算机科学理学硕士学位 。 我是持F1签证(学生签证)的国际学生,这意味着我只能在学校学习,并且无法轻易获得西雅图市拥有的大量实习机会。 尽管如此,我还是通过参加聚会,讲座和黑客马拉松来积极参与西雅图科技社区,从而充分利用了我的大部分时间。 另外,我正忙于实现在学校建立学习和共享社区的愿景。

Educational background: I have an undergraduate degree in Finance and have 5 years experiences working in the Finance Industry and had no background in tech.

教育背景 :我拥有金融学的本科学位,并且在金融行业有5年的工作经验,并且没有任何技术背景。

I can gain employment after my schooling. However, i doubt that companies would hire someone as a developer without an experience in developing applications given that i will have a MSCS degree.

我毕业后可以找到工作。 但是,鉴于我将获得MSCS学位,我怀疑公司是否会雇用没有开发应用程序经验的开发人员。

I’ve been interested in Coding Bootcamps for quite a while i could never do a on-site bootcamp as i am not allowed to take a long vacation for my visa status and also i’m working part-time in school. Still, i didn’t want to waste time and not enter a coding bootcamp to speed up my learning in software development. And while i was looking for a bootcamp, i was learning full-stack web development in freeCodeCamp. But i felt i needed more…

我已经对编码训练营感兴趣了很长时间了,因为我不能因签证身份而休长假,而且我还在学校兼职,所以我从来都不能进行现场训练。 尽管如此,我还是不想浪费时间,也不想进入编码训练营来加快我在软件开发中的学习速度。 在寻找训练营的同时,我还在freeCodeCamp学习全栈Web开发。 但是我觉得我还需要更多……

After a few months, i found Firehose Project and enrolled in their online coding bootcamp. Why? I checked for reviews and I choose it simply because it includes a weekly 1-on-1 mentor session for 22 weeks. I did gain a lot of skill in full-stack web development. Created a lot of cool apps:

几个月后,我找到了Firehose Project,并参加了他们的在线编码训练营 。 为什么? 我检查了评论,选择它只是因为它包括每周一次的一对一导师课程,为期22周。 我在全栈Web开发中确实获得了很多技能。 创建了很多很棒的应用程序:

  • Nomster — Yelp clone

    Nomster -Yelp克隆

  • Flixter — Video streaming platform

    Flixter —视频流平台

  • Grammable — Instagram clone built in test-driven development


  • Todoster — Todo list application with dynamic content

    Todoster —具有动态内容的待办事项列表应用程序

The truly enriching experience was the mentor sessions. Each session i would learn tips and tricks that helps you think and work as a software developer. My mentor would always be crazy optimistic for me to be a great software developer and that what really inspired me to push forward as there were times i felt down and did not feel like a person who could be a software developer.

真正丰富的经验是导师会议。 每次会议,我都会学习一些技巧和窍门,这些技巧可以帮助您思考和从事软件开发人员的工作。 我的导师总是对我成为一名出色的软件开发人员持乐观的乐观态度,而这确实激发了我前进的动力,因为有时我会感到沮丧,并且感觉自己不像一个可以成为软件开发人员的人。

Pro Tip: Please ask questions early and often if you don’t know how to do something.


Since day one. There have been several times that this phrase has been used by my mentor. When?

从第一天开始。 我的导师已经多次使用过这个短语。 什么时候?

  • Working on a problem and being stuck for more than an hour.解决问题并被困了一个多小时。
  • Forgetting to ask questions when something is ambiguous.当某些东西模棱两可时,忘记问问题。

Reminders before asking questions:


  • Try fixing the problem first.首先尝试解决问题。
  • Google before you ask.询问您之前的Google。
  • Read the official documentation first, before using Stackoverflow.在使用Stackoverflow之前,请先阅读官方文档。

Skills leveled-up: asking the right questions and googling for information and answers.


Pro Tip: Read instructions two times or more.


This happened to me more than twice. I was building a simple program for image blur challenges. I ended up coding the solution for the 1st image blur challenge when the instructions clearly said: for the first challenge, please copy the code. I was so embarrassed with my mentor for this.

这在我身上发生了两次以上。 我正在构建一个用于图像模糊挑战的简单程序。 当说明明确指出时,我最终为第一个图像模糊挑战编码了解决方案: 对于第一个挑战,请复制代码。 我的导师为此感到非常尴尬。

  • Read, read, read.阅读,阅读,阅读。
  • Understand, understand, understand.了解,理解,理解。

Skills leveled-up: reading instructions correctly.

技能升级: 正确阅读说明。

Pro Tip: Only push working code.


Working on my individual project with my mentor. I thought it will be like: hey, here’s the code i’m working on so far. Turns out, i’m responsible for submitting a working code with tests. He was training me already on how to work in real software development team.

与导师一起完成我的个人项目。 我以为会这样: 嘿,这是到目前为止我正在处理的代码。 原来,我负责提交带有测试的工作代码。 他已经在培训我如何在真正的软件开发团队中工作。

  • Write your test first.首先编写测试。
  • Don’t submit broken code.不要提交破损的代码。
  • Connect your PR to an issue.将您的PR连接到一个问题。
  • Always be detailed and clear in your comments.始终在评论中保持详细和清晰。

I’d stop babbling here and instead list more awesome tips i got =) :


On application development and code management:


Pro Tip: 1st rule of application development. MAKE IT WORK.

专家提示:应用程序开发的第一条规则。 让它起作用。

Pro Tip: Focus on the small functions with single responsibility. 5 lines or less.

专家提示:专注于单一职责的小功能。 5行以内。

Pro Tip: Refactor your code.


Pro Tip: Smaller commits are way easier to reverse with git.


Pro Tip: Commit and push, early and often.


Pro Tip: Quality trumps Speed.


On working with teams:


Pro Tip: A good team is a team that listen to others and not dismiss what others have to say, others have a voice.


Pro Tip: Bad team is people working in silos.


Pro Tip: At least 1 other person should test/review before PR.


Pro Tip: Help person A’s work, not work on person’s A work.


On working with feature branches:


Pro Tip: Feature branch should be derived from master branch.


Pro Tip: Always check if newly created feature branch has the latest working code with git pull master.

专业提示:始终使用git pull master检查新创建的功能分支是否具有最新的工作代码。

Pro Tip: add and commit before going to a different branch


Pro Tip: Don’t need to worry on other branches, focus on your branch.


Pro Tip: If you messed up your local branch, raise your hand and ask for help.


On working with users stories:


Pro Tip: user story is just high-level framework.


Pro Tip: Detailed implementations is bad for user stories.


Pro Tip: Do the users stories in order or tasks will spiral out and be unorganized.


Pro Tip: One should have at most 3 user stories in progress.


Pro Tip: Multiple PRs outstanding. Not Good.

专家提示:多个PR出色。 不好。

On tests:


Pro Tip: Always write isolated tests.


Pro Tip: Stay away from using global variables in both test and implementation code.


Pro Tip: Putting test logic in configuration file is bad.


Thank you for reading my blog. =)

感谢您阅读我的博客。 =)

It’s always awesome to share helpful stuff. I leave you with a question:

分享有用的东西总是很棒的。 我给你一个问题:

What awesome tips have you learned in your software development journey?


翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/cjn-please-ask-questions-early-and-often-if-you-dont-know-how-to-do-something/



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