使用 HttpWatch 分析 HTTP 协议一例

首先下载破解版的 HttpWatch ,安装之后。按照手册中的说明,从IE中启动 HttpWatch ,点击 Record 按钮开始记录,然后在IE中输入 www.chinaunix.net 回车。我们就可以看到HTTP的实际运行的情况。

1.Overview 选项卡 (给出了基本情况)

  1. Overview
  2. URL:           http://www.chinaunix.net/
  3. Result:        200
  4. ====================================================================================
  5. Action         Decription
  6. ====================================================================================
  7. Display URL    Normal browser lookup of URL http://www.chinaunix.net/    Completed
  8. Started At    2012-Feb-14 10:08:08.781 (local time)                     Completed
  9. DNS Lookup    Lookup of hostname 'www.chinaunix.net'                    Completed
  10. Connect      Connect to IP address ''                     Completed
  11. HTTP Request  Unconditional request sent for http://www.chinaunix.net/  Completed
  12. HTTP Response  Headers and content returned                              Completed

2.TimeChart 选项卡 (给出了HTTP各个阶段所用的时间)

  1. Time Chart
  2. ====================================================================================
  3. Timing         Started    Duration
  4. ====================================================================================
  5. Blocked+ 0.000    0.003
  6. DNS Lookup    + 0.003    0.026
  7. Connect+ 0.029    0.003
  8. Send+ 0.032    < 0.001
  9. Wait+ 0.032    0.087
  10. Receive+ 0.119    0.002
  11. TTFB+ 0.003    0.116
  12. Network+ 0.003    0.118

1)TheBlockedtime includes any pre-processing time(such ascache lookup) and the time spent waiting for a network connection to become available. Internet Explorer will only create a maximum of two concurrent network connections per host name (i.e. www.microsoft.com) and will queue up requests until a network connection is available. Often the Blocked time is the most significant factor in the download time of images embedded in a web page.


2)DNS Lookupis the time required toresolve a host name(e.g. www.google.com) into a numeric IP address (e.g.


3)Connectis the time required tocreate a TCP connection to the web server(or proxy). If a secure HTTPS connection is being used this time includes the SSL handshake process.Keep-Alive connections are often used to avoid the overhead of repeatedly connecting to the web server.


4)Sendis the time required to send the HTTP request message to the server and will depend on the amount of data that is sent to the server. For example, long Send times will result from uploading files using an HTTP POST


5)Waitis the idle time spent waiting for a response message from the server. This value includes delays introduced due to network latency and the time required to process the request on the web server.


6)Receiveis the time taken to read the response message from the server. This value will depend on the size of the content returned, network bandwidth and whether HTTP compression was used.


7)TTFB(or Time To First Byte) is theduration from the initial network request being initiated by the browser to the first byte being receivedfrom the server. It includes TCP connection time, the time to send the request and the time taken to get the first byte of the response message.

TTFB(Tome To First Byte)是最初的网络请求被发起到从服务器接收到第一个字节这段时间,它包含了TCP连接时间,发送HTTP请求时间和获得响应消息第一个字节的时间。

8)Networkis the total duration ofall network related operationsfor an HTTP request.


3.Headers 选项卡 (HTTP请求头和响应头)

  1. Headers
  2. ====================================================================================
  3. Headers Sent      Value
  4. ====================================================================================
  5. (Request-Line)    GET / HTTP/1.1
  6. Acceptapplication/x-shockwave-flash, image/gif, image/jpeg, image/pjpeg,
  7. image/pjpeg, application/vnd.ms-excel, application/vnd.ms-powerpoint,
  8. application/msword, application/xaml+xml, application/x-ms-xbap,
  9. application/x-ms-application, */*
  10. Accept-Encoding  gzip, deflate
  11. Accept-Language   zh-cn
  12. ConnectionKeep-Alive
  13. Cookie__utma=22*****93.133*****.1329*****6.1329*****.132*****6.1;
  14. __utmz=225***893.132*****6.1.1.utmcsr=(direct)|utmccn=(direct)|utmcmd=
  15. (none); Hm_lvt_0e*****1bfd76e83216b=13*****86359;
  16. __pta=1*****65.1*****177.13*****3293.*****389.4;
  17. 3comdo=132*****4820
  18. Hostwww.chinaunix.net
  19. User-Agent       Mozilla/4.(compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 5.1; Trident/4.0;
  20. .NET4.0C; .NET4.0E)
  21. ====================================================================================
  22. Headers Sent      Value
  23. ====================================================================================(Status-Line)   HTTP/1.1 200 OK
  24. Connection      close
  25. Content-Length   959
  26. Content-Type     text/html




首先是请求行,其格式是:Action(get或者post或者...) + 资源的路径(/)+ HTTP协议的版本(HTTP/1.1)






然后是一个 \r\n 用来分隔“请求头”和请求内容



首先是响应状态行,其格式是:协议(HTTP/1.1)+  状态信息(200 OK);


然后是一个 \r\n 用来分隔“响应头”和请求内容;


4.Cookie 选项卡 (浏览器传给服务器的cookie)

  1. Cookies
  2. =========================================================================================
  3. CookieName Direction Value Path  Domain        Expires         Source  HTTP Only Secure
  4. =========================================================================================
  5. __pta      Sent***/   .chinaunix.net  Thu,**:28 GMT   Stored    No       No
  6. __utma     Sent       ***   /    .chinaunix.net T***6:26 GMT    Stored    No       No
  7. __utmz     Sent       ***   /    .chinaunix.net T***6:26 GMT    Stored    No       No
  8. 3comdo     Sent       ***   /    .chinaunix.net T**:55 GMT      Stored    No       No
  9. Hm****     Sent       ***   /    .chinaunix.net W***1:36:26 GMT Stored    No       No

5.Cache 选项卡 (浏览器缓存的各种参数)

  1. Cache
  2. ====================================================================================
  3. Decription           Before Request              After Request
  4. ====================================================================================
  5. URL in cache?       Yes                            Yes
  6. Expires(Not set)                    (Not set)
  7. Last Modification    (Not set)                    (Not set)
  8. Last Cache Update    01:36:26 Tue***12 GMT        02:08:10 Tues***12 GMT
  9. Last Access          01:36:24 T***2 GMT           02:08***4, 2012 GMT
  10. ETag
  11. Hit Count           7                             9

其中我们看到,本次访问 http://www.chinaunix.net 利用浏览器缓存中的内容,并没有重新全部从服务器得到所有的内容。Hit Count的表示的是“击中了缓存的次数”
6.Query String 选项卡 (表示通过get方法传给服务器的参数,比如 id=23433&name=dkdkkd等等内容)由于我们访问的是http://www.chinaunix.net所以没有Query String。注意通过数据库注入就是通过Query String来构造各种到数据库查询,从而从返回的结果分析从而得到各种关于数据库的信息的。
7.Stream 选项卡(浏览器传给服务器的数据流,以及服务器返回给浏览器的数据流)

  1. Stream
  2. 750 bytessentto
  3. ====================================================================================
  4. GET / HTTP/1.1
  5. Accept: application/x-shockwave-flash, image/gif, image/jpeg, image/pjpeg, image/pjpeg, application/vnd.ms-excel, application/vnd.ms-powerpoint, application/msword, application/xaml+xml, application/x-ms-xbap, application/x-ms-application, */*
  6. Accept-Language: zh-cn
  7. User-Agent: Mozilla/4.(compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 5.1; Trident/4.0; .NET4.0C; .NET4.0E)
  8. Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
  9. Host: www.chinaunix.net
  10. Connection: Keep-Alive
  11. Cookie: __utma=***; __utmz=22***)u***e); Hm_lv***b=1***; __pta=157***9.4; 3comdo=****0
  12. ====================================================================================
  13. 1043 bytes received by
  14. HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    Content-Length: 959
    Connection: close
    Content-Type: text/html



在iteye.com上有几篇分析HTTP的博文: http://yzd.iteye.com/blog/1405107  HTTP协议详解,你所不知到的 http://javababy1.iteye.com/blog/1404091  HTTP协议和web本质 http://javasee.iteye.com/blog/1405109 Fiddler宝典


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