1)AMD from 10.9.3 to 10.9.4



2)AMD kernel 升级



AMD Users must follow the above step but before that
download this kernel : Mac OS X 10.9.2 AMD Kernel
rename it as mach_kernel.bak place it in root of your OS X Volume
when it restarts use the chameleon bootl flag to boot: mach_kernel.bak -v
after that remove mach_kernel in the root and rename mach_kernel.bak as mach_kernel

3)10.9.5 Combo update



10.9.5 - This one is tricky, updates kernel and renders system useless unless done as below.
  • Run Terminal window and the login as root user by entering following command.
    sudo -i
  • Make a copy of the kernel.
    cp /Volumes/NameOf YourSystemVol/mach_kernel /Volumes/NameOf YourSystemVol/mach_kernel_ok
  • Make a copy of Extensions folder.
    cp -R /Volumes/NameOf YourSystemVol/System/Library/Extensions /Volumes/NameOf YourSystemVol/System/Library/Extensions_ok
  • Install update and upon reboot, insert installation DVD or thumbdrive with following boot parameters.
    xpcm-free -v
  • Go through the first installation step without doing anything, open up Terminal via the menu.
  • Run following commands to restore working kernel and extensions.
    mv /Volumes/NameOf YourSystemVol/mach_kernel /Volumes/NameOf YourSystemVol/mach_kernel_bad
    cp /Volumes/NameOf YourSystemVol/mach_kernel_ok /Volumes/NameOf YourSystemVol/mach_kernel
    mv /Volumes/NameOf YourSystemVol/System/Library/Extensions /Volumes/NameOf YourSystemVol/System/Library/Extensions_bad
    mv /Volumes/NameOf YourSystemVol/System/Library/Extensions_ok /Volumes/NameOf YourSystemVol/System/Library/Extensions
  • Remove DVD and restart system, add following as boot parameters at the Niresh boot screen if needed.
    -x -v -f
  • Use Kext Wizard to repair permissions and rebuild cache.
  • Restart again and you should be up and running.
  • Now you can remove the bad kernel and extensions folder, they are not needed anymore.
Extra fun things to know
Disable .DS_Store files poluting network drives.
  • Open Terminal and run following command.

    defaults write com.apple.desktopservices DSDontWriteNetworkStores true

Thanks again and i hope someone else have use for how i did.  

Update: Thanks to madthinker for pointing out some question marks in this guide, added sections are marked with green above.



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