


UINT    _tx_queue_send(TX_QUEUE *queue_ptr, VOID *source_ptr, ULONG wait_option)
{TX_INTERRUPT_SAVE_AREAREG_1   UINT        status;                 /* Return status           */REG_2   TX_THREAD   *thread_ptr;            /* Working thread pointer  */REG_3   ULONG_PTR   source;                 /* Source pointer          */REG_4   ULONG_PTR   destination;            /* Destination pointer     *//* Disable interrupts to place message in the queue.  */#def 禁止中断,防止下面操作被打断TX_DISABLE/* Determine if there is room in the queue.  */if (queue_ptr -> tx_queue_available_storage){#def 队列中有可用空间/* Now determine if there is a thread waiting for a message.  */if (!queue_ptr -> tx_queue_suspension_list){#def 挂起list中没有挂起线程,直接把消息插入队列尾部/* No thread suspended while waiting for a message fromthis queue.  *//* Simply place the message in the queue.  *//* Reduce the amount of available storage.  */#def 可用容量减1queue_ptr -> tx_queue_available_storage--;/* Increase the enqueued count.  */#def 队列中当前消息个数加1queue_ptr -> tx_queue_enqueued++;/* Setup source and destination pointers.  */#def source_ptr为发送消息的指针   tx_queue_write为队列中可写空间首地址,把消息放到这个地址开始处source = (ULONG_PTR) source_ptr;destination = (ULONG_PTR) queue_ptr -> tx_queue_write;/* Copy the message into the queue.  */#def 根据消息大小tx_queue_message_size占用的word个数进行copy,这里采用了特殊处理,没有breakswitch (queue_ptr -> tx_queue_message_size){#def tx_queue_message_size为16是,需要copy 16此default:/* Copy a sixteen longword message into the queue.  */*destination++ =  *source++;*destination++ =  *source++;*destination++ =  *source++;*destination++ =  *source++;*destination++ =  *source++;*destination++ =  *source++;*destination++ =  *source++;*destination++ =  *source++;/* Fall through to copy the remaining eight longwords.  */#def tx_queue_message_size为8时,copy 8次,case TX_8_ULONG:/* Copy an eight longword message into the queue.  */*destination++ =  *source++;*destination++ =  *source++;*destination++ =  *source++;*destination++ =  *source++;/* Fall through to copy the remaining four longwords.  */case TX_4_ULONG:/* Copy a four longword message into the queue.  */*destination++ =  *source++;*destination++ =  *source++;/* Fall through to copy the remaining two longwords.  */case TX_2_ULONG:/* Copy a two longword message into the queue.  */*destination++ =  *source++;/* Fall through to copy the remaining longword.  */case TX_1_ULONG:/* Copy single longword message into the queue.  */*destination =  *source;}/* Adjust the write pointer.  */#def tx_queue_write 指针迁移queue_ptr -> tx_queue_write =queue_ptr -> tx_queue_write + queue_ptr -> tx_queue_message_size;/* Determine if we are at the end.  */#def tx_queue_write 指针如果到了队列末尾,那么重头开始if (queue_ptr -> tx_queue_write >= queue_ptr -> tx_queue_end)/* Yes, wrap around to the beginning.  */queue_ptr -> tx_queue_write =  queue_ptr -> tx_queue_start;/* Set status to success.  */status =  TX_SUCCESS;}else{#def 消息队列中有可用空间,并且挂起队列中线程等待,说明消息队列中没有任何消息,有消息的话不可能挂起线程等待#def 这种情况下,没有把消息放到消息队列tx_queue_write 处,而是直接放到了等待线程的缓冲区#def 等待线程在调度_tx_queue_receive时,发现队列中没有消息,就自我挂起到了tx_queue_suspension_list中,#def 并且把_tx_queue_receive 接收缓冲区指针存储到了TX_THREAD控制块的tx_additional_suspend_info域/* Thread suspended waiting for a message.  Remove it and copy this messageinto its storage area.  */#def 取tx_queue_suspension_list队列中最前面线程,FIFO规则,并没有按照优先级高低顺序thread_ptr =  queue_ptr -> tx_queue_suspension_list;/* See if this is the only suspended thread on the list.  */#def 从tx_queue_suspension_list 移除线程if (thread_ptr == thread_ptr -> tx_suspended_next){/* Yes, the only suspended thread.  *//* Update the head pointer.  */queue_ptr -> tx_queue_suspension_list =  TX_NULL;}else{/* At least one more thread is on the same expiration list.  *//* Update the list head pointer.  */queue_ptr -> tx_queue_suspension_list =  thread_ptr -> tx_suspended_next;/* Update the links of the adjacent threads.  */(thread_ptr -> tx_suspended_next) -> tx_suspended_previous =thread_ptr -> tx_suspended_previous;(thread_ptr -> tx_suspended_previous) -> tx_suspended_next =thread_ptr -> tx_suspended_next;}/* Decrement the suspension count.  */queue_ptr -> tx_queue_suspended_count--;/* Prepare for resumption of the thread.  *//* Clear cleanup routine to avoid timeout.  */thread_ptr -> tx_suspend_cleanup =  TX_NULL;/* Temporarily disable preemption.  */_tx_thread_preempt_disable++;/* Restore interrupts.  */TX_RESTORE/* Setup source and destination pointers.  */source = (ULONG_PTR) source_ptr;#def tx_additional_suspend_info中存储了之前接收线程的接收缓冲区指针destination = (ULONG_PTR) thread_ptr -> tx_additional_suspend_info;#def 把发送消息source_ptr copy 到tx_additional_suspend_info 接收缓冲区/* Copy the message into the thread's destination.  */switch (queue_ptr -> tx_queue_message_size){default:/* Copy a sixteen longword message into the thread's destination.  */*destination++ =  *source++;*destination++ =  *source++;*destination++ =  *source++;*destination++ =  *source++;*destination++ =  *source++;*destination++ =  *source++;*destination++ =  *source++;*destination++ =  *source++;/* Fall through to copy the remaining eight longwords.  */case TX_8_ULONG:/* Copy an eight longword message into the thread's destination.  */*destination++ =  *source++;*destination++ =  *source++;*destination++ =  *source++;*destination++ =  *source++;/* Fall through to copy the remaining four longwords.  */case TX_4_ULONG:/* Copy a four longword message into the thread's destination.  */*destination++ =  *source++;*destination++ =  *source++;/* Fall through to copy the remaining two longwords.  */case TX_2_ULONG:/* Copy a two longword message into the thread's destination.  */*destination++ =  *source++;/* Fall through to copy the remaining longword.  */case TX_1_ULONG:/* Copy single longword message into the thread's destination.  */*destination =  *source;}/* Deactivate the timeout timer if necessary.  */if (thread_ptr -> tx_thread_timer.tx_list_head){/* Deactivate the thread's timeout timer.  */_tx_timer_deactivate(&(thread_ptr -> tx_thread_timer));}else{/* Clear the remaining time to ensure timer doesn't get activated.  */thread_ptr -> tx_thread_timer.tx_remaining_ticks =  0;}/* Put return status into the thread control block.  */#def _tx_queue_receive函数要使用的变量, 这个挂起线程挂起,现在恢复后,作为_tx_queue_receive函数返回值thread_ptr -> tx_suspend_status =  TX_SUCCESS;/* Resume thread.  */if (_tx_thread_resume(thread_ptr))/* Preemption is required, transfer control back tosystem.  */_tx_thread_system_return();/* Return successful status.  */return (TX_SUCCESS);}}else{#def 消息队列已经没有可用空间 ,消息队列是满的,需要挂起这个发送线程,等有空间在发送消息#def 由于消息队列是满,肯定没有接收线程挂起。 所以挂起到tx_queue_suspension_list的一定是发送线程#def 挂起时,把要发送的消息指针source_ptr,存放到了tx_additional_suspend_info 中,所以tx_additional_suspend_info 这个变量可以存储接收线程的接收缓冲区指针,也可以存储发送消息指针/* Determine if the request specifies suspension.  */if (wait_option){#def wait_option不为0才挂起发送线程,为0,函数就直接返回失败/* Prepare for suspension of this thread.  *//* Pickup thread pointer.  */thread_ptr =  _tx_thread_current_ptr;/* Setup cleanup routine pointer.  */thread_ptr -> tx_suspend_cleanup =  _tx_queue_cleanup;/* Setup cleanup information, i.e. this queue controlblock and the source pointer.  */thread_ptr -> tx_suspend_control_block = (VOID_PTR) queue_ptr;#def 发送消息指针source_ptr暂存到TX_THREAD控制块的tx_additional_suspend_info 域thread_ptr -> tx_additional_suspend_info = (VOID_PTR) source_ptr;/* Setup suspension list.  */#def 把发送线程插入到tx_queue_suspension_listif (queue_ptr -> tx_queue_suspension_list){/* This list is not NULL, add current thread to the end. */thread_ptr -> tx_suspended_next =queue_ptr -> tx_queue_suspension_list;thread_ptr -> tx_suspended_previous =(queue_ptr -> tx_queue_suspension_list) -> tx_suspended_previous;((queue_ptr -> tx_queue_suspension_list) -> tx_suspended_previous) -> tx_suspended_next =thread_ptr;(queue_ptr -> tx_queue_suspension_list) -> tx_suspended_previous =   thread_ptr;}else{/* No other threads are suspended.  Setup the head pointer andjust setup this threads pointers to itself.  */queue_ptr -> tx_queue_suspension_list =  thread_ptr;thread_ptr -> tx_suspended_next =        thread_ptr;thread_ptr -> tx_suspended_previous =    thread_ptr;}/* Increment the suspended thread count.  */queue_ptr -> tx_queue_suspended_count++;/* Set the state to suspended.  */thread_ptr -> tx_state =    TX_QUEUE_SUSP;/* Set the suspending flag.  */#def 开始挂起过程,所以这里必须设置tx_suspending 标志,_tx_thread_suspend中会检查thread_ptr -> tx_suspending =  TX_TRUE;/* Temporarily disable preemption.  */_tx_thread_preempt_disable++;/* Save the timeout value.  */thread_ptr -> tx_thread_timer.tx_remaining_ticks =  wait_option;/* Restore interrupts.  */TX_RESTORE/* See if we need to start a timer.  */#def 不为TX_WAIT_FOREVER开启定时器,定时器超时会把这个线程从挂起队列移除if (wait_option != TX_WAIT_FOREVER){/* A timeout is required.  *//* Activate the thread timer for timeout.  */_tx_timer_activate(&(thread_ptr -> tx_thread_timer));}/* Call actual thread suspension routine.  */#def 自我挂起_tx_thread_suspend(thread_ptr);/* Return the completion status.  */#def 前面挂起,线程切换到其它线程,恢复后,从这里开始执行,返回值tx_suspend_status在_tx_queue_receive函数中设置return (thread_ptr -> tx_suspend_status);}else/* Immediate return, return error completion.  */status =  TX_QUEUE_FULL;}/* Restore interrupts.  */TX_RESTORE/* Return completion status.  */return (status);

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