
Chapter 4 The Network Layer

1.What is the name of a network-layer packet?( )

A. message

B. segment

C. datagram

D. frame

2.What are the two most important network-layer functions in a datagram network? ( )

A. forwarding & routing

B. forwarding & filtering

C. routing & detecting

D. routing & checking

3.When a packet arrives at a router’s input link, the router must move the packet to the appropriate output link, this action is called ____? ( )

A. Forwarding

B. routing

C. cut through

D. filtering

4.The network layer must determine the path taken by packets as they flow from a sender to a receiver. This action is called____? ( )

A. Forwarding

B. routing

C. cut through

D. examine

5.A router forwards a packet by examining the value of a field in the arriving packet’s header, and then using this value to index into the router’s forwarding table, this value is? ( )

A. destination IP address

B. source IP address

C. destination MAC address

D. source MAC address

6.IP belongs to ____ layer? ( )

A. transport

B. network

C. data link

D. physical

7.Which layer provides host-to-host services? ( )

A. transport

B. network

C. data link

D. physical

8.Which layer provides a connection service called virtual-circuit networks and a connectionless service called datagram networks? ( )

A. transport


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