在installanywhere的install页面的Edit Properties里可以设置LAX Properties,其中有些是jvmargs(jvm option).

#A list of arguments passed to the application's
main method. These are specified exactly the
same way as they would be on the command line.
For example, if the application is invoked as "java
myApp arg1 arg2", set this property to "arg1
arg2". Be sure to place quotes around any
arguments that have spaces. When it is necessary
to pass in an argument that is only known at install
time (for instance, the installation directory), use
an InstallAnywhere variable.

#The value of this property will be written to the
command line verbatim. Java VM properties or
settings not directly supported by current LAX
configuration properties can be included as part of
the command line used to invoke Java.
lax.nl.java.option.additional=-Xms256m -Xmx800m -Xincgc -Xloggc:D:\log.gc



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