We’ve explained the basic concepts about the Portlet container through different tutorials about Portlets and Portals here.


We have a lot of Open source Portal vendors like Apache Pluto, Liferay, Sakai, Jetspeed and many more. We also have closed source Portals like IBM WebSphere and Oracle Webcenter.

我们有很多开源门户网站供应商,例如Apache PlutoLiferaySakaiJetspeed等。 我们还提供了IBM WebSphereOracle Webcenter等开源门户。

This tutorial is mainly aimed to help you getting started and deploying the first Portlet into Oracle Webcenter.

本教程的主要目的是帮助您入门,并将第一个Portlet部署到Oracle Webcenter中

目录一目了然…… (Contents at a glance…)

  • Oracle Webcenter Introduction
    Oracle Webcenter简介
  • Pre-Requisites for Oracle Webcenter
    • Create Oracle Webcenter Schema
    • Installing Oracle Weblogic 10.3.6 (Oracle Fusion Middleware)

    Oracle Webcenter的必备条件

    • 创建Oracle Webcenter架构
    • 安装Oracle Weblogic 10.3.6(Oracle融合中间件)
  • Installing Oracle Webcenter
    安装Oracle Webcenter
  • Configure Weblogic Domain
  • Verifying Installation
  • Launching Servers
  • Verifying Oracle Webcenter Installation
    验证Oracle Webcenter安装
  • Installing Oracle JDeveloper
    安装Oracle JDeveloper
  • Extending Installed JDeveloper
  • JDeveloper – Create Integrated Server
    JDeveloper –创建集成服务器
  • JDeveloper – Create Webcenter Portal
    JDeveloper –创建Webcenter门户
  • JDeveloper – Create JSR286 Portlet
    JDeveloper –创建JSR286 Portlet
  • JDeveloper – Create WSRP Producer
    JDeveloper –创建WSRP生产者
  • JDeveloper – Deploy Your Portal
    JDeveloper –部署您的门户
  • Summary

Oracle Webcenter简介 (Oracle Webcenter Introduction)

Before getting started installing Oracle Webcenter and using it to produce the first Portlet against its framework, it’s worth to take a look for the Oracle Webcenter’s Portal.

在开始安装Oracle Webcenter并使用它根据其框架生成第一个Portlet之前,值得一看Oracle Webcenter的Portal。

Practically, Oracle Webcenter is one of the Portals that compliant with the JSR-168/286 as it also provides a vast amount of Portlet types like Prebuilt Portlets (i.e. Portlets resulted in from the integration with other the oracle applications like Peoplesoft, JD Edwards and Oracle E-Business Suite), JavaServer Faces (JSF) Portlets, Custom Java Portlets (i.e. they’re standard Portlets that stands for JSR286), OmniPortlet – Declarative Portlet-Building Tool, Web Clipping Portlet – Is a browser-based declarative tool that enables the integration of any web application with a framework application, and many others.

实际上,Oracle Webcenter是符合JSR-168 / 286的门户之一,因为它还提供了大量的Portlet类型,例如预构建的Portlet(即,与其他Oracle应用程序(如Peoplesoft,JD Edwards和Oracle电子商务套件),JavaServer Faces(JSF)Portlet,自定义Java Portlet(即它们是代表JSR286的标准Portlet),OmniPortlet –声明性Portlet构建工具,Web Clipping Portlet –是基于浏览器的声明性工具,支持将任何Web应用程序与框架应用程序以及许多其他应用程序集成。

Following below a figure shows you the different Portlet types and the different possible scenarios that could lead you for specifying a certain type of Portlet to be used.


As we’ve concentrated in our discussion onto Portlets development mission, and how can they be implemented inside an Oracle Webcenter Portlet container, considering that the most of Portlet containers have had implemented the Portlets likely using the same way with a little bit different in the deployments. Let’s going forward to install the Oracle Webcenter and see how it’s used willingly for achieving that.

考虑到大多数Portlet容器已经实现了Portlet的方式可能有所不同,因此我们在讨论Portlet开发任务以及如何在Oracle Webcenter Portlet容器中实现这些功能的讨论中,部署。 让我们继续安装Oracle Webcenter,看看如何乐意使用它来实现这一目标。

Oracle Webcenter的必备条件 (Pre-Requisites for Oracle Webcenter)

Before getting started installing the Oracle Webcenter, it should be clarify you the steps required for doing that as the Oracle documentation are too long with some scattered information would make the installing process so complicated. Following below steps should summarize you the way that we would go through to install Oracle Webcenter abstractly.

在开始安装Oracle Webcenter之前,应该先弄清楚执行此步骤所需的步骤,因为Oracle文档太长且信息分散,会使安装过程变得如此复杂。 遵循以下步骤可以概述您抽象安装Oracle Webcenter的方式。

  • Create Oracle Webcenter schema.
    创建Oracle Webcenter模式。
  • Create Oracle WebLogic 10.3.5 (Oracle Fusion Middleware).
    创建Oracle WebLogic 10.3.5(Oracle融合中间件)。
  • Installing Oracle Webcenter Portal.
    安装Oracle Webcenter Portal。
  • Installing Oracle JDeveloper.
    安装Oracle JDeveloper。

Let’s before getting jump into database schema creation locate the needed installation binaries and their valid releases for the installation process. Following below the required binaries for getting started the process:

在进入数据库架构创建之前,让我们先找到所需的安装二进制文件及其在安装过程中的有效发行版。 以下是启动该过程所需的二进制文件:

  • Oracle XE 11.2.0.
    Oracle XE 11.2.0版 。
  • Oracle Weblogic 10.3.6.
    Oracle Weblogic 10.3.6版 。
  • Oracle Webcenter Portal
    Oracle Webcenter Portal 。
  • Oracle JDeveloper Studio
    Oracle JDeveloper Studio版
  • Oracle Repository Creation Utility
    Oracle Repository创建实用程序11. 。

Just one minor note here, at every time you would to install a software among these already listed above, you should accept the Oracle’s terms and conditions.


创建Oracle Webcenter架构 (Create Oracle Webcenter Schema)

Many of the Oracle Fusion components require the existence of Schemas in a database prior to installation. Oracle’s RCU utility would save your time and create all of these required Schemas/Tables on behalf of you.

许多Oracle Fusion组件要求在安装之前数据库中存在模式。 Oracle的RCU实用程序将节省您的时间,并代表您创建所有这些所需的模式/表。

Let’s see how we can use this utility for creating the all required Oracle Webcenter Portal’s database assets.

让我们看看如何使用该实用程序来创建所有必需的Oracle Webcenter Portal的数据库资产。

  • If you’ve downloaded the RCU utility successfully, you’re likely getting a file called ofm_rcu_win_11., so just unzip it into your storage to have a folder looks like this (As we’ve chosen D:/OracleWebCenter/rcuHome):
    如果您已经成功下载了RCU实用程序,则可能会得到一个名为ofm_rcu_win_11.的文件,因此只需将其解压缩到您的存储中就可以得到一个如下所示的文件夹(因为我们选择了D:/ OracleWebCenter / rcuHome ):

Make sure you’re having a proper installation of Oracle database into your machine, a proper installation should lead you into running listener and instance of oracle itself.


  • Open your command console and navigate into your RCU unzipped folder, beneath BIN folder and type there rcu.bat to get a Repository Creation Utility welcome screen.
Repository Creation Utility - Welcome Screen

Click next and choose Create as you want to create Oracle Webcenter Schema.

单击下一步,然后选择要创建的Oracle Webcenter Schema。

  • Click next and fill in the database instance connection properties where you’re landing on.
  • Click next and waiting until the RCU utility check its required Prerequisite.
  • In case you’ve faced a Warning that’s relevant for database’s character set. Just ignore it or create a database instance with an AL32UTF8 character set. It’s probably you get another warning window that tells you that your database version isn’t supported, just ignore it.
    如果您遇到了与数据库字符集相关的警告。 只需忽略它或使用AL32UTF8字符集创建数据库实例。 您可能会收到另一个警告窗口,告诉您不支持您的数据库版本,只需忽略它即可。
  • Waiting prerequisite phase to be finished, the result must look like below:
  • Click Okay, and check the WebCenter Portal and all relevant components get selected directly, as you can notice below:
  • Click next and set schemas password. We’ve set a one password for all schemas. This password will be used while configuring the Webcenter domain.
    单击下一步,然后设置架构密码。 我们为所有模式设置了一个密码。 在配置Webcenter域时将使用此密码。
  • Click double next to see Map Tablespaces that the utility creates.
  • Click next and accept the confirmation.
  • Waiting RCU utility while it’s creating mentioned Tablespaces.
  • Click Okay.
  • Click create and waiting the schema to be created.

安装Oracle Weblogic 10.3.6(Oracle融合中间件) (Installing Oracle Weblogic 10.3.6 (Oracle Fusion Middleware))

Oracle Weblogic Middleware is required as Oracle Webcenter requested it to complete its installation. To install Oracle Weblogic Middleware, follow below steps:

需要Oracle Weblogic中间件,因为Oracle Webcenter要求它完成安装。 要安装Oracle Weblogic中间件,请执行以下步骤:

  • Select Oracle WebLogic Server 11gR1 (10.3.6) + Coherence + Package Installer software to be downloaded.
    选择要下载的Oracle WebLogic Server 11gR1(10.3.6)+ Coherence +软件包安装程序软件。
  • Double click on the installed software to open the installation wizard.
  • Click next, select create a new Middle Home and specify the Middleware Home directory. In case you already have had a Pre-installed Oracle Weblogic Middleware, just ignore it and make a new directory for this installation.
    单击下一步,选择创建一个新的Middle Home并指定Middleware Home目录。 如果您已经有一个预装的Oracle Weblogic中间件,则忽略它并为该安装创建一个新目录。
  • Click next and make check box shown there unchecked as you won’t need any security updates. Click a sequence of next until Oracle Weblogic Middleware installation get started as the information that you would see is just for checking.
    单击“下一步”,并取消选中此处显示的复选框,因为您不需要任何安全更新。 单击下一个序列,直到开始安装Oracle Weblogic Middleware,因为您将看到的信息仅用于检查。

安装Oracle Webcenter (Installing Oracle Webcenter)

After creating Oracle Webcenter Portal’s schema, it’s time to get Oracle Webcenter itself installed. However, we supposed that you are already downloading the installation binary of Oracle Webcenter.

创建Oracle Webcenter Portal的架构之后,该安装Oracle Webcenter本身了。 但是,我们认为您已经在下载Oracle Webcenter的安装二进制文件。

The binary files of the Oracle Webcenter is very huge, as such it’s containing a four different disks folder. Look below

Oracle Webcenter的二进制文件非常大,因此它包含四个不同的磁盘文件夹。 往下看

  • Navigate into D:\OracleWebCenter\WebCenter_Installer_11.1.1.8\Disk1\install\win64 and double click on setup.exe.
    导航到D:\ OracleWebCenter \ WebCenter_Installer_11.1.1.8 \ Disk1 \ install \ win64,然后双击setup.exe
  • The installer asked you providing your JRE or JDK location.
  • Waiting a while before wizard being displayed.
  • Click next and skip software updates.
  • Click next. The wizard will check your prerequisite automatically. Click next and determine the Oracle Middleware home and Oracle Home Directory. This directory should be the same directory you’ve created while installing the Oracle Middleware.
    点击下一步。 该向导将自动检查您的先决条件。 单击下一步,确定Oracle中间件主目录和Oracle主目录。 该目录应该与您在安装Oracle中间件时创建的目录相同。
  • The installer will detect the Weblogic server you’ve installed and it will list it for you to choose.
  • Click next and install to start installation.
  • Waiting the wizard until it’s finished its work.
  • Click next and finish.

配置Weblogic域 (Configure Weblogic Domain)

Running an Oracle Webcenter requires you to define your own domain, your domain can be configured by following below steps:

运行Oracle Webcenter要求您定义自己的域,可以通过以下步骤配置域:

  • Open your window menu and select Configuration Wizard.
  • As we didn’t create a domain before, you must check the create a new Weblogic domain.
  • Click next and make sure you’ve checked the components to be like below:

Be sure that you’re selecting only these figured out above.


  • Click next and specify the domain name and location.
  • Click next and specify the Weblogic Server name and password. We’ve used weblogic123 as a password.
    单击下一步,然后指定Weblogic Server的名称和密码。 我们已使用weblogic123作为密码。
  • Configure server start mode and the used JDK.
  • Click next and configure the JDBC component schema. Notice that you must provide only the password that you’ve set the same password that you’re providing while the RCU creates the Schema. We’ve already provided sys as a password above.
    单击下一步,然后配置JDBC组件架构。 请注意,您必须仅提供与RCU创建架构时所设置的密码相同的密码。 我们已经在上面提供了sys作为密码。
  • Click next to start JDBC component schema examination.
  • Click next and select Managed Servers, Clusters and Machines as optional configuration required.
  • Accept the already provided managed servers components’ names, addresses and ports.
  • Click next and bypass the cluster configuration by another next.
  • Configure your machine by providing name, node manager listen address and node manager listen port.
  • Click next and assign your managed servers into your machine. In order to start a Managed Server from the administration console, you must first create a machine, then associate the managed server with that machine.
    单击下一步,然后将托管服务器分配到您的计算机中。 为了从管理控制台启动受管服务器,必须首先创建一台计算机,然后将受管服务器与该计算机关联。
  • Click next and create.
  • Wait until the installing process finished and don’t check the Start Admin Server.

验证安装 (Verifying Installation)

As we have a lot of components that are downloaded and installed, it’s so good to have a big picture for what we’ve done till now. Figure below should show you the Middleware host and these components that are hosted on.

由于我们有许多已下载和安装的组件,因此对迄今为止所完成的工作有一个全面的了解真是太好了。 下图应向您显示中间件主机及其上托管的这些组件。

启动服务器 (Launching Servers)

Before getting started launching the servers that you’ve seen in the above figure, let’s start the admin console that will be used to manage the servers after then.


  • From your main menu (Windows menu), just start your admin console.
  • Access admin console home page by typing https://localhost:7001/console and enter weblogic/weblogic123 as username and password.
    通过输入https:// localhost:7001 / console进入管理控制台主页,然后输入weblogic / weblogic123作为用户名和密码。
  • Edit node manager configuration file by navigating into NodeManagerHome which is located under {WeblogicHome}\common\nodemanager and modify the file nodemanager.properties file to set the attribute StartScriptEnabled to true. This attribute is required for Managed Servers to receive proper classpath and command arguments.
    通过导航到位于{WeblogicHome} \ common \ nodemanager下的NodeManagerHome来编辑节点管理器配置文件,并修改文件nodemanager.properties文件以将属性StartScriptEnabled设置为true。 受管服务器需要此属性才能接收正确的类路径和命令参数。
  • Start node manager by running into {WeblogicHome}\server\bin\startNodeManager.cmd. Node Manager will be used for managing all of your managed server by using the Admin server, otherwise you will be enforced to use the startManagedServer.cmd like below.
    通过运行到{WeblogicHome} \ server \ bin \ startNodeManager.cmd中来启动节点管理器。 节点管理器将用于通过管理服务器来管理所有受管服务器,否则将被强制使用如下所示的startManagedServer.cmd
  • Start your managed servers that are listed inside your Environment – Servers. Typically, the starting of all managed servers you’ve selected would be done through using of startManagedWebLogic.cmd command that’s located within your JournalDev domain.
    启动“环境–服务器”中列出的受管服务器。 通常,将通过使用JournalDev域中的startManagedWebLogic.cmd命令来启动所选所有受管服务器。
  • To start your WC_Spaces managed server, just navigate into your JournalDev domain directory through using of console and type D:\OracleWebCenter\Middleware\user_projects\domains\JournalDev\bin\startManagedServerWeblogic.cmd WC_Spaces https://localhost:7001. You may be asked for username and password, just use weblogic/weblogic123.
    要启动WC_Spaces受管服务器,只需使用控制台导航到JournalDev域目录,然后键入D:\ OracleWebCenter \ Middleware \ user_projects \ domains \ JournalDev \ bin \ startManagedServerWeblogic.cmd WC_Spaces https:// localhost:7001。 可能会要求您输入用户名和密码,只需使用weblogic / weblogic123即可
  • To start your WC_Portlets managed server, just navigate into your JournalDev domain directory through using of console and type the same command above with using of WC_Portlet instead of WC_Spaces. You may be asked for username and password, just use weblogic/weblogic123.
    要启动WC_Portlet受管服务器,只需使用控制台导航到JournalDev域目录,然后使用WC_Portlet而不是WC_Spaces键入与上面相同的命令 可能会要求您输入用户名和密码,只需使用weblogic / weblogic123即可
  • Follow the same way for starting both of WC_Utilities and WC_Collaboration. You may be asked for username and password, just use weblogic/weblogic123.
    按照相同的方式启动WC_Utilities和WC_Collaboration。 可能会要求您输入用户名和密码,只需使用weblogic / weblogic123即可
  • Your node manager will notify your Admin Server about any managed servers that get started. In case you’ve faced a connection exception that results in using of IPv6 for notifying, just make sure you’re enforcing your Weblogic instances to use IPv4 by editing JAVA_OPTIONS and adding -Djava.net.preferIPv4Stack=true inside startManagedWeblogic.cmd and setDomainEnv.cmd, respectively.
    您的节点管理器会通知您的Admin Server有关任何开始的托管服务器的信息。 如果遇到连接异常导致使用IPv6进行通知的情况,只需通过编辑JAVA_OPTIONS并在startManagedWeblogic.cmd和setDomainEnv中添加-Djava.net.preferIPv4Stack = true来确保您的Weblogic实例使用IPv4。 .cmd。

验证Oracle Webcenter安装 (Verify Oracle Webcenter Installation)

To make sure that you’re getting proper installation for Oracle Webcenter, just type the https://localhost: followed with proper port like below:

为确保正确安装Oracle Webcenter,只需键入https:// localhost :,然后输入正确的端口,如下所示:

Accessing of https://localhost:8888/webcenter

访问https:// localhost:8888 / webcenter

Enter weblogic/weblogic123 as username and password for getting logged in into Oracle Webcenter Portal.

输入weblogic / weblogic123作为用户名和密码,以登录到Oracle Webcenter Portal。

安装Oracle JDeveloper (Installing Oracle JDeveloper)

After that, it’s time to get Oracle JDeveloper installed as it’s used for creating the different accompanies of Oracle Webcenter technology such as Portlet, Pages, etc. Following below the steps required for installing the Oracle JDeveloper.

之后,是时候安装Oracle JDeveloper了,因为它是用于创建Oracle Webcenter技术的不同随附产品(例如Portlet,Pages等)的。请按照以下安装Oracle JDeveloper所需的步骤进行操作。

  • Make sure you are downloaded the JDeveloper binary file into your storage. It’s name is jdevstudio11117install.exe. Double click on it.
    确保已将JDeveloper二进制文件下载到存储中。 它的名称是jdevstudio11117install.exe 。 双击它。
  • Click next.
  • The initial screen asks you whether you want to use already exist Middleware or you want to install it using a new Middleware. Choose create a new Middleware as this version of JDeveloper isn’t aligned with the already Oracle Weblogic Middleware that you installed it before. Remember the path of the installed JDeveloper as it will be used later on.
    初始屏幕会询问您是要使用已经存在的中间件还是要使用新的中间件进行安装。 选择创建一个新的中间件,因为此版本的JDeveloper与之前安装它的Oracle Weblogic中间件不匹配。 请记住已安装的JDeveloper的路径,因为它将在以后使用。
  • Click a sequence of next until the wizard starts the installation.

扩展已安装的JDeveloper (Extending Installed JDeveloper)

Before getting developed a HelloWorld Portlet you must configure your installed JDeveloper be able of providing a design time capabilities for the Webcenter Framework and services. Following below points that you should follow for getting JDeveloper ready to use:

在开发HelloWorld Portlet之前,必须配置已安装的JDeveloper,使其能够为Webcenter Framework和服务提供设计时功能。 请遵循以下几点以准备使用JDeveloper:

  • Download the required extensions based on your JDeveloper components releases. Installed JDeveloper is having the following extensions:
    根据您的JDeveloper组件版本下载所需的扩展。 已安装的JDeveloper具有以下扩展:

As our JDeveloper have the listed J2EE and Studio extensions, so you should download two additional extensions for Oracle Webcenter and they are:

由于我们的JDeveloper具有列出的J2EE和Studio扩展,因此您应该下载Oracle Webcenter的两个附加扩展,它们是:

  • Details for Webcenter Framework and Services Design Time.
    Webcenter框架和服务设计时间的详细信息 。
  • Details for Webcenter Customization Framework Design Time.
    Webcenter定制框架设计时间的详细信息 。



  • Install downloaded extensions (Both of them) into your JDeveloper by navigate into Help – Check Updates.
    通过导航安装下载的扩展( 他们都 )到您的JDeveloper为帮助-检查更新。
  • Click next and finish. Important note, open your JDeveloper using Default Role as if you were selected any other role, you may won’t be able of installing the Oracle Webcenter framework extension.
    单击下一步并完成。 重要说明,使用默认角色打开JDeveloper,就像选择其他角色一样,您可能将无法安装Oracle Webcenter Framework扩展。
  • Now, you should be able of seeing the all projects that are related for Oracle Webcenter.
    现在,您应该能够看到与Oracle Webcenter相关的所有项目。

JDeveloper –创建集成服务器 (JDeveloper – Create Integrated Server)

You need to create an Integrated Application Server for handling all normal tasks like, start server, stop server, deploying the applications, etc.


To create your server from within your JDeveloper you need to follow the below steps:


  • Open your JDevelper.
  • From View menu, choose Application Server Navigator. That should make the Application Server Pane be shown.
    从“查看”菜单中,选择“ Application Server Navigator”。 那应该使Application Server窗格显示出来。
  • On the Application Servers root node, Right-Click and select New Application Server.
    在“ Application Servers”根节点上,右键单击并选择“ New Application Server”。
  • From the first window, select Integrated Server and click next.
    在第一个窗口中,选择Integrated Server ,然后单击下一步。
  • Name your server (JournalDev) and specify both of domain directory and Server instance like below.
  • Click next and fill in administrator user’s username and password.
  • Click next and finish.
  • Make sure that your node manager is already started as you cannot control your managed server without it.
  • Make sure that your server is started Right-Click on the created server and choose Start Server Instance.

JDeveloper –创建Webcenter门户 (JDeveloper – Create Webcenter Portal)

According for JSR 286 & 186, Portlet isn’t a standalone component, in that, it needs to be embedded inside a Portal page for getting displayed.

根据JSR 286和186,Portlet不是独立的组件,因为它需要嵌入到Portal页面中才能显示。

The way in which you can create a Portal page is to create an Oracle Webcenter Portal application that may contains a lot of pages of type (jspx). It’s not important at this time to get much understand about Oracle Webcenter Portal application than the steps that help you getting one developed. Following below steps help you create one:

创建Portal页面的方法是创建一个Oracle Webcenter Portal应用程序,该应用程序可能包含许多类型(jspx)的页面。 目前,对Oracle Webcenter Portal应用程序的了解并不比帮助您进行开发的步骤重要。 以下步骤可帮助您创建一个:

  • From Application pane, select New Application.
  • Name your application and specify your preferred package before getting Webcenter Portal – Framework Application selected.
    在选择“ Webcenter Portal –框架应用程序”之前,命名您的应用程序并指定首选的程序包。
  • Click double next.
  • Make sure you’re selecting the proper package as you may find two duplicate portal phrase.
  • Click finish.

JDeveloper –创建JSR286 Portlet (JDeveloper – Create JSR286 Portlet)

To develop a JSR-286 Portlet using Oracle JDeveloper you need to follow the below steps:

要使用Oracle JDeveloper开发JSR-286 Portlet,您需要遵循以下步骤:

  • From Application Pane, choose New Application.
  • Fill in your Application name, directory, package and the technology be used.
  • Click next and accept the default Project Name, directory and Project Technologies.
  • Click next and update your package as you may find additional portal phrase.
  • Click finish.
  • From Portlets project, create a new JSR286 Portlet by, Right-Click on Portlets, select New Portlets and select Standards-based Java Portlet (JSR 286).
    Portlets项目中,通过以下方法创建一个新的JSR286 Portlet:右键单击Portlet,选择New Portlet,然后选择基于标准的Java Portlet(JSR 286)
  • Click Okay, a window of General Portlet Information will be displayed. Fill in all your Portlet’s information like name, class, package and the preferred language.
    单击“确定”,将显示“常规Portlet信息”窗口。 填写您的所有Portlet信息,例如名称,类,包和首选语言。
  • Click next and finish. As a result, you will see your Portlet binaries being shown inside the Projects pane.
    单击下一步并完成。 结果,您将看到Portlet二进制文件显示在“ 项目”窗格中。

Now, deployment time:


  • Right-Click on the Portlets project and from Deploy menu select New Deployment Profile. From displayed Wizard, select Deployment Profiles and select WAR file.
    右键单击Portlets项目,然后从Deploy菜单中选择New Deployment Profile 。 在显示的向导中,选择部署配置文件,然后选择WAR文件。
  • Click okay and name your profile (JorunalDevPortlet) to be referenced later on.
    单击“确定”并命名您的个人资料( JorunalDevPortlet ),以供以后参考。
  • Once you’ve named your Profile and Click okay, a new Wizard will be displayed.
  • Fill in WAR File and the web application’s Context root.
  • Click Okay.
  • Right-Click on the Portlet project and from deploy menu use JournalDevPortlet.
  • From Deployment Action Wizard, select Deploy to Application Server option.
  • Click next and use your created integrated server, JournalDev and click next.
    单击下一步,然后使用创建的集成服务器JournalDev ,然后单击下一步。
  • From Weblogic options, make sure you’re selected Deploy to selected instances in the domain and select AdminServer (Make sure you’re Admin Server and node manager is running and also you have a running WC_Portlet and WC_Spaces).
    从Weblogic选项中,确保已选择“ 部署到域中的选定实例”,然后选择AdminServer(确保您正在运行Admin Server,并且节点管理器正在运行,并且还具有正在运行的WC_Portlet和WC_Spaces)。
  • Don’t worry if you find your managed servers down, just make sure you are getting them up from the command line by using startManagedWebLogic.cmd as listed before. (Double check by visiting the console).
    不必担心是否发现托管服务器宕机,只需使用前面列出的startManagedWebLogic.cmd确保从命令行启动它们即可。 (通过访问控制台仔细检查)。
  • Click finish, and wait until your Portlet application get deployed.
  • Access your Portlet url that’s listed at the deployment console inside your JDeveloper or follow given convention by typing into your browser https://hostname:7001/yourContext.
    访问JDeveloper内的部署控制台上列出的Portlet URL,或通过输入浏览器https:// hostname:7001 / yourContext遵循给定的约定。
  • Open your WSRP Test page and ensure your WSRP v2 WSDL is working fine. It’s a common issue that your Weblogic has used an IPv6 for deployment purpose, such in case, make sure you’re enforcing it to use IPv4 by editing your D:\OracleWebCenter\Middleware\user_projects\domains\JournalDev\bin\startWebLogic.cmd and put set SAVE_JAVA_OPTIONS=%JAVA_OPTIONS% -Djava.net.preferIPv4Stack=true instead of already current located there.
    打开“ WSRP测试”页面,并确保WSRP v2 WSDL正常运行。 Weblogic出于部署目的使用IPv6是一个常见问题,以防万一,请通过编辑D:\ OracleWebCenter \ Middleware \ user_projects \ domains \ JournalDev \ bin \ startWebLogic.cmd来确保将其强制使用IPv4。 并设置SAVE_JAVA_OPTIONS =%JAVA_OPTIONS%-Djava.net.preferIPv4Stack = true而不是当前的位置。

JDeveloper –创建WSRP生产者 (JDeveloper – Create WSRP Producer)

For exposing your developed Portlet into your Webcenter portal, you should copy your WSRP WSDL link that look like and create a Producer:

为了将开发的Portlet公开到Webcenter门户,您应该复制看起来像https://的 WSRP WSDL链接并创建一个生产者:

  • Navigate into your Portal Application from the Application menu.
  • Right-click on the Portal and select New.
  • Choose Portlets from the left pane and WSRP Producer Registration from the right pane.
  • Click okay, and fill in your producer name.
  • Click next and paste the WSDL link that you’ve taken a copy from it.
  • Click next and finish.

JDeveloper –部署您的门户 (JDeveloper – Deploy Your Portal)

Now, you have a Portlet, Portal and a Producer for your Portlet, so let’s complete what we have started before by deploying your Portlet into the home Portal page. Following below steps would help you getting your Portal up and running and your Portlet deployed and shown.

现在,您已经具有Portlet,Portal和该Portlet的生产者,因此,通过将Portlet部署到主Portal页面中,让我们完成之前已经开始的工作。 遵循以下步骤将帮助您启动和运行Portal,并部署和显示Portlet。

  • Navigate into your home.jspx page.
  • Open your Application Resources and drag your Portlet into your page, just like figure below.
  • The JDeveloper would ask you if you want dragged Portlet to be added as an ADF or a Trinidad one, just use Trinidad Portlet.
  • Right-click on your Portal application and deploy.
  • Click next and choose your JournalDev server.
  • Click next and choose Admin Server.
  • Click finish.
  • Wait a second to show the deployment configuration Wizard and click Deploy.
  • Copy your application URL as it’s shown inside the deployment console and paste it into your browser to get your Portal displayed.
  • Paste into your browser and find your Portal’s home page contained your simple developed JSR286 Portlet.粘贴到浏览器中,然后找到包含简单开发的JSR286 Portlet的门户网站主页。

摘要 (Summary)

As Oracle documentation is very hard to traverse and follow, this tutorial is just a trial into getting a full sample of how can you install and configure an Oracle Webcenter Portal and used it after then for deploying a simple trivial Portlet into one of its Portal page. Contribute us by commenting below and find source code to download.

由于很难遍历和遵循Oracle文档,因此本教程只是尝试获取如何安装和配置Oracle Webcenter Portal的完整样本,然后在将其用于将简单的Portlet部署到其Portal页面之一中之后使用了该样本。 。 通过在下面评论来为我们贡献力量,并找到要下载的源代码。

Download Oracle WebCenter JDeveloper Portlet Project下载Oracle WebCenter JDeveloper Portlet项目

翻译自: https://www.journaldev.com/5064/installing-oracle-webcenter-11-1-1-8-0-developing-portlet-using-jdeveloper

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