
Gradle is a project build and automation tool for java based applications; something like ivy, ant and maven. Build tools help us to reduce our development and test time and hence increase productivity.

Gradle是用于基于Java的应用程序的项目构建和自动化工具; 像常春藤,蚂蚁和行家。 构建工具可帮助我们减少开发和测试时间,从而提高生产率。

Gradle (Gradle)

Grunt and Gulp are two popular build and automation tools for javascript projects like NodeJS or jQuery. Gant is a build tool mainly used for Groovy based applications. SBT stands for Scala Build Tool. SBT is mainly used for Scala based applications.

Grunt和Gulp是用于NodeJS或jQuery之类JavaScript项目的两种流行的构建和自动化工具。 Gant是一个构建工具,主要用于基于Groovy的应用程序。 SBT代表Scala Build Tool。 SBT主要用于基于Scala的应用程序。

Now-a-days, most of the java projects are using either maven or gradle build tools because of their benefits when compared to ant.


Before discussing about Gradle, first we will go through some shortcomings of ant and maven. Then we will discuss about why we need Gradle build tool to our projects.

在讨论Gradle之前,首先我们将探讨ant和maven的一些缺点。 然后,我们将讨论为什么我们需要在项目中使用Gradle构建工具。

蚂蚁的缺点 (Drawbacks of Ant)

The following are main drawbacks of using ant build tools in our project.


  1. We need to write ant build scripts using XML. If we want to automate a complex project, then we need to write a lot of logic in XML files.我们需要使用XML编写ant构建脚本。 如果要自动化复杂的项目,则需要在XML文件中编写很多逻辑。
  2. When we execute complex and large project’s ant build, it produces a lot of verbose at console.当我们执行复杂的大型项目的ant构建时,会在控制台上产生很多冗长的信息。
  3. There is no built-in ant project structure. Since we can use any build structure for our projects, new developers find it hard to understand the project struct and build scripts.没有内置的ant项目结构。 由于我们可以为项目使用任何构建结构,因此新开发人员很难理解项目的结构和构建脚本。
  4. It is very tough to write some complex logic using if-then-else statements.使用if-then-else语句编写一些复杂的逻辑非常困难。
  5. We need to maintain all jars with required version in version control. There is no support for dependency management.我们需要在版本控制中维护所有具有所需版本的jar。 不支持依赖项管理。

Because of these many drawbacks, now-a-days most of the projects have restructured and they are using maven build tool. Even though Maven provides the following benefits compare to ant, but still it has some drawbacks.

由于存在许多缺点,如今大多数项目已经进行了重组,并且正在使用maven构建工具。 尽管Maven与ant相比具有以下优点,但仍具有一些缺点。

Maven的优势 (Advantages of Maven)

  1. Maven is an expressive, declarative, and maintainable build tool.Maven是一种表达性,声明性和可维护性的构建工具。
  2. All maven projects follow pre-defined structure. Even new developers find it easy to understand the project structure and start development quickly.所有的Maven项目都遵循预定义的结构。 即使是新开发人员,也很容易理解项目结构并快速开始开发。
  3. We don’t need to maintain all jars with required version in version control. Maven will download all required jars at build time. Maven support for dependency management is one of the best advantage it has over ant.我们不需要在版本控制中维护所有具有所需版本的jar。 Maven将在构建时下载所有必需的jar。 Maven对依赖项管理的支持是它相对于ant的最大优势之一。
  4. Maven gives us very modularized project structure.Maven为我们提供了非常模块化的项目结构。

Maven的缺点 (Drawbacks of Maven)

  1. Maven follows some pre-defined build and automation lifecycle. Sometimes it may not fit to our project needs.Maven遵循一些预定义的构建和自动化生命周期。 有时它可能不适合我们的项目需求。
  2. Even though we can write custom maven life cycle methods, but it’s a bit tough and verbose.尽管我们可以编写自定义的Maven生命周期方法,但是这有点困难和冗长。
  3. Maven build scripts are a bit tough to maintain for very complex projects.对于非常复杂的项目,Maven构建脚本很难维护。

Maven has solved most of the ant build tool issues, but still it has some drawbacks. To overcome these issues, we need to use Gradle build tool. Now we can start our discussion on Gradle.

Maven解决了大多数蚂蚁构建工具问题,但仍然存在一些缺陷。 为了克服这些问题,我们需要使用Gradle构建工具。 现在我们可以在Gradle上开始讨论了。

什么是Gradle? (What is Gradle?)

Gradle is an opensource build and automation tool for java based projects. Using Gradle, we can reduce project development time and increase productivity.

Gradle是用于基于Java的项目的开源构建和自动化工具。 使用Gradle,我们可以减少项目开发时间并提高生产率。

Gradle is a multi-language, multi-platform, multi-project and multi-channel build and automation software.


Gradle优势 (Gradle advantages)

Gradle will provide the following advantages compared to ant and maven. That’s why all new projects are using Gradle as build tool.

与ant和maven相比,Gradle将提供以下优势。 这就是所有新项目都使用Gradle作为构建工具的原因。

  1. Like Maven, Gradle is also an expressive, declarative, and maintainable build Tool.与Maven一样,Gradle也是一种表达性,声明性和可维护性的构建工具。
  2. Just like maven, Gradle also supports dependency management.就像Maven一样,Gradle也支持依赖项管理。
  3. Gradle provides very scalable and high-performance builds.Gradle提供了非常可扩展的高性能构建。
  4. Gradle provides standard project layout and lifecycle, but it’s full flexibility. We have the option to fully configure the defaults. This is where it’s better than maven.Gradle提供了标准的项目布局和生命周期,但具有完全的灵活性。 我们可以选择完全配置默认值。 这是比Maven更好的地方。
  5. It’s very easy to use gradle tool and implement custom logic in our project.在我们的项目中使用gradle工具和实现自定义逻辑非常容易。
  6. Gradle supports the project structure that consists of more than one project to build deliverable.Gradle支持由多个项目组成的项目结构,以构建可交付成果。
  7. It is very easy to integrate existing ant/maven project with Gradle.将现有的ant / maven项目与Gradle集成非常容易。
  8. It is very easy to migrate from existing ant/maven project to Gradle.从现有的ant / maven项目迁移到Gradle非常容易。

Gradle combines most of the popular build tool plus points into a single build tool.


In simple terminology, Gradle is built by taking all the good things from ant, maven, ivy and gant.


That means Gradle combines best features of all popular build tools:


  • Ivy and ant power and flexibility常春藤和蚂蚁的力量和灵活性
  • Maven’s easy to use, lifecycle management and dependency managementMaven易于使用,生命周期管理和依赖管理
  • Gant’s build scriptsGant的构建脚本

NOTE: Gant is a Groovy based build system that internally uses ant tasks. In Gant, we need to write build scripts in Groovy, but no XML. Refer it’s official website for more information.

注意: Gant是一个基于Groovy的构建系统,在内部使用ant任务。 在Gant中,我们需要用Groovy编写构建脚本,但是不需要XML。 请参阅其官方网站以获取更多信息。

为什么我们需要选择Gradle? (Why we need to choose Gradle?)

  1. Gradle’s build scripts are more readable, expressive and declarative.Gradle的构建脚本更具可读性,表达性和声明性。
  2. Gradle’s build scripts are written in simple Groovy, no XML. That means it use it’s own DSL based on Groovy script.Gradle的构建脚本使用简单的Groovy编写,没有XML。 这意味着它使用基于Groovy脚本的自己的DSL。
  3. It’s highly scalable for complex multi-module projects.对于复杂的多模块项目,它具有高度的可扩展性。
  4. Unlike Maven’s pom.xml, No need to write boilerplate XML Code与Maven的pom.xml不同,无需编写样板XML代码
  5. It provides plugins for most of the IDEs like Eclipse, IntelliJ IDEA, Spring STS Suite etc.它为大多数IDE(例如Eclipse,IntelliJ IDEA,Spring STS Suite等)提供插件。
  6. It is very easy to maintain even for multi-module complex projects.即使对于多模块的复杂项目,维护也非常容易。

什么是Gradle的座右铭? (What is Gradle’s Motto?)

“Make the impossible possible, make the possible easy, and make the easy elegant”.


By reading the Gradle’s Motto, we can understand that main goal and advantages of Gradle build tool.


As of now, Gradle works as build and automation tool for the following projects.


  • Java/Scala/Groovy Based Projects基于Java / Scala / Groovy的项目
  • Android ProjectsAndroid专案
  • C/C++ ProjectsC / C ++项目
  • JavaScript Based Projects基于JavaScript的项目

Now we are clear that Gradle is the best build and automation tool to use in our projects. We are going to use Gradle in my Spring Boot Tutorial. As of today, Gradle’s latest and stable version is 4.1 released on 07-Aug-2017. We are going to use this version to run our examples.

现在我们很清楚,Gradle是在我们的项目中使用的最佳构建和自动化工具。 我们将在我的Spring Boot Tutorial中使用Gradle。 截至今天,Gradle的最新稳定版本为2017年8月7日发行。 我们将使用此版本来运行示例。

Gradle official website:

Gradle官方网站: https : //

Gradle安装 (Gradle Install)

Please follow the following steps to install Gradle in Windows systems.


  1. Download latest Gradle software from by clicking “Download Gradle 2.4” button as shown below通过单击“ Download Gradle 2.4”按钮,从下载最新的Gradle软件,如下所示
  2. Once download is successfully, we can observe a zip file as shown below


  3. Extract zip file into local file system将zip文件解压缩到本地文件系统中
  4. Observe Gradle Home directory:


    Observe Gradle BIN directory:

    观察Gradle BIN目录:

  5. Set the following System Variables设置以下系统变量
  6. set GRADLE_HOME=D:\gradle-2.4
    set PATH=D:\gradle-2.4\bin;%PATH%


  7. Open CMD Prompt and check the Setup is done successfully or not.打开CMD提示符,然后检查设置是否成功。

We can use either of the following two commands to know the Gradle version.


D:\>gradle -v
D:\>gradle --version

By observing this output at Command Prompt as shown in above screenshot, we can say that Gradle installation is successful.


That’s it for now. We will see some Gradle simple and complex examples in coming posts.

现在就这样。 在接下来的文章中,我们将看到一些Gradle简单和复杂的示例。




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