Please include “Volunteer Forum Moderation – Application”as the subject of your message  All other subject lines will be void and will be discarded.
Copy and paste the information below as the body of your message. Then please fill out the application submit it to forum user King Moderator.
Game: Which game forum would you like to moderate?
Language:Which languages do you speak and want to moderate in?
Name: Your real name.
Forum Handle:Your name on the Funcom forum you want to help moderate.
Age: Your date of birth.
Country of origin: Where you live and which time zone.
Online hours: The hours you tend to be around on the forums.
Past experiences:
Have you had any training on experience moderation or community work in the past?
Additional comments:
If there were else you would like us toknow about you that we didn’t cover in the other paragraphs.


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