


#ifndef GRAPH_H
#define GRAPH_H// 类Graph的声明
class Graph {public:Graph(char ch, int n);   // 带有参数的构造函数 void draw();     // 绘制图形 private:char symbol;int size;


// 类graph的实现

#include "graph.h"
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;// 带参数的构造函数的实现
Graph::Graph(char ch, int n): symbol(ch), size(n) {
}// 成员函数draw()的实现
// 功能:绘制size行,显示字符为symbol的指定图形样式
void Graph::draw() {int i, j, k;for (i = 1;i <= size;i++) {for (j = 1;j <= size - i;j++)cout << ' ';for (k = 1;k <= 2 * i - 1;k++)cout << symbol;cout << endl;}


#include <iostream>
#include "graph.h"
using namespace std;int main() {Graph graph1('*',5);graph1.draw();system("pause");system("cls");Graph graph2('$',7);graph2.draw();return 0;





#ifndef FRA_H
#define FRA_Hclass Fraction {
public:Fraction(int t0 = 0, int b0 = 1);friend Fraction add(Fraction &f1, Fraction &f2);//加法计算friend Fraction sub(Fraction &f1, Fraction &f2);//减法计算friend Fraction mul(Fraction &f1, Fraction &f2);//乘法计算friend Fraction div(Fraction &f1, Fraction &f2); //除法计算friend void com(Fraction &f1, Fraction &f2);     //比较大小void sim( );                      //化简void transform();           //转化void input();                  //输入void output();                //输出
private:int top;int bottom;


using std::cout;
using std::cin;
using std::endl;Fraction::Fraction(int t0, int b0):top(t0),bottom(b0){if (b0 = 0) {cout << "worrong fraction!";exit(0);}
}Fraction add(Fraction &f1, Fraction &f2) {Fraction ad;ad.bottom = f1.bottom*f2.bottom;ad.top = f1.top*f2.bottom + f2.top*f1.bottom;ad.sim();return ad;

Fraction sub(Fraction &f1, Fraction &f2) {Fraction su;su.bottom = f1.bottom*f2.bottom;su.top = f1.top*f2.bottom - f2.top*f1.bottom;su.sim();return su;

Fraction mul(Fraction &f1, Fraction &f2) {Fraction mu;mu.bottom = f1.bottom*f2.bottom;mu.top = f1.top*f2.top;mu.sim();return mu;

Fraction div(Fraction &f1, Fraction &f2) {Fraction di;di.bottom = f1.bottom*f2.top;di.top = f1.top*f2.bottom;di.sim();return di;
}//除法void com(Fraction &f1, Fraction &f2) {f1.sim();f2.sim();if (f1.top*f2.bottom > f1.bottom*f2.top)cout << f1.top << "/" << f1.bottom << " > " << f2.top << "/" << f2.bottom << endl;else if (f1.top*f2.bottom < f1.bottom*f2.top)cout << f1.top << "/" << f1.bottom << " < " << f2.top << "/" << f2.bottom << endl;else cout << f1.top << "/" << f1.bottom << " = " << f2.top << "/" << f2.bottom << endl;
}//比较void Fraction::sim() {int i;if (top != 0) {for (i = fabs(top);i >= 1;i--) {if (top%i == 0 && bottom%i == 0)break;}top /= i;bottom /= i;}if (bottom*top < 0) {top = -fabs(top);bottom = fabs(bottom);}else if (bottom*top > 0) {top = fabs(top);bottom = fabs(bottom);}
}//化简void Fraction::transform() {double p;p = top*1.0 / bottom;cout << std::setprecision(3) << p << endl;
}//转化void Fraction::input() {cin >> top >> bottom;
}//输入void Fraction::output() {if (top != 0) {if (bottom != 1)cout << top << "/" << bottom;else if (bottom == 1)cout << top;}else cout << "0";


using std::cout;
using std::endl;int main() {Fraction a,b;Fraction c1, c2,c3,c4;cout << "Enter two Fraction:";a.input();b.input();cout << "a= ";       //输出a的分数和小数形式
    a.output();cout  << "= ";a.transform();cout << endl;cout << "b= ";       //输出b的分数和小数形式
    b.output();cout << "= ";b.transform();cout << endl;c1=add(a, b);        //a,b相加cout << "a+b= ";c1.output();cout << endl;c2=sub(a, b);        //a,b相减cout << "a-b= ";c2.output();cout << endl;c3=mul(a, b);        //a,b相乘cout << "a*b= ";c3.output();cout << endl;c4=div(a, b);        //a,b相除cout << "a/b= ";c4.output();cout << endl;com(a, b);           //比较a,b大小
system("pause");return 0;




  • graph实验需要将图形转化为代数,发现行列间的规律。
  • Fraction.h中需要考虑是否将函数设为友元函数,是否需要带参数,前前后后修改了很多次。
  • Fraction.cpp中多处需要分类讨论,后来修改的时间用的比一开始的框架时间长,考虑要周全。
  • 最后提出疑问,友元函数不能在主函数中引用吗?还是我使用的格式不对?


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