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Basic service set identification (BSSID)Each BSS is uniquely identified by a basic service set identification (BSSID).[4] For a BSS operating in infrastructure mode, the BSSID is the MAC address of the wireless access point (WAP) generated by combining the 24 bit Organization Unique Identifier (the manufacturer's identity) and the manufacturer's assigned 24-bit identifier for the radio chipset in the WAP. The BSSID is the formal name of the BSS and is always associated with only one BSS. The SSID is the informal (human) name of the BSS (just like a Windows Workgroup name). A BSS is functionally a contention domain as a local or workgroup network is functionally a broadcast domain. In an ESS each BSS still has its BSSID, however, the entire ESS uses only one SSID (to facilitate laptop and Mobile Internet Device, MID, mobility and Voice over Wifi, VoWiFi, roaming) - now called an ESSID. For an IBSS, the BSSID is a locally administered MAC address generated from a 46-bit random number. The individual/group bit of te address is set to 0 (individual). The universal/local bit of the address is set to 1 (local).

A BSSID with a value of all 1s is used to indicate the wildcard BSSID, usable only during probe requests or for communications that take place outside the context of a BSS

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