
Supporting hyperplane is a concept in geometry. A hyperplane divides a space into two half-spaces. A hyperplane is said to support a set S in Euclidean space if it meets both of the following:

  • S is entirely contained in one of the two closed half-spaces determined by the hyperplane
  • S has at least one point on the hyperplane.

Here, a closed half-space is the half-space that includes the hyperplane.

Supporting hyperplane theorem

This theorem states that if S is a closed convex set in a topological vector space X, and x0 is a point on the boundary of S, then there exists a supporting hyperplane containing x0. If (the dual space of X) such that for all , then

defines a supporting hyperplane.[1]

Conversely, if S is a closed set with nonempty interior such that every point has a supporting hyperplane, then S is a convex set.[1]

The hyperplane in the theorem may not be unique, as noticed in the second picture on the right. If the closed set S is not convex, the statement of the theorem is not true at all points on the boundary of S, as illustrated in the third picture on the right.

A related result is the separating hyperplane theorem.

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