
student(sid,sname,sage,ssex) 学生表 
course(cid,cname,tid) 课程表 
score(sid,cid,score) 成绩表 
teacher(tid,tname) 教师表


CREATE TABLE student ( sid    INT, sname varchar (32), sage  INT, ssex  varchar (8) ); CREATE TABLE course ( cid    INT, cname varchar(32), tid    INT ); CREATE TABLE score ( sid    INT, cid    INT, score INT ); CREATE TABLE teacher ( tid    INT, tname varchar(16) );


insert into student select 1,'刘一',18,'男' FROM dual union allselect 2,'钱二',19,'女' FROM dual union allselect 3,'张三',17,'男' FROM dual union allselect 4,'李四',18,'女' FROM dual union allselect 5,'王五',17,'男' FROM dual union allselect 6,'赵六',19,'女' FROM dual; insert into teacher select 1,'叶平' FROM dual union allselect 2,'贺高' FROM dual union allselect 3,'杨艳' FROM dual union allselect 4,'周磊' FROM dual;insert into course select 1,'语文',1 FROM dual union allselect 2,'数学',2 FROM dual union allselect 3,'英语',3 FROM dual union allselect 4,'物理',4 FROM dual;insert into scoreselect 1,1,56 FROM dual union all select 1,2,78 FROM dual union all select 1,3,67 FROM dual union all select 1,4,58 FROM dual union all select 2,1,79 FROM dual union all select 2,2,81 FROM dual union all select 2,3,92 FROM dual union all select 2,4,68 FROM dual union all select 3,1,91 FROM dual union all select 3,2,47 FROM dual union all select 3,3,88 FROM dual union all select 3,4,56 FROM dual union all select 4,2,88 FROM dual union all select 4,3,90 FROM dual union all select 4,4,93 FROM dual union all select 5,1,46 FROM dual union all select 5,3,78 FROM dual union all select 5,4,53 FROM dual union all select 6,1,35 FROM dual union all select 6,2,68 FROM dual union all select 6,4,71 FROM dual;--mysql
insert into student values (1,'刘一',18,'男'),(2,'钱二',19,'女'),(3,'张三',17,'男'),(4,'李四',18,'女'),(5,'王五',17,'男'),(6,'赵六',19,'女'); insert into teacher values (1,'叶平'),(2,'贺高'),(3,'杨艳'),(4,'周磊');insert into course values (1,'语文',1),(2,'数学',2),(3,'英语',3),(4,'物理',4);insert into score values(1,1,56), (1,2,78), (1,3,67), (1,4,58), (2,1,79), (2,2,81), (2,3,92), (2,4,68), (3,1,91), (3,2,47), (3,3,88), (3,4,56), (4,2,88), (4,3,90), (4,4,93), (5,1,46), (5,3,78), (5,4,53), (6,1,35), (6,2,68), (6,4,71);



select a.sid from (select sid,score from score where cid=001) a,(select sid,score from score where cid=002) b where a.sid=b.sid and a.score>b.score;


select sid,avg(nvl(score,0)) from score group by sid having avg(nvl(score,0))>60;
select sid,avg(ifnull(score,0)) from score group by sid having avg(ifnull(score,0))>60;--补充:MySQL中如何查询的字段中可能存在null值,可以做一些处理
--1.isnull(exper) 判断exper是否为空,是则返回1,否则返回0
--3.nullif(exper1,exper2)如果expr1= expr2 成立,那么返回值为NULL,否则返回值为expr1。


select t1.sid,t1.sname,count(t2.cid),sum(t2.score) from student t1 left join score t2 on t1.sid=t2.sid group by t1.sid,sname;


select count(distinct tname) from teacher where tname like '李%';
select count(distinct tname) from teacher where substr(tname,0,1)='李';


select sid,sname from student where sid not in
(select distinct t1.sid from score t1 left join course t2 on t1.cid=t2.cid where t2.tid=(select tid from teacher where tname='叶平'));


select sid,sname from student where sid in (select sid from score where cid=001 or cid=002 group by sid having count(cid)>1);
select t1.sid,t1.sname from student t1 left join score t2 on t1.sid=t2.sid where t2.cid=001 and exists (select * from score t3 where t2.sid=t3.sid and t3.cid=002);


select sid,sname from student where sid in
(select sid from score t1,course t2,teacher t3 where t1.cid=t2.cid and t2.tid=t3.tid and t3.tname='叶平' group by t1.sid having count(distinct t2.cid)=
(select count(distinct course.cid) from course left join teacher on course.tid=teacher.tid where teacher.tname='叶平'));


SELECT a.sid,a.sname from
(select t1.sid,t1.sname,t2.score from student t1,score t2 where t1.sid=t2.sid and t2.cid=001) a,
(select t1.sid,t1.sname,t2.score from student t1,score t2 where t1.sid=t2.sid and t2.cid=002) b
where a.sid=b.sid and b.score < a.score;
select sid,sname from (
select t1.sid,t1.sname,t2.score,(select t3.score from score t3 where t1.sid=t3.sid and t3.cid=002) score2
from student t1,score t2 where t1.sid=t2.sid and t2.cid=001) where score2 < score;


select t1.sid,t1.sname from student t1 left join score t2 on t1.sid=t2.sid group by t1.sid,sname having max(t2.score)<60;


select sid,sname from student where sid not in (select t1.sid from student t1 left join score t2 on t1.sid=t2.sid and t2.score>60);
select t1.sid,t1.sname from student t1 left join score t2 on t1.sid=t2.sid group by t1.sid,sname having min(t2.score)<60;


select t1.sid,t1.sname from student t1 left join score t2 on t1.sid=t2.sid group by t1.sid,sname having count(t2.cid)<(select count(cid) from course);


select distinct t1.sid,t1.sname from student t1 left join score t2 on t1.sid=t2.sid where t2.cid in (select distinct cid from score where sid=001) and t1.sid <>001;


update score set score=(select avg(score) from score where cid=
(select t1.cid from course t1,teacher t2 where t1.tid=t2.tid and t2.tname='叶平')) where cid=
(select t1.cid from course t1,teacher t2 where t1.tid=t2.tid and t2.tname='叶平');


SELECT t1.sid,t1.sname from student t1,score t2 where t1.sid=t2.sid and t2.cid in
(select distinct cid from score where sid=002) and t1.sid != 002 group by t1.sid,t1.sname
having count(distinct t2.cid) = (select count(distinct cid) from score where sid=002);


delete from score where cid in (select t1.cid from course t1 left join teacher t2 on t1.tid=t2.tid where t2.tname='叶平'); 


insert into score(sid,cid,score) select sid,'002',(select avg(score) from score where cid='002') from student
where sid not in (select sid from score where cid='003');

16.按平均成绩从高到低显示所有学生的“语文”、“数学”、“英语”、“物理”四门的课程成绩,按如下形式显示: 学生ID,语文,数学,英语,物理,有效课程数,有效平均分

select t.sid 学生ID,
(select t1.score from score t1 left join course t2 on t1.cid=t2.cid where t1.sid=t.sid and t2.cname='语文') 语文,
(select t1.score from score t1 left join course t2 on t1.cid=t2.cid where t1.sid=t.sid and t2.cname='数学') 数学,
(select t1.score from score t1 left join course t2 on t1.cid=t2.cid where t1.sid=t.sid and t2.cname='英语') 英语,
(select t1.score from score t1 left join course t2 on t1.cid=t2.cid where t1.sid=t.sid and t2.cname='物理') 物理,
count(*) 有效课程数,avg(t.score) 有效平均分 from score t group by t.sid order by avg(t.score) desc;


select cid,max(score),min(score) from score group by cid;


select t.cid,avg(t.score),100*((select count(*) from score t1 where t1.cid=t.cid and score >= 60)/
(select count(*) from score t2 where t.cid=t2.cid)) 及格率 from score t
group by t.cid order by avg(t.score) asc,及格率 desc;
select t.cid,avg(t.score),100*(sum(case when score >= 60 then 1 else 0 end)/count(*)) 及格率 from score t
group by t.cid order by avg(t.score) asc,及格率 desc;

19.查询如下课程平均成绩和及格率的百分数(用"1行"显示): 语文001,数学002,英语003,物理004

select (select avg(score) from score where cid=001) avg1,
100*((select count(*) from score where cid=001 and score >= 60)/(select count(*) from score where cid=001)) pass1,
(select avg(score) from score where cid=002) avg2,
100*((select count(*) from score where cid=002 and score >= 60)/(select count(*) from score where cid=002)) pass2,
(select avg(score) from score where cid=003) avg3,
100*((select count(*) from score where cid=003 and score >= 60)/(select count(*) from score where cid=003)) pass3,
(select avg(score) from score where cid=004) avg4,
100*((select count(*) from score where cid=004 and score >= 60)/(select count(*) from score where cid=004)) pass4 from dual;
select sum(case when cid=001 then score else 0 end)/sum(case when cid=001 then 1 else 0 end) avg1,
100*(sum(case when score >= 60 and cid=001 then 1 else 0 end)/sum(case when cid=001 then 1 else 0 end)) pass1,
sum(case when cid=002 then score else 0 end)/sum(case when cid=002 then 1 else 0 end) avg2,
100*(sum(case when score >= 60 and cid=002 then 1 else 0 end)/sum(case when cid=002 then 1 else 0 end)) pass2,
sum(case when cid=003 then score else 0 end)/sum(case when cid=003 then 1 else 0 end) avg2,
100*(sum(case when score >= 60 and cid=003 then 1 else 0 end)/sum(case when cid=003 then 1 else 0 end)) pass3,
sum(case when cid=004 then score else 0 end)/sum(case when cid=004 then 1 else 0 end) avg2,
100*(sum(case when score >= 60 and cid=004 then 1 else 0 end)/sum(case when cid=004 then 1 else 0 end)) pass4 from score;


select t2.tid,t2.tname,t1.cid,t1.cname,avg(t3.score) from course t1,teacher t2,score t3
where t1.tid=t2.tid and t1.cid=t3.cid group by t2.tid,t2.tname,t1.cid,t1.cname order by avg(t3.score) desc;

21.查询如下课程成绩第 3 名到第 6 名的学生成绩单:语文(001),数学(002),英语(003),物理(004) 

select t1.sid,t1.sname,
(select a.score from score a where a.sid=t1.sid and a.cid=001) score1,
(select b.score from score b where b.sid=t1.sid and b.cid=002) score2,
(select c.score from score c where c.sid=t1.sid and c.cid=003) score3,
(select d.score from score d where d.sid=t1.sid and d.cid=004) score4,
(select avg(e.score) from score e where e.sid=t1.sid and e.cid in (001,002,003,004)) avg_all
from student t1 order by avg_all desc limit 2,4;--oracle
select sid,sname,score1,score2,score3,score4,avg_all from (
select rownum n,t.* from (
select t1.sid,t1.sname,
(select a.score from score a where a.sid=t1.sid and a.cid=001) score1,
(select b.score from score b where b.sid=t1.sid and b.cid=002) score2,
(select c.score from score c where c.sid=t1.sid and c.cid=003) score3,
(select d.score from score d where d.sid=t1.sid and d.cid=004) score4,
(select avg(e.score) from score e where e.sid=t1.sid and e.cid in (001,002,003,004)) avg_all
from student t1 order by avg_all desc) t ) where n between 3 and 6;

22.统计列各科成绩,各分数段人数:课程ID,课程名称,[100-85],[85-70],[70-60],[ <60]

select t2.cid 课程ID,t2.cname 课程名称,sum(case when t1.score > 85 then 1 else 0 end)  '[100-85]',
sum(case when t1.score between 70 and 85 then 1 else 0 end) '[85-70]',
sum(case when t1.score between 60 and 70 then 1 else 0 end) '[70-60]',
sum(case when t1.score <60  then 1 else 0 end) '[ <60]' from score t1,course t2
where t1.cid=t2.cid group by t2.cid,t2.cname;


select 1+(select count(distinct avg_score) from
(select avg(score) avg_score from score group by sid) t1 where t1.avg_score > t2.avg_score2) 名次,
t2.sid,t2.avg_score2 from
(select sid,avg(score) avg_score2 from score group by sid) t2 order by t2.avg_score2 desc;


--注意:MySQL中不可以用top N ,limit也不能直接用于in/any/all等子查询中
select t1.sid,t1.cid,t1.score from score t1 where exists
(select count(1) from score where t1.cid=score.cid and t1.score < score having count(1) < 3)
order by t1.cid,t1.score desc;
select t1.sid,t1.cid,t1.score from score t1 where
(select count(sid) from score where t1.cid=score.cid and t1.score < score) < 3
order by t1.cid,t1.score desc;


select cid,count(sid) from score group by cid;


select sid,sname from student where sid in
(select sid from score group by sid having count(cid) = 1);


select ssex,count(sid) from student group by ssex;


select sid,sname from student where sname like '张%';
select sid,sname from student where substr(sname,1,1)='张';
--注意,在MySQL中substr( )函数是从1开始计算,而Oracle是从0开始


select sname,count(sid) from student group by sname having count(sid)>1;


select sid,sname from student where year(now())-2001+1=sage;


select cid,avg(score) from score group by cid order by avg(score),cid desc;


select t1.sid,t1.sname,avg(t2.score) from student t1,score t2
where t1.sid=t2.sid group by t1.sid having avg(t2.score) >85;


select t1.sname,ifnull(t2.score,0) from student t1,score t2,course t3 where t1.sid=t2.sid and t2.cid=t3.cid
and t3.cname='物理' and t2.score < 60;


select t1.sid,t1.sname,t3.cid,t3.cname from student t1,score t2,course t3
where t1.sid=t2.sid and t2.cid=t3.cid;


select t1.sname,t3.cname,t2.score from student t1,score t2,course t3
where t1.sid=t2.sid and t2.cid=t3.cid and t2.score >= 70;


select cid from score where score < 60 order by cid desc;


select t1.sid,t1.sname from student t1,score t2 where t1.sid=t2.sid and t2.cid=003 and t2.score >= 80;


select count(t.sid) from (
select sid from score group by sid having count(cid) > 0) t;
select count(distinct sid) from score;


select t1.sname,max(t2.score) from student t1,score t2,course t3,teacher t4
where t1.sid=t2.sid and t2.cid=t3.cid and t3.tid=t4.tid and t4.tname='叶平';


select t1.sid,t1.cid,t1.score,t2.sid,t2.cid,t2.score from score t1,score t2
where t1.cid <> t2.cid and t1.score=t2.score; 


select t1.cid,t1.sid,t1.score from score t1 where
(select count(t2.sid) from score t2 where t1.cid=t2.cid and t1.score < t2.score) < 2
order by t1.cid,t1.score desc;


select cid,count(sid) from score group by cid having count(sid) > 4
order by count(sid) desc,cid asc;


select sid from score group by sid having count(cid) >=2;


select t2.cid,t2.cname from score t1,course t2
where t1.cid=t2.cid group by t2.cid,t2.cname having count(t1.sid)=(select count(*) from student);


select t1.sname from student t1,score t2 where t1.sid=t2.sid and t2.cid in
(select t1.cid from course t1,teacher t2 where t1.tid=t2.tid and t2.tname='叶平');


select sid,avg(ifnull(score,0)) from score where sid in (
select sid from score where score < 60 group by sid having count(cid) > 1) group by sid;


select sid from score where cid=004 and score < 60 order by score desc;


delete from score where sid=002 and cid=001;



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